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This Week's PRC and Sister-Church News, March 1-7, 2020 *(Updated)

Isaiah 53 4Today, March 1, is the ninth Lord's Day of 2020; we may note the following news and information concerning PRC congregations, the Seminary, sister churches, and mission fields.


“The unilateral character [of God’s covenant] had to come out with ever-increasing clarity in the course of history. True, the covenant of God imposed obligations also on those with whom it was made—obligations, not as conditions for entering into the covenant (for the covenant was made and based only on God’s compassion), but as the way the people who had by grace been incorporated into the covenant henceforth had to conduct themselves…But although Israel repeatedly accepted God’s covenant…it did not walk in the way of the covenant but consistently desecrated and broke it. Thus the question arose whether this covenant of grace was as unstable as the covenant…had been before the fall. Replying to this question, revelation answered ever more forcefully and loudly as apostasy increased. No, this covenant does not falter; people may become unfaithful, but God does not forget his promise. This covenant is anchored solely in his compassion…God cannot and may not break his covenant. Voluntarily, of his own accord, he bound himself to its provisions with a solemn oath; his name, his honor, his very being depend on it” (Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, 4.204).


  • On Jan.19 Rev. H.Bleyenberg (Providence PRC) accepted the call to Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB). Rev. Heath Bleyenberg plans to preach his farewell sermon at Providence today. He and his wife Deb plan to leave for their new church home on March 17. Rev. N. Langerak (Crete PRC) is bringing the word in Lacombe today and next week.

  • The Consistory of Kalamazoo PRC announces a new trio from which to call a pastor: Revs. J. Engelsma (Doon PRC), S. Key (Loveland PRC), and C. Spronk (Faith PRC). The congregational meeting will be held this evening. UPDATE: Rev. J. Engelsma has received this call.

  • The Consistory of Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN) announces a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. M. De Boer (Edgerton, MN), Rev. J. Engelsma (Doon, IA), and Rev. J. Smidstra (Holland, MI). UPDATE: Rev. J. Engelsma has received this call.

  • Let us continue to pray for Rev. J. Marcus and his family, and the flock of First PRC in Edmonton, AB. At the present time, Rev. Marcus continues on a leave of absence from his pastoral duties in Edmonton, but he is available to preach elsewhere in the Protestant Reformed Churches. Consistories needing pulpit supply are encouraged to contact him. Rev. S. Key is bringing the Word in Edmonton again today while Rev. Marcus is preaching in Michigan today.

  • Did you know? (This about Southwest PRC in Wyoming, MI): In December the congregation approved hiring an architect to draw preliminary plans to expand our church building. A committee of the Council is currently working with the architect to make sure the preliminary plans meet our needs. This work continues. (from her bulletin today)


From the Contact Committee:  Rev. Ken Koole filled the pulpit in CERC - Singapore for the month of February [now finished and returned to the States].  Church Visitation was just recently conducted there by Rev. Koole and Rev. Haak (on his way back from India).  Prof. R. Dykstra left for the Philippines this week [Feb.19] as part of the annual delegation visit from the PRC.  Rev. Koole met Prof. Dykstra in the Philippines to carry out the work of the delegation.  Prof. Dykstra also intends to supply the pulpit in CERC- Singapore on March 1 and 8 and then return home.  Please remember these visits in prayer.

Classis East Notice: There will be a special meeting of Classis East on Tuesday, March 17  in Hudsonville PRC to give its advice on a decision of Hope PRC to release their pastor from the ministry under Article 12 of the Church Order.

Classis West Notice: Classis West will be meeting this week Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at Peace Church, Dyer, Indiana, D.V. Classis once again has a busy agenda that includes a request from First Edmonton PRC requesting release of their pastor under Article 11 of the Church Order, 2 protests against previous decisions of Classis, an overture regarding special worship services, and an appeal against decisions taken by a consistory. May God grant wisdom to the delegates as they sort through and deliberate on the weighty material of the agenda. [Loveland PRC bulletin]

2020 RBC Flyer DJE

Special Reformed Bible Conference Notice:

Professor David J. Engelsma will be speaking at the Reformed Bible Conference on April 17th at Richland Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Rosemark,TN. The conference, focusing on the theme “The Triune God – Defined, Defended, & Declared”, is open to the public and free to attend. A flier containing additional details on the conference can be made available by emailing the Crete PRC evangelism committee secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. [A copy of the schedule is also attached to this news post.]

SemCornerstone 2

PRC Seminary News:

  • The seminary is entering its seventh week of the second semester. The class schedule and calendar have been posted on the seminary's website. The first round of practice preaching was held this past Monday (Feb.24) with Sems. J. Tan and M.Wee delivering sermons. Remember to pray for the faculty, students, and staff as they busy themselves in the work of this new semester.

  • Prof. R. Dykstra and his wife Carol spent a week in the Philippines visiting the PRCP (sister churches) and are now spending two Sundays in the Covenant ERC in Singapore (another sister church) on behalf of the PRC Contact Committee. Profs. B. Gritters and D. Kuiper will cover his seminary classes while he is gone. May the Lord grant safe travels and good visits to these churches and fellow saints.

  • Sem. Josiah Tan (CERC-Singapore) has been licensed to speak a word of edification in the churches and has been busy preaching in the West Michigan area and beyond. Contact Prof. B. Gritters (rector) for scheduling.

  • Looking for some good Reformed books to read, Bible study materials or seminary publications to use? Come and visit the seminary's bookstore! We have a variety of Bibles, commentaries, and good books - used and new - for our members and friends. And you may also make use of our library - here's the link to our online catalog if you wish to search for something to read or use.

  • Future Teachers and Ministers: Information for the 2020 PR Scholarship Fund essay competition is now available. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the essay topics and submission requirements. Completed essays must be submitted by May 30th. 

  • Need for Ministers: Synod 2019 took a decision to place the urgent need for seminary students before our churches. Please remember in your prayers to petition the Lord of the harvest for pastors, and please encourage young men, whom you observe to have the gifts, to consider the ministry. If you wish to listen to a couple of sermons by our professors that address this need, listen to "The (Suffering) Minister's Steadfast Confession" and "The Beautiful Feet of the Gospel Preacher."

CPRC News Header
*See the latest Covenant PRC-N. Ireland Newsletter!


  • Concerning our sister church in Singapore, Covenant ERC, the following may be mentioned:
    • Prof. R. Dykstra and his wife Carol are currently serving the CERC (March 1-8).
    • Concerning Rev. J. Mahtani's application to serve in CERC, our sister church had this report in a recent bulletin: The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has rejected our latest appeal for approval of our application for Rev Jonathan Mahtani’s employment pass. The lawyers, whom we engaged, have written to Central Manpower Base (CMPB) to reconsider our application based on our interpretation of the deferred NS obligations of Rev Mahtani. Let us not lose hope but continue to earnestly pray that the Lord’s will be done. In this conjunction, do attend the prayer meeting at 11.30am after this morning worship service.
    • The December 2019 newsletter - Reformed News Asia - was posted recently and may be found on this page.
  • Concerning our sister church in Ballymena, N. Ireland, Covenant PRC,  the following may be noted:
    • Rev. A. Stewart led Covenant's services today.
    • Read the latest CPRC newsletter - February 2020!
    • *Join Reformed believers from around the world at the 2020 British Reformed Fellowship family conference at Castlewellan Castle in Northern Ireland from Saturday, July 11 to Saturday, July 18.  Our speakers, Prof. David Engelsma and Rev. Andy Lanning, will lecture on "Union with Christ".  For information see the website or contact Briana Prins at 616-214-2779;  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Rooms are filling quickly, so complete your booking form today!
    • Read the new February 2020 issue of the "Covenant Reformed News"!

  • Concerning the PRC in the Philippines, the following may be gleaned from the bulletins of the Berean PRC, PRC in Bulacan, Maranatha PRC, and Provident CC:
    • Congregational and Denominational News:

~ Maranatha PRC: Rev. L. Trinidad, our Pastor will lead us in both services. He will continue the lesson on the Canons of Dordt. The Church Visitation is in the afternoon at 3:00 o”clock.

~ Provident PRC: Rev. Holstege will lead both of our worship services today. In the first service, we will witness the baptism of, Violet Joy, the baby daughter of Rev and Leah Holstege. May God bless and edify us through the word and sacrament today. And a notice of an upcoming delegation: A delegation from Doon PRC and the FMC (PRCA) will visit the Philippines from March 12-25. Rev. Jonathan Langerak and his wife Sarah (from Heritage PRC in Sioux Falls, South Dakota) will be coming, together with Deacon Caleb Wooiwood (from Doon PRC). The purpose of their visit centers on the missionaries and their work here in the Philippines.

~ The most recent mission newsletter was published and distributed this Fall. You may find that October 2019 update here.

~ And for more on the life and work of our "sisters" in the Far East read the news under Philippine missions.

  • The PRC also has a "corresponding relationship" with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) of Australia. We remember these brothers and sisters in our prayers and labors also.


What is the gospel of Christ crucified and raised? Read this resource to learn more.


  • Are you looking for good Reformed literature and a solid Reformed and biblical magazine? Visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association's website (, where you will find information on books in all major Christian categories, as well as on the bi-monthly periodical, the Standard Bearer.

  • Would you like to learn more about the PRC and her doctrines and practices? Are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Visit the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

RWH Logo 2019

  • Remember to listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you or on Sermonaudio wherever you are!
    • Continuing this month Rev. R. Kleyn of the Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA is delivering a series on prayer, with today's message titled "May God's Will Be Done" based on Luke 11:2. Listen to the broadcast on the station near you or visit the links provided here to listen to this program.
    • From the Reformed Witness Hour Committee:

~ The Reformed Witness Hour Committee wishes to remind everyone that you can receive their bi-monthly newsletter via email by simply signing up at  Each newsletter contains information about places around our globe where the RWH is downloaded; news about the RWH’s witness on the radio and via the internet, printed booklet, and CD and links to many popular and relevant RWH messages.

~ A Spanish edition of the RWH has been produced and may be found on this YouTube channel (PRC Espanol). Why not check it out - and help spread the word!

 Yg Calvinists

ESPECIALLY FOR PRC Young People and Young Adults:

  • The Young Calvinists will be hosting a Talking Points Lecture on Saturday, March 14 from 2-4pm at Georgetown PRC. Seminarian Josiah Tan will speaking on "Evangelism & The Covenant: How these two doctrines come together in the PRC's Sister church in Singapore." This interactive workshop will be live-streamed to our churches in and out of state! We encourage you to Facebook message us with any questions on local evangelism that you would like addressed by our speaker."

  • Chaperone registration for the 2020 Young People’s Convention hosted by Georgetown PRC is now open!  The convention is planned for August 10-14, 2020 at the Lake Williamson Camp in Carlinville, IL.  To register, go to, and follow the instructions under the Chaperone tab.  If you have any questions, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Conventioneer registration opens March 15.

  • Young Men's Conference - Young men of High School and College age, please plan to attend the GPRC Young Men’s Conference, with the theme of "Run, Fight, Lead!", on Saturday morning, April 25, from 8 am-12:00 pm, at Georgetown Protestant Reformed Church. Breakfast is included! Don’t wait, register today!  For more details and to register please visit

  • Future Teachers and Ministers: Information for the 2020 PR Scholarship Fund essay competition is now available. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the essay topics and submission requirements. Completed essays must be submitted by May 30th. 

  • The Western Young People's Retreat, hosted by the Lynden and Spokane Young Peoples, will be held July 14-17, 2020, at Camp Sanders in N. Idaho.  This is a retreat for Young People ages 13-18 (going into 9th-12th grade).  More information and registration will be available in March. Contact Rev. Kleyn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.

  • The latest issue of Salt Shakers magazine has been published. To read the December 2019 issue (#58), visit this page.



Domestic Labors:

  • Remember in prayer our home missionary, Rev. A. Spriensma, who continues to labor in the West Michigan area and beyond through Byron Center PRC, the calling church. From BC-PRC's bulletn today we learn this: "Pastor Spriensma will be filling the pulpit at Borculo CRC this evening. May the Lord bless this opportunity to proclaim the gospel." And related to his work is this notice: "The Dorr Bible Study meets this Thursday, March 5, at 7:30 PM. We plan to take up our discussion beginning at John 10:22. Please join us and bring friends or neighbors along to the library in Dorr!"
  • Limerick Reformed Fellowship News:
    • Rev. M. McGeown led the services today.
    • S. Wales Lecture: Rev. McGeown gave a lecture this past Thursday on “The Canon of Sacred Scripture” at Margam Community Centre.
    • The last mission newsletter from the Limerick Reformed Fellowship - the December 2019 edition - may be found here.

Philippine Missions:

  • Berean PRC News: This congregation continues to work in Gabaldon, Nueve Ecija.
  • Provident PRC News (last week): Rev. D. Kleyn continues his monthly visits to Southern Negros Occidental to preach and teach in reforming churches there.
  • The newest Philippines mission newsletter has been published and posted! The January 2020 issue may be read here.
  • For more on life and activities in the Philippines from the personal perspective of the missionary's, visit the Kleyn's blog, the Holstege's, and the Smits!

We remember in prayer the needs of these busy pastors and missionaries in the Philippines. May the Lord of the harvest give them grace to be faithful and encouraged in all their labors.


  • We also remember our sister church's work (Covenant ERC in Singapore) in Kolkata, through Rev. E. Singh.


  • Let us also remember Hope PRC's (Grand Rapids, MI) support of and involvement with Rev. Titus' work in Myanmar; for his latest report, visit this page.
Last modified on 08 March 2020