
PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for November 22, 2020

The following are special highlights of PRC and sister-church news for this Sunday, November 22, 2020, the forty-seventh Lord's Day of this year.

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  • This week Thursday morning, Nov,26, the PRCs in the U.S. will hold their annual Thanksgiving Day service. You are cordially invited to join them in worship of the sovereign God of providence and grace, who bestows on His people every blessing in Christ for their good in this life and in that to come. O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works. (Psalm 105:1,2)

  • Bernie Fran Woudenberg 2020In Memoriam: This past Tuesday, Nov.17, Rev. Bernie Woudenberg was taken to glory, twelve days after this wife, and the day before her funeral was planned. With more strict Covid-19 restrictions in place again in Michigan, a joint funeral for the family was held on Wednesday, Nov.18.
    • His obituary was published as follows:
      Rev. Bernard Woudenberg, age 89, of Jenison, passed away and went home to be with his Lord and Savior, Tuesday, November 17, 2020.  He was born in Grand Rapids on February 16, 1931, to Bernard and Lucy (Hanko) Woudenberg.
      Bernie was widowed 12 days previous when his wife of 67 years, Frances (Kerkstra) Woudenberg passed away on November 5, 2020....

      Rev. Bernard Woudenberg served the Protestant Reformed denomination as a minister in Grand Rapids, Edgerton, MN, Lynden, WA, Kalamazoo, and they retired in 1996. They retired to the Hudsonville/Jenison area and became members of Georgetown Protestant Reformed Church. They often went on mission trips together to Jamaica, Tasmania, and Romania.
    • And Georgetown PRC had this note in her bulletin today: This past Wednesday our brother and sister, Rev. Bernie and Frances Woudenberg, after a family funeral service, were buried side by side in Georgetown Cemetery, in the sure hope of the resurrection of the dead in the day of the Lord. We thank our heavenly Father for his faithful service in the gospel ministry in our churches. We thank the Lord for her faithfulness to her calling as a minister’s wife, as a mother, and as a sister in Christ. We pray for the Lord’s comfort to rest upon their family and loved ones. Machpelah (Genesis 23:19) is the grave Abraham purchased for Sarah and himself. It means “a couple”. One in faith, one in life, one in death, one in hope.”
  • Rev. A.Spriensma (PRC home missionary) is considering the call to Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN). We pray that the Lord will show him plainly what His will is.

  • Rev. C.Spronk (Faith PRC) is considering the call from Hudsonville PRC (received Nov.12).  May the Lord be his guide as he weighs this new call.

  • The Consistory of Wingham PRC has formed a new trio from which to call her next pastor: Revs. J.Engelsma (Doon), J.Laning (Hull), and N.Langerak (Crete). A special congregational meeting is planned for this Wednesday Nov.25.

  • The Council of Kalamazoo PRC has announced a new trio: Revs. D.Holstege (PRC missionary to the Philippines), Rev. D.Kleyn (PRC missionary to the Philippines), and J.Laning (Hull, IA). A special congregational meeting is scheduled for Nov.29.

  • Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs: Rev. J. Holstege in Cornerstone PRC; Prof. R.Cammenga and Rev. G.Eriks in Hudsonville PRC; Kalamazoo PRC has paused public worship services for two weeks due to increased cases of COVID-19; Prof. B.Gritters and Prof. R. Dykstra in Providence PRC. We thank the Lord for this blessing of our church federation to help one another in this need. And may we also remember to pray for the needs of these vacant congregations, including Wingham PRC, which cannot have pulpit supply from the U.S. at this time (pandemic travel restrictions).
  • For those who may still be limited to house worship, whether completely or partially, we invite you to visit the PR churches page and follow the links to the websites where the churches' livestream may be found. Or you may visit the selected audio sermon page and listen to one of your choice there.

  • Did you know that:
    • First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) helped sponsor another conference in Mexico this past week? Under these circumstances?!, you say. Yes, the Reformed conference on marriage and the family scheduled for this past summer was finally held this past weekend - virtually and digitally! Here's a couple of reports from First's bulletin (along with some other exciting translating news!) and from Covenant of Grace PRC's bulletin:
      This past week Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Prof. Cammenga, Rev. Kleyn, and Rev. Griess held a conference on Marriage and Family for saints in Latin America.  The conference was conducted online.  People tuned in from all over Latin America to hear God's Word.  Doner Bartolon did the translating which worked well via the online platform.  Pray for God's blessing on the conference.  In addition, publishing in Spanish is still progressing in spite of the pandemic.  Doner is translating Hoeksema's Dogmatics currently, and has already translated Rev. Griess' book on preparing for dating and marriage.  'Doctrine According to Godliness' is almost finished as well.  A book on the 16th Century Reformation, a book of Reformed Witness Hour sermons, and another book on worldview are at the printers.  Pray for the saints in this part of the world.
      This past week Rev. Kleyn participated, with Prof. Cammenga and Rev. Griess, in giving a virtual family conference for the saints in Mexico. Rev. Kleyn gave two speeches yesterday afternoon on “The Duties of Parents” and “Youth Preparing for Marriage” followed by a Q&A session that lasted about an hour. This was a conference that Doner Bartolon organized and had people tuning in to, not only from Mexico, but also Bolivia, Columbia, Peru and other parts of Central and South America. Rev. Griess gave two speeches on Thursday and Prof. Cammenga two on Friday. Doner translated the speeches into Spanish, live, for all who were tuned in, and then took questions in Spanish and put them to us in English. It really is amazing how God gives us opportunities like this, during COVID, to use technology to do something that is otherwise impossible. Pray that God will bless these labors.
    • the church visitors from Classis East are planning what may be a first in PRC history - a virtual church visit! Here's the note from Wingham PRC's (ON, Canada) bulletin today: "THE ANNUAL MEETING with the Church Visitors according to Article 44 of the Church Order will take place virtually, Lord willing, Monday, November 23rd at 8:00 p.m."


  • From the PRC Contact Committee: Some of our sister churches in the Philippines and some of their membership were recently, in the Lord’s providence, impacted with significant property damage from a typhoon. Many of our members have asked about helping the saints in the Philippines. The diaconate of the Doon PRC is in close contact with the churches in the Philippines, and will continue to be in correspondence. They have been informed that the church most affected, Provident PRCP, currently has adequate money in their benevolent fund so that no additional help is needed at this time. We thank you for your care and concern for our brothers and sisters in the Philippines and will update you if this situation changes. Please remember them in your prayers.  We also would like to take this opportunity to remind all of us that any financial help given to the saints or churches in the Philippines should go through the Doon PRC diaconate.
  • Home missionary, Rev. A. Spriensma, brought the Word to the Peace PRC (Dyer, IN) today.
  • As many of our churches and families are being more impacted by the pandemic, including the loss of loved ones, this note in Grace PRC's bulletin today is certainly timely and relevant: "May those struck by the coronavirus be able to recover quickly, and may their quarantined families learn patient submission to the Lord. Heavenly Father, sustain these Thy children by Thy Spirit and speak comfortably to them of Thy everlasting mercy, so they and their loved ones can praise Thee for Thy goodness and mercy."

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Special PRC Seminary Notices:

  • Seminary has now completed twelve and a half weeks of its first semester. This week Thursday and Friday is our annual Thanksgiving week break. We thank the Lord for the prayer and financial support of the churches. Continue to remember the seminary in prayer as we enter the final weeks of the semester.
  • The second round of practice preaching is scheduled for the Mondays of Nov.16 and 23. Pray for the students as they prepare for and carry out this vital part of their training.
  • Notice of Licensure: The faculty has licensed student Marcus Wee to speak a word of edification in our churches.  Brother Wee is a member of our sister church, Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore.  We rejoice at this milestone in the brother’s preparation for the ministry of the gospel.  Any scheduling of him to lead worship services will be through the seminary faculty.  This also provides us with an opportunity to impress upon our churches and sister churches the great need that we have for students for the ministry.  Let us pray the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers in His vineyard, Matthew 9:37-38.  For the faculty, Prof. Ron Cammenga, Rector.
  • The Fall issue of the PRTS Journal is being planned and prepared. In the meantime the Spring issue may be found at the link provided, with plenty of good reading material in it.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website.

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Our church worship services have been canceled again today due to the flooding of Provident Village caused by Typhoon Ulysses.
(Provident PRC in the Philippines - bulletin today. See more on this below)


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore: 
    • From today's "Pastoral Voice" in her bulletin: The Lord has answered the prayers of our hearts. The authorities have approved the Employment Pass for Prof Dykstra to come to Singapore to labour in CERC! We continue to pray for God’s leading to grant Mrs Dykstra a dependent pass so that she can be a helpmeet to Prof Dykstra while he labours in CERC. Tentatively, they plan to arrive in mid-Decemberand leave in May 2021.
    • And concerning her missionary (Rev. E. Singh) and his work in Kolkata, India, the CERC recently had this update: We are thankful to God that our brethren in Kolkata have secured a new place for their worship service. They have started worshipping in the new premise. The new premise is close to previous worship place and is quite close to Pastor Emmanuel’s house. Thisplace is much bigger than previous place and can sit more than 75 worshippers. Pray that the Lord will grant grace to our brothers and sisters that they will use this place for the faithful preaching of the Gospel and the gathering of His sheep. Do continue to remember our Missionary Pastor in your prayer as he cares for the saints in Kolkata.
    • The October 2020 issue of "Reformed News Asia" was recently published (#62). Read that issue here.
    • A new issue of Salt Shakers magazine (for young people) is also out - read the October 2020 at this link.
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word to the saints assembled in Ballymena, but the CPRC bulletin this week contained this special note: The civil government is bringing in a 2-week lockdown to limit the spread of Covid-19, beginning this Friday. During this time, our worship services will be live-streamed, and our Bible studies and catechism classes will be cancelled. May the Lord give us patience and peace in these trying circumstances.
    • Missionary-pastor M. McGeown continues to bring the gospel to the saints in Limerick, which is once again under lockdown; online services only will be held for the near future.
    • Be sure to read the latest issue of the "Covenant Reformed News" - October 2020!
  • PRC in the Philippines:
    • The Philippines was hit by another powerful typhoon recently (Ulysses - Category 4). Especially hit hard was the area north of Manila including Marikina City, where Provident PRC and her members are located. This is a brief summary of things from Maranatha PRC's bulletin today: Marikina City was flooded in the recent typhoon and the worst affected was the Provident PRC church building and their members. The water reached up to the second floor of their buildings. It might take time to clean the whole village due to thick mud and debris. Let us pray for our brethren. Indeed!
      Let us ask for God's special mercies on these fellow saints as well as on our missionaries as they minister to them and work to clean up the mess from this typhoon.
    • With strict government limitations on public gatherings still in place due to the pandemic (Metro Manila and nearby provinces are now under the General Community Quarantine (GCQ) through November 30), the PRCP pastors and the PRC missionaries carry on with livestreaming of services as well as with online catechism classes and Bible studies. Pray for them and the saints there as they continue to live and labor under these tight restrictions.
    • PRCP Seminary News: Let us continue to pray for our seminary instructors and students. “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Tim. 2:15). [Provident PRC bulletin]
    • The PRCP Classis met on October 31 at the Provident PRC Marikina City - via Zoom! The Classis is in recess and plans to resume on Nov.30, D.V.

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!

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  • Rev. W. Bruinsma (Pittsburgh PRC) is delivering the messages on the program at present (Oct.2020 - Jan 2021). Today he delivers a special Thanksgiving Day message - Thanksgiving unto God's Glory - based on 2 Corinthians 4:15.
  • Listen to the broadcast on the station near you, on your favorite podcast (Google Music, Spotify, and iTunes), or visit the links provided here to listen to this program. Have you listened lately?
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Commitee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • Special notices for November: 

    The Reformed Witness Hour is pleased to announce that beginning last month (Oct.) we have added a new broadcast time on Wednesday evenings at 8PM on WFUR-FM 92.9/AM1570 (Grand Rapids, MI).  The RWH will also continue to broadcast at our normal time slot on Sundays at 4PM. We encourage you to listen if you are able, and to promote the broadcast to family and friends when you have the opportunity.

    The Reformed Witness Hour is pleased to announce that beginning last month (Oct.) we have added a new broadcast in the Kalamazoo area at 4PM each Sunday on WKPR-FM 105.1/AM1440. We encourage you to listen if you are able, and to promote the broadcast to family and friends.



Wonder Grace HH
Are you familiar with this classic from the pen of Herman Hoeksema (originally radio sermons covering the wonder of God's saving work - from eternity to glory!)? For more information on how to obtain your copy to read and study, visit the RFPA website.

  • For sound, distinctively Reformed literature on a variety of subjects and for all ages - including church history and Bible study materials - visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association website or stop in at their Jenison (Michigan) location.

  • Be sure to check out the Reformed Book Outlet in downtown Hudsonville, MI and online! As a reminder, their hours of business are currently Tuesday 10-1, Wednesday 1-5, and Saturday 10-1, or send your order to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Want to learn more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation:

What a rich concept was revealed: equal or heirs together of all that a person receives or will receive in salvation. There are not two different groups of people that are saved and blessed as premillennialists teach. Jews are not first-rate people, and Gentiles second-rate. They are made one and inherit salvation blessings jointly.

Jew and Gentile are members together of one body, the church. Christ is the head, and all true believers are His body, mystically united to Christ and to one another. This is something into which the people of God must grow and toward one another strive. How is this to happen? It is to happen only as we grow in the love and knowledge of the One who has brought us together. We are equally sinners. We have been equally brought to the same Savior. We have the same salvation.

We share together in the promise in Christ Jesus. While we have many promises, in our text the word ‘promise ‘ is singular. It refers to the promise of redemption made to our first parents Adam and Eve, and repeated over and over in greater clarity in the Old Testament predictions.

This mystery was revealed to the Apostle Paul, and Paul in his preaching and writings makes this mystery known to God’s people. As the Apostle Paul did, may the church today continue to share it with a great variety of races, peoples, and cultures. We are to make it known to the world. Jesus saves!

From Rev. A. Spriensma's meditation on Ephesians 3:3-6 this past week, A Mystery Revealed!

Last modified on 23 November 2020

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