
PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for December 1, 2024 *(Updated)


Rev 15 4Today, December 1, is the forty-eighth Lord's Day of this year of our Lord 2024, and another rest stop on our pilgrim journey through this world. "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Below you will find special highlights of PRC and sister-church news. It is our hope that these reports not only inform you but also give you opportunity to pray for the needs of these churches and mission fields throughout the world.

And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest. ~ Revelation 15:1-4

If you are new to this website and the PRCA, we invite you to join us in worship today or on any of the Sunday's of this year at one of our local congregations near you; or you may listen online through one of the PRC's livestreams.


  • Last Sunday Rev. M. DeBoer (Edgerton-MN PRC) declined the call to Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI).

  • Last Sunday Grandville PRC extended a call to Rev. M. DeBoer

  • Today Rev. E. Guichelaar (Grace PRC) accepted the call to Zion PRC.

  • The Council of Hope PRC-Redlands, CA has announced a new trio from which to call her next pastor: Revs. J. Smidstra (First PRC-Holland PRC), J. Maatman (Southeast PRC), and W. Langerak (Trinity PRC). The congregational meeting is set for Monday, December 2. *Rev. Maatman has received this call.

  • Hudsonville PRC's Council has chosen a new trio of Revs. R. Barnhill (Heritage PRC-Sioux Falls, SD), D. Holstege (Wingham PRC-ON), and D. Lee (Kalamazoo PRC). The congregation will vote from the trio at the annual congregational meeting on Dec.11.

  • Southwest PRC's Council formed a trio of Revs. J. Engelsma (Crete-IL PRC), W. Langerak (Trinity PRC), and J. Maatman (Southeast PRC). A special congregational meeting to call from this trio is planned for December 15 after the evening service.

Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs: Rev. A. Spriensma in Cornerstone PRC-Dyer, IN; Rev. K. Koole and Rev. J. Holstege in Grandville PRC; Rev. S. Key in Hope PRC-Redlands; Prof. B. Huizinga and Rev. E. Guichelaar in Hudsonville PRC; Rev. W. Bruinsma in Lynden PRC; Prof. R. Cammenga and Rev. D. Lee in Southwest PRC; Prof. B. Gritters and Rev. G. Eriks in Zion PRC. May we count it a blessing of our church federation that we can help one another in these needs. Let us remember to pray for the men who supply these pulpits and for the vacant congregations. And may we continue to pray for men to hear the call to serve as pastors and missionaries!

Special Congregational/Evangelism Notices:

  • Byron Center (MI) PRC: "The Community Bible Study plans to meet this Thursday (12/5) at 7:30 p.m. [at the church]. We plan to begin a study of the book of Philemon. We would love to have you bring a friend or neighbor and join us!"
  • First PRC-Grand Rapids, MI: "Community Bible Study meets Wednesday, December 4, at 7:00 p.m. [at the church]. We'll discuss Noah's Work of Faith in Building the Ark, Hebrews 11:7 & Genesis 6."
  • Georgetown PRC: India: "The Council of Georgetown PRC informs the churches that they have sent a delegation to Vellore, India, to minister to the saints in that place. The team—Rev. Carl Haak, Chad Noorman, and Deane and Donna Wassink—arrived in Vellore on November 21 and plan to return home on December 3. The purpose of this trip is to encourage Pastor Paulraj and the churches in Vellore, assist Pastor Paulraj by teaching men who desire to become ministers of the Gospel, and support Mrs. Kasthuri Paulraj and the Grace Foster Home during very trying circumstances. The team attended retreats for the Vellore PRC and Vellore Christian Church (English church). Pastor Haak is instructing the young men attending the Sola Gratia Seminary, preparing them to minister to God’s people. The team is also visiting families of the congregation and other churches in the area interested in the Reformed faith. Rev. Haak is preaching to God’s people on the Sabbath. Please pray for them and for the important work of the spread of the Gospel. “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17."
  • Loveland (CO) PRC: "Christmas Concert: This year, our church choir will be presenting our Christmas concert to the community before we perform it for our congregation. You are welcome to attend the concert at the Spiritual Life Center (inside the doors to the Visitor Center) at the Loveland Good Samaritan Village on Sunday, December 1 at 3:00 p.m. You can use the flyers available by the mailboxes as personal invitations for extended family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers -- or, for posting them publicly. We are thankful for the opportunity to once again tell the old story of Jesus and His love -- the message of salvation from God's holy Word! After the concert, light refreshments will be served; please use this time to join us in continuing our witness to the residents and others in the audience."
  • Hope PRC (Walker, MI) re upcoming Myanmar visit: "The Council of Hope PRC informs the churches that... a delegation from Hope Church, consisting of Jonathon and Tricia Kamps, Rev. and Keri Mahtani, and Eugene Kamps, will travel to Thailand to meet with Rev. Titus, Certi, and Josiah from December 4 to 11. The group looks forward to connecting with our brothers and sister in Christ to support and encourage them during these difficult times. As Paul expressed in Romans 1:11-12, “For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; that is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.”
  • In 2025 the Hull Protestant Reformed Church will celebrate 100 years of God’s covenant faithfulness to us as a congregation. Taking as our theme Upheld by His Hand, we would like to invite all members and former members to celebrate with us on August 15-17, 2025. Lord willing, we plan to gather together for a keynotespeech, program, and ice-cream social Friday evening. Saturday will be a day with opportunity for much fellowship with many activities and a meal being planned. We will conclude our celebration on Sunday with worship in the house of worship that the Lord has graciously provided for us and end the day with joyful praise to Him in a singspiration. Be sure to save these dates and watch for more details later!

DFW PRC Fellowship 2024 Logo


front entry snow Nov 2024
Over the Thanksgiving weekend the PRTS experienced its first significant snowfall this season

PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The PR Theological Seminary has now completed thirteen weeks of this first semester of its 2024-25 school year, with two weeks of classes left before exams. The faculty, students, and staff covet your prayers as they move toward the end of this semester's labors and activities. The first semester's schedule and calendar (2024-25) have been posted on this webpage.
  • This week Joseph Dick (1st year) will lead the daily devotions, and Rev. G. Eriks will lead the Wednesday chapel.
  • This week Wednesday Prof. B. Gritters will undergo ankle replacement surgery. Prof. R. Cammenga will take the last two weeks of his classes while he recovers. Prof. Gritters hopes to be ready to teach when the second semester begins in mid-January.
  • Have you watched or listened to the videos of the recent PRTS Conference on the historic PRC stand on grace? The PRTS' recent conference (Oct.31-Nov.2) at Grace PRC (“By Grace I Am What I Am”: The PRCA’s Rejection of Common Grace) was well attended and well received. The speeches are now all available both on Grace PRC's Sermonaudio channel as well as the seminary's YouTube channel.
  • Sem. Bruce Feenstra (junior) has been licensed to to speak a word of edification in the churches. All scheduling of Mr. Feenstra must be done through the seminary, either by sending a request to the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or the rector, Prof. D. Kuiper (doug.kuiperThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  • Sem. Aaron Van Dyke (senior) is in the final weeks of his summer/fall internship in the Wingham, Ontario PRC, under the supervision of Wingham’s Consistory and the mentoring of Rev. Daniel Holstege. The internship runs from July 1 through December 31. Continue to pray for Mr. Van Dyke and his family during his internship.
  • The Fall 2024 issue of the PR Theological Journal is now available; both domestic and foreign copies have been mailed out. The digital edition (pdf) is available on the seminary's journal page linked here. This issue contains, among other things, the second part of Dr. J. Bolt's treatment of the CRC Synod of 1924 ("Unfinished Business on Common Grace"), Prof Griess' lecture on "Sexual Abuse in Calvin's Geneva," Dr. N. Willborn's lectures on "Old Princeton," a sermon warning of drunkenness (and other addictions) from Prov.23:29-35 by Prof. Kuiper, and ten book reviews. If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy, contact Bethany Engelsma, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or stop by the seminary. 
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website - and don't forget the blog!

Ps133 1 2


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore and her Kolkata, India mission work:
    • Pastors J. Tan and M. Wee are faithfully serving the CERC. Today Pastor Wee led both services. In the bulletin this week was this special note: "Dear congregation, Council will be having a one-day retreat on 7 Dec 24 (Sat). The purpose is to set aside dedicated time to reflect on the spiritual well-being of the church and discuss about longer term plans and focus for the church. If you have any feedback or issues you think would be important for the Council to discuss during the retreat, please feel free to approach any Council member."
    • A new issue of Salt Shakers is available - August2024, #73, the third of this year!  Once again you will find a variety of articles on timely subjects in this issue! Written especially for young people and young adults, SS is edifying for all adults!
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to serve this sister congregation faithfully, and through the CPRC to minister the gospel far and wide in other ways.
    • The October and November 2024 issues of "Covenant Reformed News" have just been published. Read the October articles by Rev. A. Stewart on "Opposition from Jehovah's Enemies" (Nehemiah 2) and Rev. R. Hanko's response to a question: "Is God's Moral Law Permanent?".
    • The CPRC YouTube channel with all its edifying content may be found here.
  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work in various places:
    • Berean PRC bulletin: Elders Penaverde and Umali led her worship services today. And, "The saints of All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship in Gabaldon Nueva Ecija will join us in worship today via livestreaming at our official Facebook page. We pray for God’s continued care and blessings upon them as they hear the Word of God."
    • Mission news: "Rev. Ibe and family are scheduled to travel to Magsingal, Ilocos Sur on Nov. 29 – Dec. 01, D.V. Pastor Ibe was invited again by the saints in Magsingal (which was approved by the Council) to lead them in their Thanksgiving Day on Nov. 30 and will preach for them on Sunday (Dec. 01) morning, all the Lord willing." And, this coming week, "Rev. Ibe and Sis. Melody is scheduled to visit the pastors and saints in Bacolod and Sipalay City on Dec. 9 - 10. The Lord willing, Rev. Ibe will lecture on the Church Order of Dort Articles 10-12 and Reformed Dogmatics (Soteriology) on the Ordo Salutis. We pray for God’s continued spiritual strength and growth for the churches in these areas as they learn and receive the Reformed truth of God’s sovereign particular grace in Christ Jesusand for His sake only. Soli Deo Gloria!"
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Officebearers led both worship services today.


RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!


  • This month - December 2024 - the RWH will broadcast five gospel messages by Rev. C. Haak, considering the treasure and the wonder of the birth of Jesus Christ in his series, The Blessings of Emmanuel’s Reign. There will also be a special Christmas message from Luke 2. Today's message is "The Desert Shall Bloom as the Rose" based on Isaiah 35:1,2.

  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Committee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Union Christ 2024 BRF

The latest collection of British Reformed Fellowship speeches (2022) titled Union with Christ has been published and is available from the RFPA, Reformed Book Outlet, PRC Seminary, and local PRCs. Follow the link to find more information on this book and to find the digital download.

  • RBO Aug 2023 2The Reformed Book Outlet (downtown Hudsonville, MI) is now operating out of its new store in downtown Hudsonville (3472 Harvey St.). Visit the store and browse the variety of resources for your Reformed-Christian faith and walk, including many children's titles. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10-5, and Saturday 10-1. 
    *Special notice! RBO Holiday Open House: Join us Monday, December 2 from 1-8PM for a special time at the RBO! 
    There will be cookies to decorate, giveaways and a scavenger hunt! Books and Bibles and much more will be on sale for 25% off! Hope to see you there!
  • In need of sound biblical and Reformed catechism materials for children and young people? Check out the PRC's full curriculum of materials here. Call the PRC Seminary for help with any of these materials (616-531-1490).

  • For sound, distinctively Reformed literature on a variety of subjects and for all ages - including church history and Bible study materials - visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association website or stop in at their Jenison (Michigan) location.

This Week's Thought for Contemplation

 “...The words we consider today are a part of a larger picture, therefore, one we will consider in our broadcast today.  It is true that Isaiah speaks to Judah and us using figurative language.  For that reason it may seem to us confusing at first.  But these few words gave great hope, comfort, and encouragement to the faithful few who were yet looking for their Savior to come.  And as we consider them today they are of great joy and comfort to us too.  “There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.”  That will be our focus in our broadcast today:  Christ’s birth. 

Prior to the birth of Jesus Christ the nation of Israel had once again departed from Jehovah and was no longer looking for her Messiah.  It was a dark point in the history of God’s church once again, just as it was in Isaiah’s day.  It was not as if the church had disappeared.  Yes, Jerusalem was destroyed and God’s people were led into captivity, as Isaiah prophesied.  But God led His people back to the land of Canaan after the period of captivity in Babylon.  She had rebuilt the temple and was worshiping with her sacrifices there.  However, the worship of the church was empty and vain.  The Jews in their sacrifices no longer looked for a Messiah who would save them from their sin.  The nation was swallowed up in work-righteousness.  The Deliverer they sought was going to be an earthly king who would rule on the throne of David restoring Israel to her former glory.  Only few in Israel yet looked for their Messiah to come to deliver them from their sin.

The church existed in name therefore, but it was thoroughly apostate.  Times looked bleak for the church.  The glory had departed from Israel.  Mere formal worship, vain traditions, worldly living.  Would the Messiah ever be born?  Out of a stem shall spring forth a rod and out of a root shall grow a branch!  Christ the Savior is born!

Taken from the 2022 Advent radio message by Rev. W. Bruinsma, "The Branch of Jesse."

Last modified on 05 December 2024

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