

Reformed News Asia - June 2016 (Issue 29)

Issue 29 - May 2016
We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
FEATURED Pamphlet!
By Rev Angus Stewart

This pamphlet is a four-part series on I Corinthians 7:17-24, which deals with the topic of our calling. 

The first part speaks about our effectual call, election. The second speaks about our earthly calling, vocation. The third speaks about the calling of servants and how we were bought with a price, Christ's blood. Lastly, article four reminds us "that Christian contentment does not rest upon favourable external circumstances but upon faith in the goodness and providence of God."

An excellent read for all Christians in our various callings in life. Let us seek to use our callings for the service of God and the church!

Click hereto view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.

Audio Recordings

At our Annual Bible Camp this past June, Prof Dykstra gave 4 speeches regarding the Christian and the Chruch. Click to listen to the speeches!

1) What Is The Church?
2) The Calling To Be A Member Of The True Church
3) The Calling Of The Church
4) Living Members Of The Church

Click here to access all our audio recordings.
Upcoming Events!
Save these dates!

16 June  Family Seminar (last day of church camp)
July  Mission Seminar (date TBC)
9 Aug  Fellowship Outing
12 Sep  Sports Day
Sep  Gospel Meeting (date TBC)

Past Events...
Annual Bible Camp 2016
Here are some pictures from our recent church camp!
Discussion Groups meeting together after a speech.
What's a camp without some friendly competition? ;)
The traditional camp photo... with the not-so-traditional camp cap!
Youth Retreat 2016
All you need to know about the retreat
Cycling trip to Gardens by the Bay
Special night dinner - BBQ!
Group shot!
British Reformed Fellowship Family Conference
Interested to join the 2016 BRF Family Conference? This year's conference is held at Castlewellan Conference Centre in Northern Ireland from 16 July (Sat) to 23 July (Sat). The speakers, Prof David Engelsma and Rev Andy Lanning, will lecture on "Behold, I Come Quickly: The Reformed, Biblical Truth of the End." More information at

Visit our new CLM website to read the latest articles and access archives of the Daily Meditations. Click the picture to access.

Salt Shakers
Salt Shakers is a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth in CERC. Included in each issue are writings pertaining to both Reformed doctrine and practical theology. Articles are contributed by the Session, youth and members of CERC, as well as pastors and professors from the Protestant Reformed Churches in the USA and Northern Ireland. Salt Shakers also features articles from other Reformed publications, notably the Standard Bearer and Beacon Lights. Click here to access!
Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord’s Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm • 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 • Pastor: Rev Andy Lanning  • 


Rev.D. Holstege Installed As Missionary - Friday, July 1, 2016

Daniel HolstegeThis evening in Calvary PRC (see note below) Rev. Daniel Holstege will be installed as a PRC missionary, called by Doon PRC to serve in the Philippines with Rev. Daniel Kleyn.

This is the note that appeared concerning the event in Doon's bulletin this past Sunday, June 26, 2016:

The consistory calls the congregation to a special worship service on July 1 for the installation of Rev. D.Holstege as our missionary. Because of space constraints in our building, the service will be held at Calvary PRC, beginning at 7:00pm. The offering that evening will be for the Philippine Book Fund. Rev.Holstege will preach his inaugural sermon during our morning worship service on July 3.

Let us remember this pastor and his family as he takes up this new charge and prepares to take up the labors in that part of the world.


Our Newest PRC Congregation - Pittsburgh PRC - June 24, 2016 (Updated)

Update: The Pittsburgh PRC formed a trio of Revs. W. Bruinsma, C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA) to call its first minister.  They will extend a call on July 10, D.V.

It may also be noted the new congregation adopted the official name of Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Church.

Pittsburgh organiz 3
Rev. W. Bruinsma (missionary) and A. den Hartog (SW PRC) leading the organizational service.

On Friday evening, June 24, 2016, the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship was organized as a PR congregation, under the supervision of the SW PRC, which had been the calling church for this mission. Many visitors were in attendance, including members of the Domestic Mission Committee.

Pittsburgh organiz 1

Pittsburgh organiz 2

Below is a note Missionary-pastor W. Bruinsma sent out afterward:

Last night, July 24 the Pittsburgh Protestant Reformed Church was instituted as a congregation in the Protestant Reformed Churches. Keith Bauman and Peter Cnossen were chosen as elders and Anthony Bauman as deacon. We rejoice together with this small body of believers and ask God's continued care as they stand on their own in years to come. The church here greatly appreciates all the prayers and support given in the past years on their behalf. Please continue to pray for them as they begin their labors and witness as a church of Jesus Christ.

Pittsburgh organiz 4
New officebearers signing the Formula of Subscription.

Below is part of the program for the evening (You will also find it attached in pdf form).

Pitts Organization program Page 1

We rejoice with this latest "sister" in our PRC federation, and pray God's richest blessings on her as she shines as Christ's light in that city.


Covenant PRC Newsletter - June 2016

Covenant Protestant Reformed Church Ballymena, NI
16 June, 2016

Dear saints in the Protestant Reformed Churches,

New Members 

baby 2016 1

The youngest CPRC member is now Keagan Jude Hall, born to Philip and Susan (8 May) and baptized on 22 May.  Though his grandmother, Marilyn Adams (First PRC), was over in Northern Ireland, her return flight was already booked for the day before Keagan’s birth.  Babies are very hard to schedule for!

Last Lord’s Day, Marina and Helen Mawhinney were received into membership (12 June).  These two ladies are the wives of two brothers:  Willie John and Ivan (respectively), who joined us three years before (16 June, 2013).  How often it is that enthusiastic church members are used by God to bring others into the congregation (cf. John 1:40-42)!

couples joined 2016

These recent additions mean that the CPRC now consists of 16 families, 37 communicant members, 14 baptized members, and 51 total members.  This is the largest we have ever been, though we are still a relatively small church. Our numerical growth has been slow but steady, with three steps forward and two (or two and a half) steps back.  Our testimony is that the Lord is faithful and that Jesus Christ alone builds His church.  

Family visitation began (9 May) after the end of the church “season,” concluding with Rev. McGeown of the Limerick Reformed Fellowship (LRF) when he was in Northern Ireland, and Hilary and Timothy Spence, after he returned to Northern Ireland from his first year’s study at Cardiff University in S. Wales (8 June).  In my fifteen years as minister in the CPRC, this year had the most visits (25) and was the most encouraging in terms of the spiritual condition and unity of the congregation.


Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on Monday, 30 May.  Excellent reports were given by Stephen Murray (audio-visual), Julian Kennedy (financial), and Rev. McGeown (LRF), and I gave a presentation under the theme of “Progress.”  The AGM is always a good night of fellowship, and it helps inform the members of the various aspects of the work of the church, as well as being one way to provide accountability and opportunities to ask questions.  

The last financial year saw some very large one-off expenditures:  refurbishing two manse bathrooms (much needed after some 45 years), installing solar panels (on the roofs of the church building and the manse), and setting up a pension for the minister (required by the civil government).  Yet, by God’s grace, the offerings and donations were so good that our bank balance is still healthy.  

In the last year, our best-selling Reformed Free Publishing Association (RFPA) books were (in order): In The Beginning God by Homer C. Hoeksema, Gottschalk: Servant of God by Connie Meyer, Faith Made Perfect by Prof. Hanko, Saved by Grace by Prof. Cammenga and Rev. Ron Hanko, and Doctrine According to Godliness by Rev. Hanko.  The other titles in the top ten were the five British Reformed Fellowship (BRF) books by Profs. Engelsma and Hanko: The Reformed Worldview, Keeping God’s Covenant, The Work of the Holy Spirit, The Five Points of Calvinism, and Ye Are My Witnesses (  

Our most popular sermon download in January - May, 2016 was “Infralapsarianism and Supralapsarianism” (Belgic Confession 16)!  The remainder of the top ten were (in order): “What Sort of a Man Is This Levite?” (Judges 19:1-21; the first in a sermon series on “The Outrage in Gibeah”); “The Psalms Versus Common Grace” (a 2007 South Wales lecture); “Five Attacks on the Holiness of the Church” (Belgic Confession 27); “Outside the Church No Salvation— Historical Teaching” (Belgic Confession 28); “Be Strong and Very Courageous” (Josh. 1:6-9; a sermon at confession of faith); “The Image of God” (a 2016 South Wales lecture); “Calvin on Justification” (a 2009 conference speech in Grand Rapids); “The Real St. Patrick” (a 2003 lecture in Northern Ireland); and “Why Heidelberg Catechism Preaching?” (a sermon on Lord’s Day 1 by Rev. McGeown). 

In 2015, we averaged a healthy 1,610 daily visitors on the written pages of our website (excluding the audios). The top ten countries on our main website ( so far in 2016 are (in order): USA, China, Indonesia, Brazil, UK, Peru, Italy, Germany, Russia, and Columbia. 

Our top countries not only reflect their populations, the number of their professing Christians, and internet usage but there is also a correlation with the number of articles we have in their languages:  536 Italian, 448 Portuguese (Brazil), 156 Hungarian, 154 German, 152 Spanish (Peru and Columbia), 138 Afrikaans, 125 Indonesian and 61 Russian. We now have a total of 2,324 translations on our website (  


Two new sermon box sets have been produced: “God’s Attributes of Goodness” (treating His long-suffering, grace, mercy, and love) and “Our Wise, True, Holy and Righteous God!” (covering four more divine perfections), bringing our total to 64 box sets of CDs and DVDs (  We recently produced our first audio-visual catalogue, which also includes our free pamphlets.  The box sets are classified in five categories: “Attributes of God,” “Old Testament,” “New Testament,” “Belgic Confession Classes,” and “Conferences.”  Hundreds of copies of this hardcopy catalogue will be mailed out with the next Covenant Reformed News and distributed by other means, D.V. 

The English Churchman carried a fine review of Gottschalk:  Servant of God (15 & 22 April), which brought some sales.  The May Chatterbox, a local free newspaper, printed the half-page article that I sent them, setting forth the various meetings and activities of the CPRC.  The CPRC had a stall with books, box sets, and free pamphlets at the Ballymena Show (27-28 May).  Bit by bit, these means of witness help to make our congregation and its bookstore— hence, more importantly, our biblical and Reformed message—better known.  

As well as Marilyn Adams, other visitors from North America have included Becky Wierenga and Christine Tolsma of Lacombe, Alberta; Hank and Barb De Vries (Randolph PRC); and Jason Berkenpas (United Reformed Churches) and David Diemer (Heritage Netherlands Reformed Churches) from Grand Rapids, who stayed with us at the manse for a couple of days.  

4,500 copies of Be Ye Holy:  The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification, the new BRF book, by Profs. Hanko and Engelsma have been printed in West Michigan and are due at the RFPA building today. The RFPA are kindly assisting us by seeing that the pre-ordered copies go to various bodies in our circles in the United States, Canada, Singapore, and the Philippines. Some of the saints coming from Michigan to the BRF Conference in Castlewellan Castle in Northern Ireland are graciously helping us by bringing copies to the CPRC. 

The BRF conference begins exactly one month from today (16-23 July). Rev. Lanning from Singapore and Prof. Engelsma are our two main speakers on the theme, “Behold, I Come Quickly:  The Reformed, Biblical Truth of the End.”  Bookings are almost finalized and a good body of believers are coming.  We are expecting a blessed week with the rich exposition of the Word and the sweet communion of the saints!  

 May the Lord be with you all,
In Christ, Rev. and Mary Stewart


News from the PRC in the Philippines - June 18, 2016

LTrinidad preaching exam 2016
Rev.L. Trinidad preaching before the PRCP Classis.

Maranatha PRC

From the Maranatha PRC in the Philippines we receive notice of this significant news from this past week:

The Classis of the Protestant Reformed Churches in the Philippines (PRCP)met on Monday, June 13, 2016 in the Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela from 9:00 am until about 4:30 pm. The main item on the agenda was the examination, according to Article 9 of the Church Order, of Rev. Leovy Trinidad (pastor of the MPRC in Valenzuela).

Rev. Trinidad preached a sermon on John 1:1, and then underwent 3+ hours of oral examination. The brother gave a very good account of his knowledge of and convictions concerning the Reformed faith, and the Classis unanimously approved his examination. The Classis gave him a Classical Diploma and declared him a minister of the Word and sacraments within the PRCP.

We thank the Lord for adding another pastor to the PRCP denomination, and for upholding Rev. Trinidad during his examination.

Classis exam Trinidad 2016 2
Rev.J. Flores announces Classis' approval of the exam.

LTrinidad wife 2016
Rev. L.Trinidad with his wife Zeny.

For more on this meeting of Classis and this blessed event, visit the Kleyn's blog.


PRC Synod 2016 - Day 4, Friday, June 17

Synod at work 3

The PRC Synod of 2016 concluded its work about 2:30 p.m. Friday, June 17. Below is the final summary of the decisions as provided by Rev. A. Brummel, second clerk.

Synod began the day finishing the work of the FMC by approving the work with Hope PRC-Walker in Myanmar and with Georgetown PRC in India.

The work of the Catechism Book Committee was approved in its work of publishing and distributing the Confessions and Church Order of the PRC in E-pub and Mobi formats.  The committee was instructed to poll the consistories of our churches for suggested improvements to the catechism curriculum and bring a recommendation regarding possible revisions to Synod 2017.  The Stated clerk reported good progress on redesigning the catechism book covers and standardizing the formatting of all the catechism books.

Taking up the matter of Psalter revision, synod declared that the Contact Committee has fulfilled the mandate of Synod 2015 regarding a detailed and grounded proposal about whether to proceed with the work.  Synod instructed the CC to continue its participation in the interdenominational project with the Free Reformed Churches and the Heritage Netherland Reformed Churches and adopted the principles that are guiding the revision, central to which is the accuracy of the text to the Psalms.  Synod expressed the desire to have a song book that is more faithful to the Psalms and will assist us and our children with a greater love and appreciation for the Psalms.  Toward that end the songs will be numbered according to the respective Psalms to encourage learning the Psalms better, and the lyrics revised to be more faithful to the Psalms.  Concern was expressed that the scope of the revision not become too broad in terms of changing tunes and lyrics without compelling reasons.

Synod declared Mr. Wes Koops’ appeal as not legally before synod seeing as it missed the deadline of April 15.  He was thanked for the spirit with which he brought the appeal as well as for its brevity.  His main concerns had been already addressed by synod on Thursday.

Mr. Don Offringa was appointed as Synodical Treasurer.  Mr. Tom Holstege was appointed as Assistant Treasurer.  Mr. Kevin Van Overloop was thanked for his 19 years of service to the churches, and especially his willingness this past year to step up to fill the position of synodical treasurer.

Emeritation requests totaling $346,887, a reduction of $3,200 from 2016, were approved for 2017.  8 subsidy requests totaling $273,910US and $56,000CN were approved.   Total expenses of synod totaled $5,437.59. 

The total budget of synod for 2017 is $2,018,999.  Assessments were increased $25 over 2016 to $815 per family per year making use of the projected family count of 2110.

Synod approved Hudsonville PRC as host to the meeting of synod in 2017 to convene on Tuesday, June 13 at 8:00 a.m.

RVO Haak Adams Pipe

DKleyn Spronk etc

RVO Lanning Minderhoud

PRC Synod 2016 - Day 3, Thursday, June 16

The PRC Synod of 2016 had a long and busy day of discussions and deliberations Thursday, June 16. Below is the summary report of the day's decisions as provided by second clerk, Rev.A. Brummel.

Synod turned this morning to the material of the Contact Committee regarding NAPARC  Approval was given to the CC to accept NAPARC’s invitation and send two observers to the 2016 meeting and a mandate approved.  The work of the CC with Namibia and South Africa was approved and an encouraging update on the recent delegation.  Approval was given to the CC regarding continuing discussions with the PRC of the Philippines with a view to establishing sister church relations.

Next year synod anticipates the joyful prospect of many examinations.  Synod approved the TSC’s proposed concept for the student examination of 2017 of dividing the synodical delegates and students into two groups and shortening the length of the examinations according to a specific schedule.

Synod approved the work of the FMC in the Philippines and expressed gratitude to Rev. and Mrs. Daniel Kleyn for their faithful service.  Rev. Kleyn addressed the synod briefly.  The chair of synod had opportunity to personally thank him and encourage him in the labors. 

DKleyn address

The proposal to call a third missionary in the Philippines was approved with the view to one of the missionaries devoting time to investigate the possibility of setting up a theological school in the Philippines. 

Synod treated the Neil Meyer appeal.  Synod did not sustain the appeal of Mr. Meyer in his contention that the sermon on John 14:6 taught a conditional covenant.  Synod declared that Hope’s consistory erred in their wholesale defense of the sermon in light of statements that were confusing and apparently contradictory.  Synod sustained the appeal of Mr. Meyer against the charge of Hope’s consistory and the decision of Classis East that he “maintains and teaches antinomianism.”

Synod concluded its business at 10 p.m. with the prayer that God would bless the decisions and continue to guide the delegates and all involved with wisdom.

PRC Synod 2016 - Day 2, Wednesday, June 15 (Updated)

The PRC 2016 Synod reconvened on Wednesday, June 15, in Hull PRC to begin hearing committee reports and acting on them.

Below is the summary of Synod's actions today, as provided by the second clerk, Rev.A. Brummel:

Synod convened on Wednesday morning at 8:00 and immediately took up the matter of the legality of the appeal of Mr. Neal Meyer.  Synod declared the appeal in its entirety to be legally before synod.  A motion passed to treat the appeal in open session.  Synod plans to take up the appeal around 1:00 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, Lord willing.

Synod treated the Domestic Mission Committee material expressing thanks to Rev. Bruinsma and his wife Mary and Southwest PRC for their faithful work and joy in the Lord’s work of bringing the Pittsburgh Fellowship to the point of being organized as an instituted congregation.  Provisions were made for the financial support of our missionary and the purchase of a house if necessary.  $50,000 of excess funds in the Pittsburgh Fellowship’s General Fund, half of which were contributed by the Fellowship, were given to them as has been done in the past with other churches organized as a result of our mission labors.  All of the matters brought by the DMC passed Synod’s approval, most significant of which was the proposal for calling another home missionary.  Expressing a desire to remain faithful to the Lord of Church by being busy in the work of missions in our land, approval was given to call another home missionary who will develop a field of labor and then preach and teach on that field which the Spirit provides.  Byron Center PRC was approved as the calling church for this missionary.

The Theological School material was treated and approved with the exception of the matter of the examination of next year’s students.  Synod recommitted that matter to Committee 1.  With thanksgiving to God synod approved the admission of Mr. Josiah Tan, a student from our sister-church in Singapore to the seminary next Fall.

Synod took up the matters of the Contact Committee treating the material relating to the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore.  Synod expressed agreement with the changes they are proposing in their church order which brings it closer in agreement with our church order.  Approval was given for Rev. D Kleyn and another PR pastor to travel to Singapore in October to assist the CERC in the examination of Emmanuel Singh with a view to his being called as their missionary to India.   Rev. Andy Lanning, pastor of the CERC, read a letter to the synod expressing the appreciation of the CERCS for the sister- church relationship we enjoy and outlining some of the highlights of their labors.  The chair of synod expressed mutual appreciation for the relationship and gave words of encouragement to the brother.

ALanning adress
Rev.A. Lanning of the ERC in Singapore addresses synod.

Synod approved the work of the Contact Committee with the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Northern Ireland and their mission work in Limerick.  Opportunity was given to Rev. McGeown to address synod and he spoke of the work being performed in Northern Ireland and Limerick and expressed similar appreciation for the relationship they enjoy with the PRCA and the CERCS.  The chair of synod also addressed gratitude to God for our relationship and the witness of the gospel in that land.

McGeown address
Rev. M.McGeown addresses synod on behalf of the CPRC in N.Ireland.

Synod approved the labors of the Contact Committee in their work with the BERG in Germany, a congregation which sent a representative to be present at synod.  Dr. Klautke addressed synod using the parting works of the president of the synod of Dordt as words of encouragement as now those of Dutch heritage reach out to assist those who find themselves alone in Germany.  Dr Klautke gave a brief summary of the history of the congregation and the seminary and expressed great appreciation for the contact that we enjoy.  Once again the chair of synod expressed mutual appreciation for our contact with this small congregation and our desire to grow together by getting to know them better.

Klautke address
Dr.J. Klautke of the BERG of Giessen, Germany addresses synod.

Synod approved careful guidelines submitted by the CC regarding participation in Ecumenical Councils and approved a lengthy addition in the CC constitution under the heading of their Task.

Synod ended its work around 3:45 on Wednesday afternoon in order to allow for Committee 4 to continue their pre-advice work on the appeals.  Tonight Dr. Kautke gives a lecture at Calvary PRC sponsored by the Contact Committee expanding on the work of the BERG in Germany at 7:30 p.m.   Synod anticipates returning to the work of Committee 2 Thursday morning regarding the rest of the CC material involving NAPARC, Namibia and South Africa, the PRCP, and the Psalter Revision Committee.  If there remains time in the morning we will proceed to the materials of Committee 3 regarding the FMC.  At 1:00 we plan to turn our attention to the appeal of Mr. Meyer, Lord willing.

And to this report we may add the group pictures taken today by our synodical photograper, Elder John Van Baren.

Group pic 2

Group pic 1

You may notice some additions and subtractions.

And here are a few other photos taken around Synod today - by others too.

Elders Bylsma Hunter
Elders Bylsma and Hunter

Elders JVB SM
Elders J. Van Baren and S. Miedema
Klautke Eriks
Dr. J.Klautke and Rev.G. Eriks




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