Pamphlet index

Single copies of the following pamphlets can be had free of charge. We do request that your order be limited to no more than four. If you can use larger numbers of any of the pamphlets, please write the address below for a price quote.

  1. The Reformed Perspective --a monthly mailing expounding on the Belgic Confession
  2. A Study in Eschatology (J. Kortering)
  3. The Antichrist (B. Gritters)
  4. The Mark of the Beast (H. Hoeksema)
  5. The Millennium Period (H. Hoeksema)
  6. The Prayers of All Saints (H. Hoeksema)
  7. The Biblical Ground for the Baptism of Infants (H. Hoeksema)
  8. The Biblical Mode of Baptism (R. Harbach)
  9. The King James Version of the Bible (S. Houck)
  10. Modern Bible Versions (D. Engelsma)
  11. Creation? or Evolution? (G. VanBaren)
  12. As a Father Pitieth His Children (Reformed Child Rearing) (D. Engelsma)
  13. The Building of a Home (H. Hanko)
  14. The Rod and Reproof: The Loving Discipline of Covenant Children (S. Key)
  15. Marriage and Divorce (D. Engelsma)
  16. Sex and Dating (R. VanOverloop)
  17. Evangelism and the Reformed Faith (D. Engelsma)
  18. The Christian and Culture (H. Hoeksema)
  19. The Christian and the Film Arts (H. Hanko)
  20. Is the Christian Faith Easy? (S. Key)
  21. Labor Union Membership in the Light of Scripture (J. A. Heys)
  22. Our Only Comfort (C. Haak)
  23. Phebe: An Example for the Christian Woman (H. Hanko)
  24. Good News for the Afflicted (H. Hoeksema)
  25. God's Sovereign Love, Our Comfort (R. Decker)
  26. God's Sovereignty and the Psalms (S. Houck)
  27. The Church Today and the Reformation Church (D. Engelsma)
  28. The Reformation and Twentieth Century Protestantism (D. Engelsma)
  29. The Three forms of Unity and the Ecumenical Creeds
  30. Biblical Ecumenicity (H. Hoeksema)
  31. A Defense of Calvinism as the Gospel (D. Engelsma)
  32. The Bondage of the Will (S. Houck)
  33. Calvinism...the Truth (Arminianism the Lie) (R. Harbach)
  34. Heidelberg Catechism Preaching: Our Reformed Heritage (M. Kamps)
  35. Is Denial of the "Well-Meant Offer" Hyper-Calvinism? (D. Engelsma)
  36. Proper Sabbath Observance (H. Hoeksema)
  37. Psalm Singing: A Reformed Heritage (J. Kortering)
  38. Public Worship and the Reformed Faith (B. Gritters)
  39. Remembering the Lord's Day (D. Engelsma)
  40. The Gospel (H. Hoeksema)
  41. Tulip: Faith of our Fathers (B. Gritters)
  42. The Sovereignty of God (G. VanBaren)
  43. Sovereign Election (G. VanBaren)
  44. Sovereign Reprobation (G. VanBaren)
  45. Total Depravity (G. VanBaren)
  46. Limited Atonement (G. VanBaren) (also Slovak translation)
  47. Irresistible Grace (G. VanBaren)
  48. God's Sovereignty in Salvation (S. Houck)
  49. The Covenant: God's Tabernacle with Men (H. Hoeksema)
  50. The Place of Reprobation in the Preaching of the Gospel (H. Hoeksema)
  51. The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers (D. Engelsma)
  52. "God So Loved the World" (H. C. Hoeksema)
  53. Jesus Savior and the Evil of Hawking Him (H. Hoeksema)
  54. The Curse-Reward of the Wicked Well-Doer (H. Hoeksema)
  55. Grace Uncommon (B. Gritters)
  56. The Three Points of Common Grace as Adopted by the CRC Synod of 1924
  57. Is Good Self-Esteem Important for a Christian, and How is It Developed? (D. Engelsma)
  58. Try the Spirits: A Reformed Look at Pentecostalism (D. Engelsma)
  59. Knowing the True God (S. Houck)
  60. KJV-NIV (R. Cammenga)
  61. The Reformed Faith in Crisis (H. C. Hoeksema)
  62. The Antichrist (H. Hoeksema)
  63. The Children of the Reformation (H. C. Hoeksema)
  64. Our Reformed Heritage (H. C. Hoeksema)
  65. The Gospel (H. Hoeksema) (also Slovak translation)
  66. Church Membership in an Evil Age (S. Key)
  67. The Christ of Arminianism (S. Houck)
  68. The Battle For The Bible (H. Hanko)
  69. Women in Church Office (R. Cammenga)
  70. Saved By Grace (R. Decker)
  71. The Christian's Social Calling and the Second Coming of Christ (H. Hanko)
  72. The Marks of the True Church (Homer C. Hoeksema)
  73. The Infallibility of Holy Scripture (Robert C. Harbach)
  74. Missions (C. Hanko)
  75. A Triple Breach (Historic document treating "Common Grace) (Herman Hoeksema)
  76. God's Sovereign Elective Grace (Rev. George M. Ophoff)
  77. The LORD's Hatred of Divorce (D. Engelsma)
  78. A.D. 2000: Year of Jubilee--by Papal Indulgence or by Reformation Gospel? (D. Engelsma)

To order, write:

 Protestant Reformed Church
1777 E Richton Rd.
Crete, IL 60417
Phone: (708) 672-4600
or, via E-mail:

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Last modified, 28-Nov-2001