
Saved By Grace: A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism

Old edition. Copyright © 1995. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reprinted in any form without permission from the publisher, except in the case of a brief quotation used in connection with a critical article or review. For information, address:

The Reformed Free Publishing Association
1894 Georgetown Center Drive
Jenison, Michigan 49428-7137
Phone: 616-457-5970 (Open Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm, Closed Saturdays)

Saved by Grace (hardcover)

To order a copy of the second edition of this book, check the Reformed Free Publishing Association page.

Saved by Grace: A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism

Authors: Rev. Ronald Cammenga and Rev. Ronald Hanko

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The History of the Protestant Reformed Churches (1924-1936)

1stPRCHistBookcoverThe following is from the "Red Book": The History of the Protestant Reformed Churches, written by the late Herman Hoeksema and published first in 1936.  It  has been copied and posted on the internet by Rev. Martin VanderWal.

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Whosoever Will

Herman Hoeksema

Copyright 1945 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Assigned to Homer C. Hoeksema. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reprinted in any form without permission from the publisher, except in the case of a brief quotation used in connection with a critical article or review.

For information, address the Reformed Free Publishing Assoction
1894 Georgetown Center Drive
Jenison, Michigan 49428-7137
Phone: 616-457-5970 (Open Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm, Closed Saturdays)

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-189070 ISBN 0-916206-04-1

First Edition 1945. Reprinted 1972, 1973, 1977, 1980.

Whosoever WillTo order the latest edition of this title, visit the RFPA website.

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The Five Points of Calvinism

The Five Points of Calvinism by Herman Hanko, Homer Hoeksema, and Gise J. Van Baren, Copyright 1976 by Reformed Free Publishing Association. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reprinted in any form without permission from the publisher, except in the case of a brief quotation used in connection with a critical article or review. For information address: Reformed Free Publishing Association, 4949 Ivanrest Avenue, S.W., Grandville, Michigan 49418-9709.

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The Five Points of Calvinism (2006 BRF Conference)

5PtsCalvinDEHH"The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein" (Ps. 111:2). This touches upon our heart: in what do we take pleasure?

Jehovah’s works centre in His salvation of His church in Jesus Christ: glorious works wrought before the foundation of the world, at the cross of Calvary and in the hearts and lives of His people.

This is the calling and delight of the saints: to seek to understand these works. In this wonderful activity, all of God’s faithful children are occupied, for Jehovah’s works are "sought out of all them that have pleasure therein."

This book is written to help God’s people in their delightful calling to search out and study the wonderful works of the Triune God (From the Foreword, Rev.A.Stewart)

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A Study of the Relation Between the Views of Prof. R. Janssen and Common Grace

This work by Prof.Herman C. Hanko (Protestant Reformed Seminary, 1965-2001) forms the thesis submitted to the faculty of Calvin Theological Seminary for the degree of Master of Theology (Department of Historical Theology) in April of 1988. The thesis treats the relationship between two controversies in the Christan Reformed Church in the early 1920s: the Ralph Janssen controversy over the nature and authority of Scripture (1920-22) and the common grace controversy (1924-25). It is hoped that its broader publication here will serve those interested in the history of the Christian Reformed Church and in the origin of the Protestant Reformed Churches in 1925.

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Notes on the Church Order

The following material is not intended to be an exhaustive commentary on the Church Order of the Protestant Reformed Churches.  Nor is it intended to be a detailed study of “Kybernetics,” the principles of church government.  Its purpose is far more modest.  It is intended to be a brief summation of the central principles of each article of the Church Order, to be used by the students in preparation for classroom work and lectures. Other commentaries on the Church Order are readily available to the student and can be used with these notes for more detailed discussion of the Church Order proper.  The best in the English language is The Church Order Commentary by VanDellen and Monsma.

-from the Introductory Note by Prof.H.Hanko, author of this Seminary syllabus


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The Believers’ Manual For The Church Order

...This “Manual” is intended to fill a lack.  It is not intended to discuss principles of Reformed church polity, although some principles will have to be briefly discussed.  It is not intended to be a commentary on the various articles of the Church Order; such commentaries are readily available.  It is intended to be a help to those who serve in the special offices Christ instituted in the church to carry out their work more correctly and efficiently; and it is intended especially to help those who occupy the office of believers in their calling to be active in the rule and government of the church.

I am aware of the fact that no fixed rules can be laid down for various aspects of a believer’s participation in ecclesiastical matters.  For example, no fixed rules can be laid down for the formulation of protests and appeals.  Varying circumstances make hard and fast rules impossible and impractical.  But certain boundaries within which proper protests and appeals can be made would certainly be of help to all concerned.  Although it is not always easy to fix the boundaries with precision, and although there may be those who disagree with what I have to say on certain points, I am convinced that some attention paid to some basic principles and their application will encourage reluctant believers to be more active in their role in the church and will facilitate ecclesiastical processes to the advantage of the cause of Christ. From the Introduction by H.Hanko, author

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Keeping God's Covenant

KeepingGodsCovt-DJEHH Page 1The triune God remembers His covenant: “He hath remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations” ( Ps. 105:8 ). But how few are imitators of God in this?

    Jehovah commands us to remember His covenant: “Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations” ( I Chron. 16:15 ).  How quickly we forget!

    Remembering God’s covenant involves keeping it by obeying His Word out of gratitude for His salvation of us in Jesus Christ: “But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children; to such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them” ( Ps. 103:17-18 ).

    God’s saints everywhere who seek sound, practical, biblical instruction as to keeping  God’s covenant will welcome the publication of this helpful book.

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The Reformed Worldview: The Word of God for Our Generation


The Reformed Worldview
by David Engelsma and Herman Hanko

The Word of God for Our Generation



Chapter 1: The Reformed Worldview
Chapter 2: The Organic Development of Sin
Chapter 3: The Abolition of Truth
Chapter 4: The Reformed Believer and Money
Chapter 5: The Sexual Revolution
Chapter 6: Towards a One-World Government

Chapter 7: The Unbreakable Scripture
Chapter 8: The Call to Spiritual Cleansing

About the British Reformed Fellowship


Everyone has a worldview, whether they are conscious or unconscious of having one and whether their worldview is relatively simple or sophisticated, consistent or inconsistent, true (i.e., biblical) or false.

Moreover, everyone necessarily has a view of themselves and the universe; God and man; right and wrong; the beginning, the meaning and the goal of all things—a worldview. Even if they deny the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and try to avoid thinking about many of the biggest issues of life, some sort of worldview, no matter how truncated or limited, is unavoidable.

The issue is what worldview will we hold? The worldview taught in the Scriptures and the Reformed confessions or one of the lying worldviews which suppress and pervert God’s truth in unrighteousness and call forth His wrath from heaven (Rom. 1:18)?

This little book is designed to help Christians (and any others who may read it in God’s good providence) to believe, understand, speak and behave in all spheres of life according to the gospel of the Lord Jesus revealed in the Holy Bible. In other words, its goal is that, by God’s grace, our faith and life be more consciously conformed to a more completely and consistently Reformed worldview, over against the various Antichristian worldviews, especially those most prevalent and powerful in our modern, Western world. In this way, we will be obeying what Christ calls "the first and great commandment:" "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind" (Matt. 22:37-38).

There is a logic to the order of the chapters. Chapter 1 introduces, and gives an overview of, the Reformed worldview, while the next chapter explains the idea of the development of sin. Chapters 3-5 set forth our calling as regards various forms of wickedness: the "big lie" of postmodernism (ninth commandment), the ensnaring love of money (tenth commandment) and the ubiquitous promotion of promiscuity (seventh commandment) in our mendacious, covetous and adulterous generation. The final chapter of part 1 explains how the development of sin brings in a one-world Antichristian government.

These six chapters began life as the six main lectures at the biennial British Reformed Fellowship (BRF) Conference in Hebron Hall, near Cardiff, in Wales in the summer of 2010. After much transcribing, editing and even rewriting, they are presented here in a more permanent form and for a wider audience.

Our two main conference speakers, Herman Hanko and David Engelsma, emeritus professors of the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Michigan, USA, also preached at the Sunday services during the week-long conference. It was the will of the BRF membership that these fine sermons also be included in this book, especially as they dealt with issues related to our theme. In part 2, chapter 7, "The Unbreakable Scripture," shows us the basis for our Reformed worldview: the infallible Word of God, while chapter 8, "The Call to Spiritual Cleansing," summarizes our Christian life in this fallen, evil world as one of sanctification.

Saints from the various parts of the British Isles and several countries in continental Europe, N. America and Asia who had the privilege of attending the 2010 BRF Conference may require a word about the book’s title. The conference’s theme, "The Word of God for Our Generation" is the subtitle, for the two main authors decided upon the more specific The Reformed Worldview as the main title.

The Reformed Worldview: The Word of God for Our Generation is the fourth BRF book co-authored by Profs. Engelsma and Hanko, the others being Keeping God’s Covenant (2006), The Five Points of Calvinism (2008) and The Work of the Holy Spirit (2010).

We hope that this new work is even more widely circulated and well received than the previous three BRF books! May it, too, serve the honour of our glorious triune God!

Rev. Angus Stewart
BRF Chairman

To read the rest of this title, visit this page.

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Union with Christ

Union Christ 2024 BRFForeword to new BRF book, Union with Christ (2024)

Union with our Lord Jesus Christ, the subject of this book, is a profound and beautiful biblical truth that exalts the Triune God and comforts believers. Heinrich Heppe explains its nature and significance in continental European Reformed theology:

According to its real nature the calling of the elect is thus an insitio in Christum or unio cum Christo, a real, wholesale, spiritual and indissoluble union of the person of the elect with the divine-human … Redeemer, so that for the former the latter is … the same as soul is for body. The implanting of the elect into Christ is thus the beginning of all appropriation of salvation, of all fellowship in salvation (gratia) and in glory (gloria). At the root of the whole doctrine of the appropriation of salvation lies the doctrine of insitio or insertio in Christum, through which we live in him and he is us. So the dogmaticians discuss it with special emphasis.1

Turning to the British Isles, English Presbyterian preacher John Flavel (1628-1691) marvels at our unio cum Christo:

How transcendently glorious is the advancement of believers, by their union with the Lord of glory? This also is an admirable and astonishing mystery; it is the highest dignity of which our nature is capable, to be hypostatically united; and the greatest glory of which our persons are capable is to be mystically united to this Lord of glory; to be bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh. O what is this! Christian, does thou know and believe all this, and thy heart not burn within thee in love to Christ?2

This book consists of the speeches and sermons at the 16th British Reformed Fellowship (BRF) Family Conference held in Castlewellan Castle, County Down, Northern Ireland on “Union With Christ” (9-16 July, 2022). Though all the addresses have been reworked somewhat for publication in written form, one of them has been extensively developed: “Christ Is Made Ours:” Calvin’s Doctrine of Union.

The chapters of this book are not in the order in which they were originally spoken. Here we have adopted a logical approach by starting with the Saviour to whom we are united (part 1), before proceeding chronologically with the Old Testament (part 2) and the New Testament (part 3) on unio cum Christo, and concluding with (some) historical theology on our glorious theme (part 4).

The two main authors of this book are both from the United States of America. This is the eighth and last BRF book co-authored by David J. Engelsma, an emeritus theological professor, who has been of immense help in so many ways to the British Reformed Fellowship right from its beginning in 1990. Contributing to his first BRF book is Brian L. Huizinga, a former pastor of Hope Protestant Reformed Church in Redlands, California, who is now Professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in Wyoming, Michigan. These two men are responsible for Parts 1 and 3 of this book, consisting of the two Lord’s day sermons and five main lectures. Angus Stewart, the minister of the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church (CPRC) in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, has written chapters 3 and 9 (parts 2 and 4).

The Lord Jesus Himself illustrated our mystical union with Him as being like that of branches in a vine (John 15:1-8). Thus the front cover of this book is a lovely photograph of a vineyard.

Union with Christ is the eighth BRF book and a worthy addition to our growing collection: Keeping God’s Covenant (2006), The Five Points of Calvinism (2008), The Work of the Holy Spirit (2010), The Reformed Worldview (2012), Ye Are My Witnesses (2014), Be Ye Holy (2016) and Behold, I Come Quickly (2018).3

Our hope and prayer is that this book will serve to spread the spiritual understanding, benefit and enjoyment of union with the Lord Jesus to readers near and far, “to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).

Rev. Angus Stewart
BRF Chairman




Part 1: The Christ With Whom We Are United
1. Our Changeless Jesus Christ
2. The Lamb of God Come

Part 2: Old Testament Theology on Union With Christ
3. The Psalm of Union

Part 3: New Testament Theology on Union With Christ
4. Union and the Covenant
5. Union and Election
6. Union With Christ’s Death
7. Union and a New Creation
8. Union and Marriage

Part 4: Historical Theology on Union With Christ
9. “Christ Is Made Ours:” Calvin’s Doctrine of Union With Christ

About the British Reformed Fellowship

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