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God’s Covenant with David

(We continue next time, D.V., with Rev. A. Stewart’s articles)

The last great Old Testament revelation of God's covenant was that made to David in II Samuel 7.  As a revelation of the covenant, it also has some notable features.

For one thing it shows again the marvelous grace of God (it is a gracious covenant).  The revelation came in response to David's desire to build a house for God.  God told David he might not do that, but in His great grace promised that He would build David a house (vs. 27)!

What is more, that house was the house in which not David but Christ is Lord.  Psalm 89, which commemorates these events, makes that clear.  The Psalm speaks of God's covenant with David (Ps. 89:3), but makes it clear that it is Christ especially with whom that covenant is made (Ps. 89:26, 27).  David is only a type of Christ.

Second, we have here again that covenant formula that makes it clear, that for all the different circumstances, this is still the one, everlasting covenant of God.  In that covenant He promises to be the God of His people and to take them as His own people (vs. 24).  That is always what the covenant is all about.

This revelation of the covenant is unique, however, in several respects.  For one thing, it brings together covenant and kingdom and shows that they are one.

That relationship of covenant and kingdom shows the orderly structure of very closely related the covenant.  In that covenant God's people are citizens of a kingdom, and have each his proper place.  That whole structure centers in the throne (vs. 13), which is really always God's throne, even when a man like David sits on it.

On that throne Christ now sits (Lk. 1:32).  He was the One through whom that throne was established forever and the King whom God promised.  As King He is the cornerstone of the kingdom, the one upon whom the whole "house" is built, and the one in whom each citizen has his proper place.

It is in this revelation of the covenant, however, that God reveals more clearly than ever before that the great King who was promised and now sits on that throne forever (vss. 13, 16, Lk. 1:32) would enter His kingdom not in the way of battle with sword and spears, but in the way of suffering and shame (vs. 14, Ps. 89:30ff).  It is not armies and weapons that must be defeated but sin!

That word that hung over Christ's head, therefore, on the cross, spoke truly, though those who put it there meant it in mockery.  He was in His suffering, THE KING of the Jews, that is, of all true children of Abraham.  As such He is also the Head of the covenant!

Last modified on 02 March 2013
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Additional Info

  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 24
Hanko, Ronald

Rev. Ronald Hanko (Wife: Nancy)

Ordained: November 1979

Pastorates: Wyckoff, NJ - 1979; Trinity, Houston, TX - 1986; Missionary to N.Ireland - 1993; Lynden, WA - 2002; Emeritus October 15, 2017


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