Audio Sermons

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Garrett J Eriks
Sun, Feb 08, 2015
Passage: Isaiah 6:5
Duration: 47 mins 20 secs
Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor as part of a brief series on Isaiah 6. The message has these parts: 1. A Fearful Confession 2. A Gracious Work 3. The Necessary Knowledge
Brian  Huizinga
Sun, Feb 08, 2015
Duration: 54 mins 10 secs
Sermon preached in Hope PRC, Redlands, CA by her pastor. The message has these parts: I. The Antithetical Choice II. The Sure Result III. The Important Knowledge
Arie  den Hartog
Sun, Feb 08, 2015
Duration: 57 mins 42 secs
Sermon preached in SW PRC, Wyoming, MI, by her pastor. This is a sermon based in part of Lord's Day 31 (Q&As 83-84) of the Heidelberg Catechism.
Rodney  Kleyn
Sun, Feb 08, 2015
Duration: 43 mins 9 secs
Sermon preached in Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA, by her pastor.
Cory Griess
Sun, Feb 01, 2015
Duration: 52 mins 51 secs
Preached in Calvary PRC (Hull, IA) by her pastor as part of a series on the covenant and the family. The message is divided this way: I. The Pressure II. The Protection III. The Picture
Wilbur  Bruinsma
Sun, Feb 01, 2015
Duration: 49 mins 18 secs
Sermon preached in Pittsburgh PR Fellowship by missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma, as part of a series on the virtuous woman.
Clayton  Spronk
Sun, Feb 01, 2015
Passage: Ephesians 1:5
Duration: 46 mins 46 secs
Preached in Faith PRC, Jenison MI, by her pastor, on the occasion of Christian baptism (infant). The message has these parts: 1) Eternal Election 2) Blessed Adoption 3) Sovereign Salvation
Rodney  Kleyn
Sun, Feb 01, 2015
Passage: Psalms
Series: Psalms
Duration: 22 mins 13 secs
Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour radio program on this date, by radio pastor Rev.R.Kleyn, pastor of Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA. This message begins a series on Psalm 16.
David  Overway
Sun, Feb 01, 2015
Passage: John 14:6
Duration: 55 mins 8 secs
Preached in Hope PRC, Walker, MI as part of a series on Jesus' Final Discourse. The message is divided this way: 1.Vicarious Way 2. Effective Way 3. Only Way
Brian  Huizinga
Sun, Feb 01, 2015
Duration: 55 mins
Preached in Hope PRC, Redland, CA, by her pastor. The message has these parts: I. In White Robes II. With Jubilant Voice III. Seen By Us
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