Reading Sermons

September 2014 Reformed Witness Hour Message Booklet

RWH Booklet - Sept2014The September 2014 radio messages of the Reformed Witness Hour are now available in print form. The four messages were delivered by Rev.Carl Haak, pastor of Georgetown PRC in Hudsonville, MI and compete his series on the OT prophecy of Jonah.

The entire booklet in pdf form is attached here. But you may also find these four messages separately on the website at the links below:

September 7, 2014 - God's Mercy with Repentant Sinners

September 14, 2014 - A Sinful Response to Sovereign Mercy

September 21, 2014 - God's Rebuke of a Pouting Prophet

September 28, 2014 - A Greater Than Jonah is Here

If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive these messages in print each month, visit the RWH website and send an email to the address found there. Or send a note to Judi Doezema at the Seminary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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