Psalm 1:2
What a small beginning of that new obedience that God gives to His children do we have! David, speaking of the man who is truly blessed, says that ''His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night" Psalm 1:2.
That is not the picture which we see of ourselves, if we take a good look into the mirror of God's law. Meditating in the law is one thing. Doing so day and night is something else. Yes, we do sing:
Yea blest is he who makes God's law
His portion and delight,
And meditates upon that law
With gladness day and night.
But singing these words is one thing, and living them is quite another. We do well today to search our hearts. Do we really take as much time to read and meditate in God's Word as we do to read our newspaper? Are we really so interested in that Word that we not only read it but meditate upon it? Is that true also of God's law?
Meditating in God's law is thinking about what we read, turning it over in our minds, asking ourselves what is required of us in the present situation and circumstances, trying to delve more deeply into the meaning of that law for us personally. It means that what God demands of us does not get a quick thought, which is soon brushed aside because we have "more important" things to do. It means that we study His law so that we are sure that today and tomorrow, yea the rest of our lives, we will walk in love to God. It means that we delight in that law and want to walk in it more perfectly than yesterday. Meditating in God's law means that we want to know our calling in every circumstance of life so that we can improve our walk in it. We do not merely want to see what that law says of our past deeds, but also what we are to do tomorrow, should we meet with adversity. Yea we must also know how to react to prosperity and an increase in this world's goods.
And surely it means that we meditate in the fulfillment of that law of God by His own Son. Surely day and night that truth brings us comfort as our sins so up before us day and night.
Read: Psalm 119:97-112
Psalter versification: 1:2
Song for Meditation: Psalter number 42
Why not sing along??
Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Genesis 28 ; Genesis 29:1-35
Matthew 9:18-38
Psalm 11:1-7
Proverbs 3:11-12
Quote for Reflection:
…when the Lord regenerates us by his Spirit, he likewise makes us free, so that, loosed from the snares of Satan, we willingly obey righteousness. But regeneration proceeds from faith, and hence it is evident that freedom proceeds from the Gospel. – John Calvin
Additional Info
- Date: 13-January