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188. A Suppliant's Urgent Prayer



1. Make haste, O my God, to deliver, I pray,
O Lord, to my rescue make haste;
Let those who would harm me be filled with dismay,
And in their own folly disgraced.

2. Let them be turned back in confusion, O Lord,
Who in my destruction would joy;
Let shame and defeat be their only reward
Who sneers and derision employ.

3. May all those who seek Thee, and make Thee their choice,
Great gladness and blessedness see;
May all those who love Thy salvation rejoice
And constantly magnify Thee.

4. I cry in deep need and Thy help I implore;
Make haste to the rescue, I pray;
My Saviour Thou art, and my strength evermore,
No longer Thy coming delay.



Last modified on 26 March 2013

Additional Info

  • Psalter #: 188
  • # Stanzas: 4
  • Metre: 11s and 8s
  • Video: No
  • Psalm: 69
  • Type: Normal
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