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That Blessed Reconciliation

What does salvation mean to you? From what do you want to be saved? As a child of God you are going to say that you want to be saved from sin. The question however is, What do you mean by salvation from sin? It is so easy for our flesh to say that we want to be saved from all the aches and pains of life here below, from death and all that everlasting punishment in hell which comes upon all those who hate God. With all the unbelievers we want to be saved from God's wrath and the punishment which it brings.

We are right, if we want all this with a view to something deeper, something which is the heart of our salvation. We must want to be saved from our act of sin, not simply from its punishment. Paul presents this so beautifully in Colossians 1:21 , when he writes, "And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled." That is what we need and need first. We need to be reconciled, that is, to be changed spiritually, if we are to have our life changed physically by relief from all the punishment of sin. It means that we want to be saved from our hatred toward God, and to be given a deep, abiding love toward Him. It means that we want to be able to do only that which pleases our God.

Do you find that in your heart and mind? That must be there, or you are not one whose body and soul are saved from all the punishment of God's curse. When God told Satan that He would put enmity in our hearts against him, so that there would be love of God in us, He spoke of the heart of our salvation. It will come not only by Christ's heel being crushed, but by His Spirit implanting hatred against sin in our hearts.

Look deeply then into your soul. Look for love of God in that soul. And if you find a desire to be saved from sin, you can be sure that God will save you from the punishment of sin. Reconciliation is a blessed pearl of our salvation that assures us of glorification.

Read: Colossians 1:1-22 .

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Ezekiel 47 ; Ezekiel 48:1-35 
1 Peter 2:11-25 ; 1 Peter 3:1-7 
Psalm 119:49-64 
Proverbs 28:12-13 

Quote for Reflection:

… God did not so create the world once that he did afterward depart from his work; but that it standeth by his power, and that the same God is the governor thereof who was the Creator. We must well think upon this continual comforting and strengthening, that we may remember God every minute.  – John Calvin