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That Blessed Gift Of Peace

Yesterday we briefly considered the gift of spiritual strength which our God is pleased to give us, and which is listed in Psalm 29:11 . In this verse we also find the gift of peace. The complete verse declares, "The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace...."

What we should bear in mind first of all is that this peace is given only to those to whom God gives spiritual strength, which strength is mentioned in the first part of this verse. To enjoy this peace we need spiritual strength.

The idea here is not that we have peace with men in this life. No, the day we fell into sin in Adam God told the devil and us that there will be enmity, a war between mankind with crushing of heads and heels ( Genesis 3:15 ).

What is so wonderful is that we, the seed of the woman, have peace with God. Not only does He deal with us in peace, but He strengthens us spiritually so that we can live in peace with Him, walking in love for Him.

Let us then, on the day we celebrate the birth of His Son, remember that He has given us the wonderful change whereby we no longer hate Him and fight against Him and His holy law, but strive to do what pleases Him and glorifies Him as our God and Father.

Indeed, what the psalmist says is so very true. This peace with God is a blessing. David states that God will bless us with peace. The question is whether we are doing that which pleases God. The question is not whether we want God to do what pleases us, but whether we consider it a blessed gift that he has made us able to please Him.

Read: Psalm 29 .

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
Jonah 1Jonah 2Jonah 3Jonah 4 
Revelation 5:1-14 
Psalm 133:1-3 
Proverbs 29:26-27 

Quote for Reflection:

… Peace with God is opposed to the dead security of the flesh, and for this reason, — because the first thing is, that every one should become awakened as to the account he must render of his life; and no one can stand boldly before God, but he who relies on a gratuitous reconciliation; for as long as he is God, all must otherwise tremble and be confounded. And this is the strongest of proofs, that our opponents do nothing but prate to no purpose, when they ascribe righteousness to works; for this conclusion of Paul is derived from this fact, — that miserable souls always tremble, except they repose on the grace of Christ.       - Calvin