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Knowing Our Dependency Upon God

Psalm 127:1

From the day that they are born children reveal that they know that they are dependent upon their parents. Much of their crying is a call for help in that which they cannot do themselves. They want food that they cannot prepare or get, and comfort in situations that they cannot change.

As they get older, begin to walk, and grow physically and mentally stronger, they do less asking, and they grow in confidence as to their own abilities. When they become fathers and mothers they are the ones who must answer such cries and serve the needs of their children.

And we, as children of God, are really put to shame so often by our children. Indeed, boisterous cries can be sinful and are not to be commended. But awareness of, consciousness of our complete dependency upon God is a must. The child's heart can beat without help from the parent. The parent need not give it strength to cry. But there is nothing, no nothing, that we can do without strength given us by God. Every heartbeat comes from Him. In Him we live, move, and have all our being.

The psalmist in Psalm 127:1 states this in broader terms, but teaches us our utter dependency upon God. He writes, "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it. Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.'' And the question for us today is, do we live in the consciousness of the fact that behind everything we do is God, giving us the physical and mental strength to do it? Do we, before we set out to do anything look to God for strength, or do we go ahead as though we have no need of Him? Can we sincerely sing:

Unless the Lord the house shall build
The weary builder toils in vain;
Unless the Lord the city shield,
The guards a useless watch maintain.

Remember today that even our crying for help, and the desire for it, must come from God. Boast not of what you did, but thank God for what He was pleased to do through you. See all that you have as God's gift, and all you did as His work through you.

Read: Psalm 127 
Psalter versification: 359:1

Daily  Meditations
on the Heidelberg Catechism


Song for Meditation: Psalter number 28
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Numbers 19Numbers 20:1-29 
Luke 1:1-25 
Psalm 56:1-13 
Proverbs 11:8 

Quote for Reflection:

"He cannot have God for his father who does not have the church for his mother." --Augustine

Last modified on 21 April 2013

Additional Info

  • Date: 13-March