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56. The Saviour's Constant Presence




1. My Shepherd is the Lord Who know my needs,
And I am blest;
By quiet streams, in pastures green, He leads
And makes me rest.
My soul He saves and for His own Name's sake
He guides my feet the paths of right to take.

2. Though in death's vale and shadow be my way
I fear no ill,
For Thou art near, Thy rod and staff my stay
And comfort still.
My table Thou dost spread before my foes,
My head Thou dost anoint, my cup o'erflows. 

3. The goodness and the mercy that have aye
Upon me shone
Shall surely follow me through all the way
Till life is done;
And evermore Jehovah's house shall be
My dwelling place through all eternity.



Last modified on 11 March 2013

Additional Info

  • Psalter #: 56
  • # Stanzas: 3
  • Metre: 7s and 6s
  • Video: No
  • Psalm: 23
  • Type: Normal