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122. The Martyr Church



1. Thou, Lord, hast forsaken, to shame brought our boasts;
No more to the field dost Thou go with our hosts;
Thou turnest us back from the foe in dismay,
And spoilers who hate us have made us their prey. 

2. Like sheep to the slaughter Thy people are given,
Dispersed through the nations afar we are driven;
Thou sellest Thy people to strangers for naught,
Their price to Thy treasure no increase has brought. 

3. Thou makest our neighbors reproach us in pride,
And those that are near us to scoff and deride;
A byword the nations have made of our name,
With scorn and derision they put us to shame. 

4. Yea, all the day long I behold my disgrace,
And covered am I with confusion of face;
The voice of blasphemers and scoffers I hear,
The foe and avenger against me appear. 

5. All this have we suffered, and never forgot
To serve Thee, Jehovah, nor falsely have wrought;
Our heart is not turned and our steps have not strayed,
Though crushed amid ruins and under death's shade.







Last modified on 18 March 2013

Additional Info

  • Psalter #: 122
  • # Stanzas: 5
  • Metre: 11s
  • Video: No
  • Psalm: 44
  • Type: Normal