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157. A Cry for Help



1. Protect and save me, O my God,
From foes that seek my life,
And set me high, secure above
The rising tide of strife.

2. The workers of iniquity
Against me lie in wait;
Though I am innocent, O Lord,
They gather in their hate.

3. Behold their wickedness, O Lord,
To help me, O awake;
Lord God of Hosts, Thou, Israel's God,
Arise, and vengeance take.

4. My enemies with deadly rage
Renew their fierce attack;
They think the Lord will not regard,
But Thou wilt turn them back. 

5. O God, my strength, on Thee I wait,
To Thee for refuge flee;
My God with mercy will defend,
Triumphant I shall be.

6. O God, our shield, let wickedness
And pride be put to shame,
Till all shall know that Thou dost rule
And all shall fear Thy Name.

7. Let wickedness that raged in power
Now rage in impotence;
But I will glory in Thy strength,
My refuge and defense.

8. When all the night of woe is past
And morning dawns at length,
Then I shall praise Thy grace, O God,
My refuge and my strength.

9. To Thee, O God most merciful,
My thankful song I raise;
My might, my strong secure abode,
I will proclaim Thy praise.



Last modified on 21 March 2013

Additional Info

  • Psalter #: 157
  • # Stanzas: 9
  • Metre: C.M.
  • Video: No
  • Psalm: 59
  • Type: Normal