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Reformed News Asia - August 2018

Issue 50 - August 2018

We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
By Rev. den Hartog Arie & MaryBeth Lubbers

"Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not..."  
Psalm 71:18 

"For I know [Abraham], that he will command his children and his household after him...."
Genesis 18:19 

Click hereto view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.
Featured Book
For local orders (S'pore), please contact Ms Daisy Lim at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For international orders, click here.
Grace and Assurance
by Martyn McGeown

From the RFPA website:

In 1618-19 the great Synod of Dordt met to counter the Arminian error that was threatening the peace and welfare of the Reformed churches in the Netherlands. The fruit of their deliberations was the Canons of Dordt, a creed which has defined the Calvinist, Reformed faith for centuries.

This accessible commentary on the Canons leads readers through the comforting message of the creed: being wholly saved by God’s grace—not one’s own merit—comes with the steadfast assurance of eternal and unchangeable election.

Audio Recordings
Series of Sermons on The Last Days by Prof Russell Dykstra from 2 Peter 3:

The Coming Of Scoffers In The Last Days 
The Willing Ignorance Of The Scoffers
God's Longsuffering To Usward
What Manner Of People?

Upcoming Events!
Mooncake Gospel Meeting 

Speaker : Elder Lap Meng
Date : 29 Sep 18, Sat
Venue : CERC
Time: 5.30pm to 7.30pm
23 Sep    31st CERC Church Anniversary
Oct    Mission Seminar
Past Events...
Infant Baptism

In July, we were again blessed to witness the Infant Baptism of Sonya, daughter of Ivan Chew and Elisa; and Asaph, son of Marcus Wee and Tze Yan! We rejoice with their parents, thanking God and praying for God's blessings upon them as they bring up their covenant child in the fear of the Lord. 
Baptism of Sonya
Baptism of Asaph
Farewell for Pastor & Sherry Den Hartog

A number of farewell meals were planned for Pastor & Sherry Den Hartog who had been in our midst for 25 Sundays since January 2018. We bid farewell to them on 16 July. We thank God for them for their dedicated labours in our congregation for the past months, through the preaching and the counsels. We praise God for His goodness and love for CERC. 
Farewell lunch for Pastor Den Hartog and Sherry organised by Glowing Candles Bible Study Group
Prof & Carol Dykstra

We were glad to receive Prof & Carol Dykstra into our midst for 5 Sundays. We are very grateful to God for providing for our needs and for the supply of pulpit till the end of this year. May we trust and be thankful to God in all matters.
Prof Dykstra in one of his speeches
Installation of Office Bearers

On 22nd July, we witnessed the installation of Elder elect Wee Gim Theng and Elder Leong Fai Chong to the office of Elder as well as Deacon elect Paul Liu to the ofiice of Deacon. We thank God for His care and faithfulness for His church and we pray for the Lord's blessings upon them as they diligently undertake their respective callings. 
Family Seminar

This year's national day on 9 August, we were privileged to have a speech by Prof Dykstra under the theme: Dealing With Technology - Seeking Wisely To Live Wisely With Screen. The speech can be found here. Let us consider the usage of technology in our lives and in our homes. 

Fellowship Outing

On 22 September, we had another fellowship outing under the theme: Dwelling Together in Unity. The outing started of with devotions by Paul Liu followed by an activity of arts and crafts.
3D structures based on verses. Can you guess the verse?
Salt Shakers

Salt Shakers is a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth in Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church (CERC). Included in each issue are writings pertaining to bothReformed doctrine and practical theology. Contributors to Salt Shakers include our pastor, youth and members of CERC, and pastors and professors from the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. Salt Shakers also features articles from the Standard Bearer and other Reformed publications. Click here to access.

Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord's Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm ~ 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 ~ Pastor: Rev Andy Lanning  ~ 
Last modified on 04 September 2018