Latest sermons by this teacher

Garrett J Eriks
Duration:42 mins
Preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor for her Christmas Day service. The message is divided this way: 1. Announcing our sin-problem 2. Announcing our beautiful Savior 3. Announcing our new response
Garrett J Eriks
Duration:54 mins
Preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor as part of an Advent series on the purpose of Jesus' coming.
Garrett J Eriks
Duration:52 mins
Preached in Hidsonville PRC by her pastor as part of an Advent series on the purpose of Jesus' coming. The message has these parts: 1. The striking idea. 2. The painful reality. 3. The blessed comfort.
Garrett J Eriks
Duration:51 mins
Preached in Hudsonville (MI) PRC by her pastor as part of an Advent series, "The Purpose of Jesus' Coming." The message has these parts: 1. The Sick Sinners 2. The Physician's Work 3. The Blessed Healing
Garrett J Eriks
Duration:44 mins
Preached at Faith PRC by Rev.G.Eriks, pastor of Hudsonville PRC. The message was divided this way: 1.The Alarming Idea 2.The Solemn Lessons 3.The Only Comfort
Garrett J Eriks
Duration:43 mins
Preached in Faith PRC for the evening service. The 3 points to this message are: 1. The Water and Tree of Life 2. The Satisfied Life 3. The Serving Life
Garrett J Eriks
Duration:49 mins
Garrett J Eriks
Duration:51 mins

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Classical Officers

Classis East
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