Audio Sermons

Heidelberg Catechism (General)

Heidelberg Catechism (General)

Mar 1985 - Sep 2024
Sermons in this series
Sun, Aug 07, 2016
Duration: 48 mins 59 secs
Sermon preached in Loveland (CO) PRC by her pastor, Rev.S. Key, based on Psalm 100 and the teaching of the Heidelberg Catechism, LD 35, Q&A 96-98. The message has these parts: 1. Rejecting Graven Images 2. Being Taught by the Word 3. Offering Thankful Praise
Sun, Jun 12, 2016
Duration: 44 mins 34 secs
Sermon preached in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) by her pastor, Rev. R. Smit. The sermon is an explanation of Q&A 16-19 of the Heidelberg Catechism from the viewpoint of 2 Tim.3.
Sun, May 22, 2016
Duration: 51 mins 15 secs
Heidelberg Catechism sermon (Q&A 16-19) preached in Faith PRC by her pastor, Rev.C. Spronk. The message has these parts: 1. What 2. Why 3. For Whom
Sun, Apr 17, 2016
Duration: 48 mins 13 secs
Sermon preached in Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) by guest pastor, Rev. R. Hanko (Lynden, WA PRC).
Sun, Apr 17, 2016
Duration: 51 mins 15 secs
Sermon preached in Georgetown PRC by her pastor, Rev.C. Haak. The message is based on Psalm 66 and LD 45 of the Heidelberg Catechism (Q&A 116-119). It has these points: I. Why? II. How? III. For What?
Sun, Apr 17, 2016
Sermon preached in the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship by missionary-pastor W. Bruinsma. The message is based on 2 Cor.5:19 and the Heidelberg Catechism, LD 19, Q&A 52. The message has these parts: I. The Judge II. The Judged III. The Judgment
Sun, Apr 10, 2016
Duration: 50 mins 17 secs
Sermon preached in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) by her pastor, Rev.C. Spronk, based on Gen.1 and the Heidelberg Catechism, LD 3a (Q&A 6). The message has these parts: 1. In His Own Image 2. As His Covenant Friend 3. As His Capable Servant
Sun, Mar 13, 2016
Duration: 39 mins 15 secs
Heidelberg Catechism sermon (LD 16) preached in the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship by missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma. The message has these parts: I. The Grave's Curse II. The Grave's Defeat III. The Grave's Necessity
Sun, Feb 14, 2016
Passage: Romans 12
Duration: 57 mins
Preached in Hope PRC, Redlands. The sermon is divided into these parts:1) The Character of that Life 2) The Duty of that Life 3) The Blessedness of that Life.
Sun, Jan 31, 2016
Duration: 56 mins 17 secs
Heidelberg Catechism sermon (LD 27, Q&A 73-74) preached in Grandville PRC by her pastor, Rev. K. Koole.The message has these parts: I. As To What Happened II. As To Proper Recipients III. As To Its Implication For Believers
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