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Doon PRC  Doon, IA

Doon PRC Doon, IA


408 6th Ave. 

Doon, IA 51235 

Services: 9:30 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. (2:00 p.m., December-February)

Calling Church for PRC Mission labors in the Philippines

See also: Reformed Witness Committee

Cand. Joshua Engelsma Accepts Doon PRC's Call

Josh E-Sermon-Synod 2014On Sunday morning, August 24, 2014, Cand. Joshua Engelsma announced that he was led by the Lord of the church to accept the call to Doon (IA) PRC. This also means that he was led to decline the calls from Faith PRC of Jenison, MI and First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI.

We rejoice with Josh and Courtney and family and with Doon PRC in God's provision, and pray that God will bless their plans as they prepare for his examination at Classis West on Sept.24 in Peace PRC, Lansing, IL.

Let us also remember to pray for Faith and First PRCs as they await their own undershepherd from the chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ.


Doon PRC Extends Calls for Pastor and Missionary

DoonPRCPicOn Sunday, July 13, 2014, the congregation of Doon PRC voted to extend a call to Cand. Joshua Engelsma to serve as her next pastor and to Rev.Steven Key (Loveland, CO PRC) to serve as the next missionary to the Philippines, replacing Rev.R.Smit.

Cand.J.Engelsma plans to answer this calll by Aug.24 and Rev.S.Key by Aug.10.

May Jesus Christ, the chief Shepherd and only Bishop of the church, be pleased to lead these men into the clear knowledge of and submission to His will for them with regard to these calls.


Doon PRC Forms Trio to Call New Missionary to the Philippines

MissionariesKleynSmitIn light of the recent decision of the Foreign Mission Committee and Doon PRC, the calling church, to release Missionary-pastor R.Smit honorably from his labors in the Philippines, Doon PRC's Council has formed a trio from which to call a new missionary to labor with Missionary-pastor D.Kleyn in the Philippines.

That trio consists of Revs. C.Griess (Calvary PRC), S.Key (Loveland PRC), and C.Spronk (Peace PRC).

The congregation of Doon PRC will vote to call from this trio on Sunday, July 13.


Rev.B.Huizinga Declines Doon PRC's Call - New Trio Announced

DoonPRCPicOn Sunday April 6, it was announced in Doon (IA) PRC  that Rev.B. Huizinga, pastor of Hope PRC, Redlands, CA, had declined her call sent on March 20.

On Sunday April 13 the Council of Doon PRC  announced a new trio from which to call a pastor. It is made up of Revs. D. Holstege (Holland, MI), N. Langerak (Crete, IL) and C. Spronk (Peace PRC, Lansing, IL). 

The congregation will vote at a special meeting Sunday April 20.

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