CR News

Is Amillennialism Romanist? (Again)

Several issues back we wrote a brief article in response to a booklet that had been sent us, The Supreme Irony: An Exposure of the Roman Catholic Roots of A-Millennial Calvinism, by Paul A. Bailey. In that article we also warned against the publisher that is printing and distributing this booklet, Penfold Book and Bible House.

Since writing that article we learned with great joy and thanks to God, that the author of the booklet, Mr. Bailey, has long since (three years ago) completely renounced the booklet and its teaching. He writes as follows "to all brethren in Christ who are versed in Bible prophecy:"

"The author of a booklet strongly attacking the reformed historical view of Bible Prophecy, and affirming the dispensationalist futurist doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture, has renounced his own work and repented of that which he now sees as a false and evil doctrine....

"Since the publication of 'The Supreme Irony' I have had correspondence with godly brothers of the Reformed position, and by His grace the Lord has gently guided me into seeing the error of Dispensational teaching. It is a peculiar feeling to refute one's own work, but rest assured, 'The Supreme Irony' and in fact ANY book defending the 'pre-trib' rapture position crumbles under the severe testing of Scripture. I have read many books written from the Dispensationalist viewpoint and have found serious flaws in them all. It is not my purpose to go into detailed criticism in this letter, but I am firmly convinced that most Christians who have accepted the 'pre-trib' position have only been made aware of its 'surface' teachings....

"The writings of such men as Le Tan, Larkin, Gaebelein, even John Nelson Darby teach that the great commission of Matthew 28 was not for the church but for the future Jewish remnant. As former dispensationalist A.W. Pink, whose study of the Puritans revealed the errors of dispensationalism 'on almost every doctrine', wrote in 1933: 'Knowing that he is unable to shake the faith of the regenerate in the Divine inspiration and veracity of the promises recorded in Holy Writ, Satan has employed the subtler attack of seeking to persuade us that the great majority of God's promises do not belong to Christians at all, for seeing they are recorded in the Old Testament, they are the property of the Jews only.' The wickedness of such teaching is frightening.

"I ask any convert to 'pre-trib' teaching to prayerfully read that which the 'giants' of dispensationalism taught on the Lord's Prayer, the Great Commission and the Sermon on the Mount. Read Darby, Kelly, Larkin, Scofield and Gaebelein for yourselves, and you will be obliged to admit that the system is utterly false, I am compelled to say, with Pink and many others who have renounced it, diabolical."

Concerning the publisher of this booklet, he writes:

"I was employed with Penfold Book and Bible House, which is a brethren organisation. On denouncing the 'pre-trib' doctrine I obtained fresh employment as it would have been impossible to continue in 'brethren' fellowship believing their fundamental

position to be false. I relate this to demonstrate that what I have done has been costly."

We would add, "Shame on the Penfolds for continuing to publish and distribute a booklet that the author himself has repudiated." That is wickedly dishonest. "Ye shall know them by their fruits."

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Additional Info

  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 12
Hanko, Ronald

Rev. Ronald Hanko (Wife: Nancy)

Ordained: November 1979

Pastorates: Wyckoff, NJ - 1979; Trinity, Houston, TX - 1986; Missionary to N.Ireland - 1993; Lynden, WA - 2002


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