Audio Sermons

Ten Commandments (Heidelberg Catechism)

Ten Commandments (Heidelberg Catechism)
Nov 2013 - Mar 2014

Sermons in this series

Russell  Dykstra
Duration:59 mins
Preached in Faith PRC by guest preacher, Prof.R.Dykstra, as the closing sermon to a series on the ten commandments based on the Heidelberg Catechism (LD 44). The message has these parts: 1. What The Tenth Commandment Teaches 2. How Much of The Law We Can Keep 3. Why God is So Strict
Russell  Dykstra
Duration:57 mins
Preached in Faith PRC, Jenison MI, by guest preacher, Prof.R.Dykstra, as part of a series on the ten commandments based on the Heidelberg Catechism (LD 43). The message has these parts: 1) Speaking the Truth 2) Resisting All Deception 3) Enjoying Blessed Fellowship
Russell  Dykstra
Duration:55 mins
Preached in Faith PRC by guest preacher, Prof.R.Dykstra, as part of a series on the law of God from the Heidelberg Catechism (LD 42). The sermon has these parts: 1. Covenant-Guided Stewardship 2. Covenant-Violating Misuse 3. Covenantal Contentment Blessed
Russell  Dykstra
Duration:54 mins
Preached in Faith PRC by guest pastor Prof. R.Dykstra, as part of a series on the ten commandments from the Heidelberg Catechism, this being on the 7th commandment and LD 41. The message has these parts: 1) The Beautiful Picture 2) The Struggle to Imitate 3) The Blessedness of Faithfulness
Russell  Dykstra
Duration:57 mins
Preached in Faith PRC by guest preacher, Prof.R.Dykstra, as part of a catechism series (LD 40) on the ten commandments (this being the 6th commandment). The message has these parts: 1. The Requirement 2. The Possibility 3. The Manifestation
Russell  Dykstra
Duration:47 mins
Preached in Faith PRC by guest preacher, Prof.R.Dykstra. Though part of a series on the ten commandments from the Heidelberg Catechism, it was also part of a baptism service that morning. The message was divided as follows: Lord's Day 39 1. The God-Given Authority 2. The God-Glorifying Respect 3. The God-Provided Grace
Russell  Dykstra
Duration:56 mins
Preached in Faith PRC by guest pastor Prof.R.Dykstra as part of his sermons on the Heidelberg Catechism, specifically dealing with the ten commandments. This sermon is based on Lord's Day 38, treating the 4th commandment. The message has these parts: 1. Proper Sabbath Observance 2. The Blessing of Covenant Schools 3. The Privileged Responsibility
Russell  Dykstra
Duration:54 mins
Preached in Faith PRC by Prof.R.Dykstra as part of a series on the Heidelberg Catechism from the viewpoint of the doctrine of the covenant.This sermon is on that part of the catechism which treats the ten commandments. The 3 parts to the sermon are: 1. Being God-Conscious 2. Speaking the Truth Always 3. Living the Truth Antithetically
Russell  Dykstra
Duration:51 mins
Preached in Faith PRC as a Heidelberg Catechism sermon on the third commandment. The 3 parts to the sermon are: Lord's Day 36 1. The Precious Gift of God's Name 2. The Proper Reverence of God's Name 3. The Incentive for Rightly Using God's Name
Russell  Dykstra
Duration:56 mins
Preached in the morning service as a Heidelberg catechism sermon on the second commandment in Faith PRC. The parts to the sermon are: Lords Day 35 1. What God Requires 2. How We Worship 3. What It Yields

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