
Witnessing Our Spiritual Joy

Psalm 126:1-3

The world may, and often does, ridicule God's church. Think of how the King of the church was ridiculed upon His cross. Think of how they scoffed at those upon whom the Spirit was poured out on Pentecost, accusing them of being filled with new wine. But there are also times when they have to and do admit what the psalmist says in Psalm 126:1-3, namely, "When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion...they said among the heathen, the Lord hath done great things for them.'' And the idea is that the unbelievers also saw what God did for His church, and admitted it. One of our versifications has it thus:

    The nations saw with fear
    The light of God displayed,
    When He at last drew near
    To give His people aid:
    Great things for us the Lord has wrought,
    And gladness to our hearts has brought

This does not mean that today unbelievers will praise God and reveal faith in Him, when they see what He has done. His works they ascribe to their god, whom they call Mother Nature, or at times Providence. So often — and sad to say this even happens in the church -- they ascribe it to a god they call Luck.

Not only must we watch our speech and ascribe all things to Jehovah, the one and only true God, but we must fight against our tendency to keep silent, and to fail to witness and confess God to be the one Who is behind all that which takes place, not only in heaven, but also here on this earth.

Our calling is to rebuke the world for its language and unbelief. Our calling is to witness and let the world know that we are glad because of the work of salvation which God has wrought for us. Our calling is to say before the world, as the psalmist does, "The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.''

How glad are you for your salvation? How openly do you show that joy before the world?  Let your light shine before men. God may be pleased to use it to cause others to glorify Him with you.

Read: Joel 3 
Psalter versification: 358:2

Song for Meditation: Psalm 24 (Scottish Psalter) 
Why not sing along?


Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Exodus 34 ; Exodus 35:1-9 
Matthew 27:15-31 
Psalm 33:12-22 
Proverbs 9:1-6 

Quote for Reflection:

God wants His people to know His counsel with respect to salvation and with regards to all things, in order that they may speak of it and be witnesses of His wisdom and power and absolute sovereignty.  – Herman Hoeksema

Last modified on 21 April 2013

Additional Info

  • Date: 12-February
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