Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Sister and Other Church Relationships

In harmony with the principles of holy Scripture and our Three Forms of Unity, the PRC through its Committee for Contact with Other Churches maintain full sister church relationships with two foreign churches and a corresponding relationship with one other foreign denomination.

Covenant PRC Ballymena, Northern Ireland

Covenant PRC Ballymena, Northern Ireland (17)


83 Clarence Street,

Ballymena BT42 3NR, Northern Ireland

Services: 11:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M.


Pastor: Rev. Angus Stewart

7 Lislunnan Rd.

Kells, Ballymena, Co. Antrim

Northern Ireland BT42 3NR

Phone: (from U.S.A.) 011 (44) 28 25 891 851


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Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (21)



11, Jalan Mesin #04-00

Standard Industrial Building

Singapore 368813

Worship Services: 9:30 A.M. & 2:00 P.M. 


Pastor: Rev.Andrew Lanning (on loan from the PRC)

148 Bishan Street 11 #06-113 

Singapore  570148



Blog: "Stories from Singapore"

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Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia (EPC) (2)

For information on this small Presbyterian denomination in Australia with whom the PRCA have a "corresponding relationship", visit their website.

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New Salt Shakers Magazine - Issue 27!

"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has just published issue #27 of "Salt Shakers"their youth magazine.

This is another issue packed with interesting and edifying articles. This is the note that came with this issue introducing it to the reader:

Dearest Salt Shakers readers,
Attached is the 27th issue of the Salt Shakers magazine! We are very thankful to God for yet another release. Some of the topics covered are...
- Dealing with sexual temptations
- Korean Pop Music
- Is this Home? Truly Home? (A National Day special)
- Work stress
- The history of the ERCS

May God bless you through this magazine! Thank you!
For the King,
Josiah Tan
On behalf of the Salt Shakers committee

Below you will find the first two pages of the magazine, including its table of contents. You are encouraged to visit the"Salt Shakers" webpage where you will find a downloadable e-copy for your reading and spiritual growth. Or you may find the full copy attached here in pdf form.

SS 27 web Page 1

SS 27 web Page 2


Reformed News Asia: Issue 8 - August 2014

Aug2014-BC MeditationsThe eighth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and it is another issue filled with informative and edifying content (for information on the previous issue, #7, click on this link)!

One of the special features of this issue is once again the devotions on the Belgic Confession, covering Articles 24-25 (see pdf attachment) on the topics of man's sanctification and good works, and the abolishing of the ceremonial law. Written by Missionary-pastor M.MeGeown (Limerick Reformed Fellowship, Ireland), these devotions on the BC take you through the month of August (August 13-Sept.3 - for the beginning of August, see issue 7). You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions day by day.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC, including some of the special events revolving around the visits of Prof.R.Dykstra and Rev.N.Decker (see picture below).

For more information on how to subscribe to this newsletter, visit this page on the CERC website.

NDecker with YP-July 2014


British Reformed Fellowship Conference This Week

Gartmore House ScotlandThe British Reformed Fellowship has its conference in Scotland this week (Saturday to Saturday, July 26 - August 2).  Prof David Engelsma and Prof. Herman Hanko (both emeritus professsors of the PRC Seminary) are the speakers, giving three speeches each on the topic “Be Ye Holy, The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification.” 

The venue is the beautiful and historic Gartmore House in Gartmore, Stirling and a variety of attendees are once again present.

The conference is sponsored by our sister church in Northern Ireland, the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church of Ballymena.

For pictures of the conference so far, visit this site of Mr.John Van Baren. He will continue uploading them to this site, so check in on it daily.

You may also enjoy the video he took of the conference farewell psalm-sing from the Scottish Psalter.


July Newsletter from Covenant PRC, N.Ireland

Our sister church in Northern Ireland, Covenant PRC, Ballymena, has just published her latest newsletter. In the July 2014  Rev.Angus Stewart reports on the latest activities in and outside the congregation, along with the upcoming BRF Conference.

Be sure to read this newsletter to be better informed of what our "sister" and her pastor are doing and have planned. This newsletter is also attached here in pdf form (see below).

CPRCNI-Newsletter-July-2014 Page 1
CPRCNI-Newsletter-July-2014 Page 2


Reformed News Asia: Issue 7 - July 2014


The seventh issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and it is another issue filled with informative and edifying content (for information on the previous issue #6, click on this link)!

BC Meditations - July 2014 - coverOne of the special features of this issue is once again the devotions on the Belgic Confession, covering Articles 21-23 on the topics of Satisfaction of Christ, Faith in Jesus Christ, and Justification. Written by Missionary-pastor M.MeGeown, these devotions on the BC take you through the month of July (July 2-August 2) You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions day by day.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC, such as a beautiful wedding, the recent youth retreat, the annual church camp at which Prof.R.Dykstra spoke on the theme of the covenant as revealed in the Psalms, and a special Sunday of foreign fellowship (see pictures below).

For more information on how to subscribe to this newsletter, visit this page on the CERC website.

ALim speech at CERC YP retreat-June 2014

Aaron Lim giving speech on reading for the youth retreat.


Prof.R.Dykstra giving speech at the annual CERC church camp.

Church camp-June2014 - group pic

CERC church camp picture



May and June "Covenant Reformed News", Plus BRF Conference News!

Covenant PRC, our sister church in Ballymena, N.Ireland has recently published its May and June issues of its "Covenant Reformed News". These issues contain significant articles relating to Pergamos, the church in Asia Minor refered to in Revelation 2, and to the relation between the old and new covenants. The writers are once again Rev.Angus Stewart, pastor of Covenant PRC, and emeritus Professor H.Hanko.

You are encouraged to make these part of your regular reading, so that you may grow spiritually in the truths of God's Word and the Reformed faith.

The articles are posted separately on our website and are listed here along with the link to it:

May 2014 Issue (Vol.15, #1)

"Pergamos: A Church Dwelling Where Satan's Throne Is (1)" - Rev.A.Stewart

"The Old Covenant Broken and the New One Made" - Prof.H.Hanko

June 2014 Issue (Vol.15, #2)

"Pergamos: A Church Dwelling Where Satan's Throne Is (2)" - Rev.A.Stewart

"The Old Covenant Broken" - Prof.H.Hanko


In addition, the "CR News" provides the latest information on the upcoming British Reformed Fellowship Family Conference to be held in Scotland this summer. If you are still considering going, it is not too late!

Gartmore House-Scotland-2014 BRFConf

British Reformed Fellowship Family Holiday Conference

Gartmore House
Gartmore, Stirling, Scotland
Saturday, 26 July - Saturday, 2 August, 2014

Conference Theme: “Be Ye Holy: The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification”

Conference Speakers
Prof. David Engelsma
Emeritus Professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament, Protestant Reformed Seminary, Michigan, USA
Prof. Herman Hanko
Emeritus Professor of Church History and New Testament, Protestant Reformed Seminary, Michigan, USA

Conference Addresses
1. The Divine Work of Sanctification (Prof. Engelsma)
2. Sanctification and Justification: Relation and Differences (Prof. Hanko)
3. The Role of the Law in Sanctification (Prof. Engelsma)
4. The Imperfection of Sanctification in This Life (Prof. Hanko)
5. The Threat of Antinomianism (Prof. Engelsma)
6. The Victorious Christian Life (Prof. Hanko)
Special Lecture - To Be Determined 


BRF Conference Update, Including Free Coach!

Since the BRF Conference booking forms were produced, we have had an excellent number of bookings so that Gartmore House (mansion) is now full.
There are still places left in the Craigmore Centre (dormitory) and a new section called the Mews has been opened up to accommodate overflow from the mansion.
The cost for the Mews includes full board and bed linen. These rooms are not en-suite and are part way in quality between the mansion and the dormitory.

Mews (per person)
• Single: £330
• Adult Shared: £280
• Children Shared Mews: £210 (age 12-16), £140 (5-11), £70 (1-4), Free (under 1)

Craigmore Centre (Dormitory)
•    Adult Shared Dormitory: £230
•    Children Shared Dormitory: £175 (age 12-16), £115 (5-11), £55 (1-4), FREE (under 1)

The Covenant Protestant Reformed Church (CPRC) is laying on a FREE 53-seater coach to and from the conference (including ferry fees through Stena in Belfast)!
It will depart from the church car park (83 Clarence Street off the Cullybackey Road, Ballymena, BT43 5DR) on the morning of Saturday, 26 July and return on
the evening of Saturday, 2 August, DV. There are still a few places left, so you are best to book ASAP.

For more information, contact

Mrs. Mary Stewart
7 Lislunnan Road
Kells, Ballymena
Co. Antrim
BT42 3NR
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(028) 25 891851


Reformed News Asia - Issue 6- June 2014


The sixth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and it is another issue filled with informative and edifying content (for information on the previous issue #5, click on this link)!

BC Meditations - June2014-coverOne of the special features of this issue is once again the devotions on the Belgic Confession, covering Articles 17-20 on the topics of The Recovery of Fallen Man, The Incarnation of Jesus Christ and The Union and Distinction of the Two Natures in the Person of Christ. Written by Missionary-pastor M.MeGeown, these devotions on the BC take you through the month of June (June 4-July 1) You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC, such as the upcoming youth retreat.

You will want to find out what literature is being promoted this month (they have a new devotional pamphlet for children on the wonders of God's creation by Connie Meyer!) and read about Rev.Angus and Mary Stewart's recent visit to the CERC.

For more information on how to subscribe to this newsletter, visit this page on the CERC website.

AandMStewart with CERC-2014


May 2014 Issue of "Salt Shakers"

"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has just published issue #26 of "Salt Shakers"their youth magazine.

This is another issue packed with interesting and edifying articles. This is the note that came with this issue introducing it to the reader:

Dearest Salt Shakers readers,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

We thank the Lord for yet another release of the Salt Shakers!

Here are some of the articles featured in this new issue:

- "Temptation Through Time"
- "Trusting in God’s Timing"
- "Redeeming the Time"

 Now, can you guess what the theme of this issue is? Yes! The theme is “Time”!

As we draw closer to the midway mark of the year, may we remember to use our time wisely for God’s glory, for all our time is His alone. May we be good stewards of the time God has given to us!

Below you will find the first two pages of the magazine, including its table of contents. You are encouraged to visit the"SS" webpage where you will find a downloadable e-copy for your reading and spiritual growth.

SS 26 E-Magazine Page 1
SS 26 E-Magazine Page 2


May 2014 Newsletter from Covenant PRC, N.Ireland

Our sister church in Northern Ireland, Covenant PRC, Ballymena, has just published her latest newsletter. This one covers the recent visit of Rev.Angus Stewart to the EPC in Australia and the CERC in Singapore, the visit of Rev.A. den Hartog to the CPRC of Ballymena while he was gone, as well as the latest activities in and outside the congregation, along with the upcoming BRF Conference.

Be sure to read this newsletter to be better aware of what our "sister" and her pastor are doing and have planned. This newsletter is also attached here in pdf form (see below).

May-2014 Page 1May-2014 Page 2


Reformed News Asia - Issue 5 - May 2014


The fifth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and this issue too is filled with informative and edifying content (for information on Issue #4, click on this link)!

BC Meditations - May2014-coverWorthy of special mention is the fact that this issue contains the next set of devotions on the Belgic Confession, covering Articles 15-16 on the doctrines of man's original sin and God's sovereign election. Written by Revs.M.MeGeown and D.Holstege, these devotions on the BC take you through the month of May (May 7 - June 3) You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC. You will want to find out what literature is being promoted this month and what recent U.S.A. visitors to Singapore were privileged to experience.

JHoekstra Visit-2014

To receive your own digital copy of this newsletter and those to come, visit the Christian Literature Ministry page at the CERCS' website and click on the "subscribe" button. There you will also find a downloadable digital copy of the devotional booklet for May.

Subscribe to this RSS feed

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