
Form for Call-Letter

The Rev. ____________________________
Grace, Mercy, and Peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord!

Dear and Esteemed Brother:

The Consistory of the Protestant Reformed Church at ___________________________ herewith has the honor and the pleasure to inform you that, from a previously made nomination of _____________________________, you, Rev. _______________________________, have been chosen by __________________ vote at a legal congregational meeting, held on the day of _______________, 20____, to be their minister of the Word and of the sacraments.

On behalf of said congregation we therefore extend to you the call and come to you with the urgent request: “Come over and help us.”

The labors that we expect of you — should it please God to send you to us — are: preaching twice on the Lord’s Day, attending to catechetical instruction, to family visiting and calling on the sick, and furthermore to all things that pertain to the work of a faithful and diligent servant of the Lord — all these agreeably to the Word of God, as interpreted by our Forms of Unity and the Church Order of Dordrecht as amended by the rules of our churches.

Convinced that the laborer is worthy of his hire, to encourage you in the discharge of your duties, and to free you from all worldly cares and avocations while you are dispensing spiritual blessings to us, we, the elders and deacons of the ____________________ Protestant Reformed Church, do promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of ________________ dollars, in __________________ payments, yearly, and every year as long as you continue the minister of this church, together with free use of parsonage, free use of a telephone, and: __________________________.

Moreover, we promise free transportation of yourself, your family, and your belongings (under provisions as stipulated in Articles 5, 10, and 11 of our Church Order).

Now, dear Reverend Brother, may the King of His church so impress this call upon your heart and give you light, that you may arrive at a decision that is pleasing to Him, and, if possible, for us mutually gratifying.

Done in consistory, this ____________________ day of ___________, 20____, and subscribed with our names.

The Consistory of the Protestant Reformed Church of __________________________________,

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____________________________, Counselor

(Cf. Acts of Synod, 1945, Arts. 40, 51; Acts of Synod, 1946, Arts. 17, 19.)

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