Church Government

Report of Classis West Meeting - March 6-7, 2024

Randolph (WI) PRC, host of this past week's meeting of Classis West

News Report of Classis West of the PRCA

Meeting March 6-7, 2024

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches met on March 6-7, 2024, in Randolph (WI) PRC. The congregation did an outstanding job of hosting the twenty-five delegates from the thirteen churches in the Classis, as well as a number of visitors.

Classis began on Wednesday, March 6, with opening devotions led by the chairman of the previous meeting, Rev. John Marcus (pastor of Peace PRC), who gave a fitting meditation on Solomon’s request for wisdom from 1 Kings 3. After Classis was legally constituted, the meeting was capably chaired by Rev. Stephan Regnerus (pastor of Hull PRC).

S Regnerus J Marcus Randolph PRC Mar 2024 2
Rev. S. Regnerus (Hull PRC) and Rev. J. Marcus (Peace PRC) served as chair and clerk of Classis West

Two first-time delegates to Classis signed the Formula of Subscription, the minutes of the previous meeting of Classis were approved, and the four questions of Article 41 of the Church Order were asked and answered. Routine reports of the stated clerk, classical committee, and reading sermon committee were read and approved. The church visitors reported on their work and the presence of unity, peace, and love prevailing in the churches, in spite of busyness and hardships in the last year. The chairman appointed five committees of pre-advice, and then Classis recessed to allow the committees time to prepare advice.

In closed session, Classis treated the legality of several matters on the agenda in the late morning and early afternoon. In open session, Classis treated the legality of the appeal of individuals who requested of the Crete PRC consistory that they provide a thorough report of the case of Mr. Jack Lenting (a former member who was excommunicated for his crimes of sexual abuse), that they conduct an investigation by experts into the case, and that they communicate care for potential victims and families of victims. Classis declared the appeal not legally before it. But Classis then mandated the committee of pre-advice to provide advice regarding a letter that the Crete PRC consistory had recently distributed to the denomination regarding this case.

On Wednesday evening, Classis treated in closed session the report of a special committee assigned by Classis to help a consistory regarding a case of sexual abuse. Classis approved the work of the committee up to this point.

Classis then recessed until Thursday mid-morning in order to allow the committees of pre-advice time to work.

On Thursday morning, Classis continued to address in closed session the work of the special committee. Classis approved giving further mandates to the special committee as to their work with the consistory going forward.

Still in closed session, Classis considered the appeal of a couple against the discipline work of their consistory with them. Classis did not sustain their appeal, and thus upheld the discipline work of the consistory.

That afternoon, Classis considered the advice of the committee to provide advice regarding a letter that the Crete PRC consistory had recently distributed to the denomination. Classis encouraged the consistory to continue the work of compassionately shepherding those who have been subjected to the grooming and abuse of Mr. Jack Lenting; encouraged the consistory to continue its work of investigating matters related to the case, including a possible independent investigation; approved funds for a possible independent investigation; and mandated the church visitors to follow up with the consistory regarding these matters. Classis also expressed its grief over the wickedness of child sexual abuse and grooming perpetrated by Mr. Lenting, a man of influence in Crete PRC, Classis West, and the denomination. Classis grieves with all who were wickedly groomed and victimized by Mr. Lenting, sorrows over the untold anguish this has caused victims, and laments the fact that a man who had such influence in Crete PRC, Classis West, and the denomination betrayed the trust of many and caused severe pain and confusion. We pray that our just and merciful heavenly Father would comfort those cruelly victimized with the promise of his Word: “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.  And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee” (Ps. 9:9-10). Classis also took time to pray for the victims of Mr. Lenting.

Classis then addressed a matter coming from Loveland PRC consistory, which had been tasked by a previous Classis to oversee the remaining members of the Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) after the departure of most of their officebearers. Classis took the sad decision to concur with Loveland PRC’s decision to disband the Covenant of Grace congregation. Classis advised the remaining members to continue for the present as a fellowship under the oversight of Loveland PRC until decisions can be made about the future. Classis also advised that Loveland PRC ask the denominational Domestic Mission Committee to evaluate whether the group can continue as a fellowship. Classis instructed its stated clerk to send a letter to the saints in Spokane expressing its love and prayers for them.

Classis treated in closed session an appeal of a couple in which they objected to a consistory’s discipline work with one of its members. Classis sustained their appeal, and gave advice to the consistory going forward.

Classis made a schedule of pulpit supply for the three vacant congregations in the Classis: Hope (Redlands, CA) PRC, Loveland (CO) PRC, and Lynden (WA) PRC. Classis West also decided to ask Classis East for assistance in covering two Sundays for each of the vacant congregations in the next six months.

Classis approved the subsidy requests for 2025 for three congregations and forwarded them on to Synod 2024 for its approval.

Throughout the meeting, Classis also voted for various classical functionaries. Mr. Ed Van Egdom (Heritage PRC) was appointed to finish the term of the previous Assistant Stated Clerk. Rev. Ryan Barnhill was reappointed to a three-year term on the Classical Committee. Rev. Daniel Kleyn was appointed to a three-year term as a primus synodical deputy, and Rev. John Marcus was re-appointed to a three-year term as a secundus synodical deputy. Classis appointed Revs. Allen Brummel, Ronald Hanko, Steven Key, and Daniel Kleyn as church visitors, with Revs. John Marcus and Richard Smit as alternates.

Ministers delegated to Synod 2024 were Revs. Ryan Barnhill, Allen Brummel, Joshua Engelsma, Daniel Kleyn, and Richard Smit. Alternates are Revs. Matthew De Boer, Matthew Koerner, John Marcus, and Stephan Regnerus. Elders delegated to Synod 2024 were Robert Brands (Loveland), Duane Bruinsma (Crete), Jeff Krosschell (Randolph), Alvern Miersma (Hope), and Bert Wories (Crete). Alternates are Ted Andringa (Crete), Todd De Meester (Hope), Phil Kooiker (Crete), Joel Smits (Crete), and Steve Van Drunen (Crete).

The expenses of this meeting totaled $13,705.24.

Classis finished its work around 7:00 PM on Thursday.

Classis will meet next in Hull (IA) PRC on September 25, 2024, the Lord willing.

Rev. Joshua Engelsma

Stated Clerk, Classis West

Last modified on 09 March 2024

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