Church Government

PRC Synod 2021 - Day 7 - Thursday June 17 *(Updated with Report)

GT PRC 2007 2

The delegates of the 2021 PRC Synod gathered again this morning in Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI) for their seventh day of discussion and deliberation. We pray for them as they hope to complete their work today.

preparing to start work

preparing to start work 2
Preparing to start the work this morning.

The body returned to some recommitted advice from Committee 2 this morning. Commmittee 5 material was also to be dealt with.

synod sings 1

synod sings 2

synod sings 3
Synod stands to sing each morning for devotions.

  visit time 1

Pres RKleyn final remarks
Synod president, Rev. R. Kleyn, makes closing remarks Thursday afternoon as synod ends its work.

 And here is the final public report of the day's decisions, per the second clerk of synod:

Report of Day 7 - Synod of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America
June 17, 2021
After opening devotions, Synod treated reformulated advice on a protest of an individual who objected to Synod 2020’s decision regarding a sermon (entitled “Dealing Rightly With Our Sins”) preached by a former minister in the denomination. The individual’s main contention is that Synod’s decision contradicts Scripture and the confessions and brings Synod 2020 into contradiction with decisions of Synods 2018 and 2019. Synod did not sustain the protest.

Synod then dealt with reformulated advice on a protest of a decision of Synod 2020 related to the release of that former minister from the ministry under Article 12 of the Church Order. The protestant contended that Articles 79 and 80 of the Church Order ought to have been applied instead. Synod voted not to sustain the protest.

Synod treated reformulated advice on another protest that objected on procedural grounds to Classis East’s concurrence to depose a minister according to Articles 79 and 80 of the Church Order. Synod did not sustain the protest.

Synod approved the work of the synodical deputies from Classis West in their concurrence with the decision of Classis East to proceed with the deposition of that minister according to Articles 79 and 80 of the Church Order. Synod judged that Classis East’s grounds, on the basis of which the synodical deputies concurred, demonstrate that the minister was guilty of sin that warranted deposition. In addition, although synod granted some points made by those who protested, synod did not sustain the protests against the work of the synodical deputies.

Synod took a decision to express the churches’ deep gratitude to God for the work that Prof. R. Dykstra has performed on our behalf over the past 25 years in faithfully training our pastors in the seminary. Over half of our present pastors were formed, in part, by Prof. Dykstra’s instruction and example. May the Lord continue to bless the instruction Prof. Dykstra gives, and strengthen him for his work as pastor of Byron Center PRC.

Synod approved publishing and distributing an open letter to those who have recently left the PRCA, gave specific direction on how that distribution would take place, and approved the letter that would be sent. It did so believing that seeking reconciliation is the solemn duty of the church with those who have left because reconciliation is the very heart of the gospel (2 Cor. 5:18-21); because seeking reconciliation is expected of those who are members of the church, as Jesus says in Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God”; and because seeking reconciliation is consistent with the high priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17:21, “That they all may be one; as thou Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.”

Synod declared not legally before it two pieces of correspondence.

Synod approved the recommendations made by the Catechism Book Committee regarding memory work schedules for the Juniors Bible History classes.

Synod concurred with the decision of Bethel PRC to declare Rev. Dennis Lee temporarily emeritus since, by this coming July, through no fault of his own, he will have been left without a fixed charge due to the disbanding of the congregation. Synod also approved the financial support of Rev. Lee. May the Lord be pleased soon to open up a place of labor for Rev. Lee in our churches.

Synod approved the requests of four congregations for financial subsidy for 2022.

Synod adopted the overtures of two congregations to schedule a denominational commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the PRC for the summer of A.D. 2025, and appointed a steering committee to present concrete proposals for implementing these overtures.

Synod adopted the budget for 2022 of $2,534,463, which is adjusted to $1,415,729 because of surplus funds, collections, and monies from the “endowment” funds. Synod approved assessing each family $675 for 2022, a decrease of $75 from 2021.

Synod appointed Zion PRC as the host church of Synod 2022 to convene Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 8:00 AM. The Lord willing, Sem. Marcus Wee, a member of Zion, will be examined by that Synod.

Having completed all the matters on its agenda, Synod adjourned at about 4:00 PM. May the Lord bless the decisions of Synod and cause them to serve for the good of our churches.

A special word of appreciation to Georgetown PRC for the outstanding job they did in hosting the delegates for nearly two weeks. The comfortable accommodations, the good food, the warm hospitality, and the colorful posters made by the children were greatly appreciated!

In Christ’s Service,
Rev. Joshua Engelsma Second Clerk of Synod 2021
Last modified on 17 June 2021

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