Missions of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

Byron Center PRC Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary

byroncentrePRCThis Sunday, October 20, Byron Center PRC celebrates her 30th anniversary as a congregation. We extend hearty congratulations to this sister in the Lord. May she continue to know the Lord's sovereign care and continue to be preserved in the truth of God's holy Word.

The following note is in her bulletin this Sunday:

"We thank God for the 30 years that he has given to us as a congregation. Undeserving as we are, God is faithful to his covenant. As we read in Lamentations 3:22, 23 'It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.'"

For your information, Byron Center PRC was organized (For the second time, as they had a previous existence as a congregation from 1925-1947) in 1983 with 24 families. Today they number 115 families. In addition to their current pastor, Rev.A.Spriensma, they have had three other pastors: Rev.B.Gritters (1984-1994), Doug Kuiper (1995-2001), Rev.R.Van Overloop (2004-2008).

Special notice: For the evening service on October 20, BC PRC welcomes Rev. Angus Stewart from the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Northern Ireland to their pulpit. About 15 minutes after the service he will give a slide presentation of the work there. Please take this opportunity to get to know more about our sister church and the work in the British Isles.

Last modified on 19 October 2013

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