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Our God's Magnification

A question arises when in Psalm 70:4 we read, "Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified."

The question arises as to whether we can magnify God. Can we enlarge Him? Can anyone or anything make Him greater? Of course we cannot do that. We may not deny His infinite greatness.

We need sleep, and there are times when our mouths must be opened for us to eat or drink. We cannot then speak "continually." Yet, what we have here is a beautiful truth and inescapable calling. In love to God we must magnify His name. We should today magnify it more than we did in years gone by. Magnifying Him continually means that we should never ascribe His virtues and power to ourselves, or to any creature.

Every day we have more reason for magnifying His name and for speaking more enthusiastically of His goodness. He added more blessings to us, and we owe Him more praise and thanksgiving. He gave us more breaths of life, as well as more heartbeats. But He also dealt further with us as members of the body of Christ. He forgave more of our sins, for we had added to them. He brought the world closer to the day when He will send Christ to glorify His church. We should magnify Him by praising Him far more fully.

Do you realize the awesomeness of this calling? Are you aware of the fact that He gave you more blessings today? Rejoice and be glad; but then magnify God's name for all that makes rejoicing and gladness possible. We so often fail to see Him behind what happens for our good. But heed the exhortation of the psalmist and magnify our God.

Do you love your salvation? Then your love is going to speak. It is going to speak of God's greatness. You are going to grow in thankfulness; and your mouth will want to magnify God for His power, but also for His grace and mercy.

Read: Psalm 70

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

2 Samuel 20:14-26 
2 Samuel 21:1-22 
Acts 1:1-26 
Psalm 121:1-8 
Proverbs 16:18

Meditations on the Heidelberg Catechism

Quote for Reflection:

John Eadie on Ephesians 4:13: "The Christian ministry is appointed to labor for the perfection of the church of Christ, a perfection which is not a romantic anticipation, but which consists of the communicated fullness of Christ."

Last modified on 02 June 2019

Additional Info

  • Date: 3-June

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