Daily Meditations for May by Rev. J. Heys

1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28| 29| 30| 31

May 11

Psalm 104:13,14

    For us at this time of the year things are beginning to turn green, and seed has been sown so that we may have food. For others the more intense heat is returning, so that the hillsides burn and irrigation becomes very necessary. Still others are experiencing the chills of coming winter. Yet, except in the regions of the polar caps, there is a time when the soil begins to bring forth the plants we need for food. And of this we sing as our versification of Psalm 104:13, 14 does with these words:

    He waters the hills with rain from the skies,
    And plentiful grass and herbs He supplies,
    Supplying the cattle and blessing man's toil
    With bread in abundance, with wine and with oil.

    The Scriptures read thus: "He waters the hills from His chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of Thy works. He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth''  Psalm 104:13, 14.

    Even though this is true, how often do we, while we eat that food, think of God and His hand that supplies this food? How often can it not be said of us that, although we are labeled as confessing children of God, He is not in all our thoughts?

    How much then do we not need God 's grace to give us the upward look! We came into this world with eyes that look at earthly things; and so often we are cast down in dissatisfaction and gloom. And we are badly in need of a Savior Who will bless us with an upward look that is the result of knowing God as our Provider, and consists in sending praise and thanksgiving to Him. Thank Him for salvation as a free gift of His grace; but thank Him also for food and drink. See Him in all the material gifts which you receive, for they all come from Him. He waters the hills and He gives us our food. Thank Him, and then use the strength you derive from that food to serve and praise Him.

Read: Psalm 104
Psalter versification: 286:1

Daily  Meditations
 on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 306
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 10
I Samuel 11
John 6:43-71
Psalm 107
Proverbs 15:1-3

Quote for Reflection:

        The Lord is a sun: He is the Source of all light and life. To live apart from Him is death, but His fellowship is life for us. And the Lord is a shield: He protects and preserves His people form all the powers of evil that seek their destruction. He does not in this life, remove all evil and affliction from them, but He gives them grace which is sufficient unto every need. He makes us taste His goodness even in the way of adversity and makes that way subservient to our glory. Never does He with-hold any good thing from those that walk in His way.


        God gives us always a full measure of good things. All that God gives us is good. The fact that we are not always able to see that does not alter the case. By faith we embrace this promise and are assured that He makes all things work together for our salvation.


        Therefore, when we walk uprightly, no matter what the way of life may be, we are comforted in the knowledge that God is realizing our salvation. --- Herman Hoeksema

May 12

Psalm 68:18

    Yesterday we were reminded of our calling to look up to our Creator Who supplies us with all our daily needs, and Who saves us by His Son's blood and Spirit. It is well for us also to consider the fact that our Savior ascended up on high and has dominion over all things in heaven and on earth for our good.

    For thirty years He dwelt with us and then died for our sins. For three days He was in His grave, and then arose with a new, glorious life. For forty days He remained here below showing us His victory over death.  And then He ascended up into heaven fulfilling the prophecy which we find in Psalm 68:18. There we read, "Thou hast ascended up on high, Thou liast led captivity captive: Thou hast received gifts for men yea for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them.''

    We cannot appreciate that truth too much. His cross is of infinite value, and we must preach Christ crucified.  But if you want to know what He earned for us by that cross, you must look up into heaven and see Him there at God's right hand. Then you see what He is now preparing for us, and what power He has to bring us there into all that glory. See that and you have a well-founded reason to sing:

    O Lord, Thou hast ascended
    On high in might to reign;
    Captivity Thou leadest
    A captive in Thy train,
    Rich gifts to Thee are offered
    By men who did rebel,
    Who pray that now Jehovah
    Their God with them may dwell.

    Did you notice the change here? Psalm 68:18 has. "...Thou hast received gifts for men. "The versification has, "Rich gifts to Thee are offered.''  Both are true. Christ received gifts for those for whom He died. But one of those gifts is to enable them to give the gifts of praise and thanks to God by turning them away from their rebellion, and giving them a life of love to God.  What a victory then did He win for us! Praise and thank Him for it.

Read: Ephesians 4
Psalter versification: 18

Daily  Meditations
 on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 60
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 12
I Samuel 13
John 7:1-30
Psalm 108
Proverbs 15:4

Quote for Reflection:

     At the Lord’s Table:  “Do we taste, experience, appropriate the love of God in Christ? Do we know that we have fellowship with God? When we eat and drink at the table of the Lord, do we taste that God comes to us in Christ? God comes to us through Christ and in the Spirit and makes His abode with us, and causes us to experience the blessedness of His fellowship and presence.”  -- Herman Hoeksema

May 13

Psalm 87:1-3

    Yes, there are holy mountains. There were holy mountains in the Old Testament times, and there are holy mountains today. In the Old Testament days two of the hills on which Jerusalem was built were called holy:  Mt. Moriah, where the temple, God's dwelling place, was built, and Mt. Zion where the kings of the kingdom of Judah had their throne. That is why we read in Psalm 87:1-3, "His foundation is in the holy mountains. The Lord loveth the gates of Zion, more than all the dwellings of Jacob.  Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God."

    Indeed, glorious things were spoken of Jerusalem, often called Zion because of that one hill. For God surely had His foundation there on Mt. Moriah, where Christ was typically in the high priest and in the bloody sacrifices. And on Mt. Zion the kings ruled as types of Christ now sitting at God's right hand and ruling all creation, in order to bring in the new Jerusalem, the glorious city of God.

    There in that coming city of God the new Jerusalem, we will find our merciful High Priest, God's only begotten Son, Who in His cross laid the foundation of that city where we will live with God in covenant fellowship unceasingly and in a glorious life.

    This foundation, the basis for all our salvation, is in Christ Whose work was pictured on Mt. Moriah and on Mt.Zion. No wonder glorious things are spoken of that new Jerusalem. We should speak it also as in our versification:

    Zion founded on the mountains,
    God, thy maker, loves thee well.
    He has chosen thee most precious,
    He delights in thee to dwell;
    God's own city,
    Who can all Thy glory tell?

    We will do that, and we will be glorious in that city, because Christ is there and is the foundation of that city.

Read: Psalm 67
Psalter versification: 238:1

Daily  Meditations
 on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 131
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 14
John 7:31-53
Psalm 109
Proverbs 15:5-7

Quote for Reflection:

     Worldly Conformity: “The course of rebellion against God may be very gradual, but it increases in rapidity as you progress in it; and if you begin to run down the hill, the ever-increasing impetus will send you down faster and faster to destruction. You Christians ought to watch against the beginning of worldly conformity. I do believe that the growth of worldliness is like strife, which is as the letting out of water. Once you begin, there is no knowing where you will stop. I sometimes get this question put to me, concerning certain worldly amusements, “May I do so-and-so?” I am very sorry whenever anyone asks me that question, because it shows that there is something wrong, or it would not be raised at all. If a person’s conscience lets him say, “Well, I can go to A,” he will very soon go on to B, C, D, E, and through all the letters of the alphabet… When Satan cannot catch us with a big sin, he will try a little one. It does not matter to him as long as he catches his fish, what bait he uses. Beware of the beginning of evil, for many, who bade fair to go right, have turned aside and perished amongst the dark mountains in the wide field of sin.”  -- Charles Spurgeon

May 14

Psalm 87:4

    The glorious city of God called Zion in Psalm 87:2 and 5, and declared in verse 3 to be a city of which glorious things are spoken, has in it people who might seem to belong outside of it and far from it.  Psalm 87:4 states, "I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me behold Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia; this man was born there." Another name for Rahab is Egypt. Thus here we have listed some of the nations that were the fiercest enemies of the kingdom of Israel, the unbelieving nations round about the land of Canaan where the church stood until the day of Pentecost. Yet we read that many from these Gentile nations were born in Zion.

    Egypt was to the west and south of Canaan, Babylon was to the east, Tyre to the north, and Ethiopia to the far south, while the inhabitants of Philistia lived right there in Canaan; and Israel had to take their land away. Yet in the wonder of God's grace — and we can see that clearly today -- God brought into the church people from other nations than the seed of Abraham. He has a universal church with people from every nation, tongue, and tribe. In fact today there are more members in Christ's church from people outside of the Jewish race than in it.

    Sovereignly, that is, with a perfect right, and a power that cannot be challenged, God eternally chose who would be citizens in Zion. As our versification has it:

     Heathen lands and hostile people
    Soon shall come the Lord to know;
    Nations born again in Zion
    Shall the Lord's salvation know:
    God almighty shall on Zion strength bestow.

    Did you note that the text ascribes it all to God? In evey sense the church from Adam onward is the city of God, the city He brought forth. The city is glorious because glorious things are spoken of God Who designed it and brought it into being in His Son.

Read: Revelation 5
Psalter versification: 238:2

Daily  Meditations
 on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 71
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 15
I Samuel 16
John 8:1-20
Psalm 110
Proverbs 15:8-10

Quote for Reflection:

 “One Christian conversing with another is a means to confirm him. As the stones in an arch help to strengthen one another, so one Christian by imparting his experience, heats and quickens another. " Let us provoke one another to love, and to good works" (Heb. 10:24). How does grace flourish by holy conference! A Christian by good discourse drops that oil upon another, which makes the lamp of his faith burn the brighter.”  --T. Watson

May 15

Psalm 87:7

    There is a fountain of life. No, it is not the one the world seeks and wants. But in Psalm 87:7 we read of it.  The psalmist declares, “As well the singers as the players on instruments shall be there: all my springs are in thee.” The word here translated as springs is often translated as fountains. And "shall be there'' refers to Zion, the city of God, where there shall be these people from all those outside of Israel. In Zion shall be people from all nations, tongues, and tribes.

    But what we ought to note today is that all in that city of God, both the singers and players on instruments, have their fountain of life in God. Our versification expresses it thus:

    When the Lord shall count the nations,
    Sons and daughters he shall see
    Born to endless life in Zion,
    And their joyful song shall be,
    "Blessed Zion
    All our fountains arc in thee."

    Out of Christ flows all our spiritual life. From Him, as from a deep well that will never run dry, comes a life that will cause us to praise God, some of us with singing and others to enrich the music with instruments. What we saw two days ago is true, namely, glorious things are spoken of that city. But we must not overlook the fact that these glorious things are spoken by the citizens of the new Jerusalem.

    What we begin to sing now, and will sing perfectly when Christ brings us with body and soul into this city of God is that all our blessedness comes from God. He, in Christ, is the fountain, and therefore our song shall be everlasting praise to God. There in that new Jerusalem will Isaiah 43:2 be fulfilled:  "This people have I formed for Myself; they shall show forth My praise."

    What a beautiful everlasting day it is of harmonious singing of such a beautiful melody of praise to God, by a holy choir and holy players on instruments, and composed of people out of every nation, tongue, and tribe, selected by God, so that glorious things are spoken of Him and to Him. For it is the city of God, the city He built through His Son.

Read: Revelation 4
Psalter versification: 238:3

Daily  Meditations
 on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 230
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 17
I Samuel 18:1-4
John 8:21-30
Psalm 111
Proverbs 15:11

Quote for Reflection:

 “…vain thoughts will be more ready with us, unless the Word dwell richly in our hearts….The mind works upon what it finds in itself, as a mill grinds whatever is put into it—chaff or corn. Therefore, if we would prevent evil thoughts and musings of vanity all the day long, we must hide the Word in our hearts.”  --T. Manton

May 16

Psalm 119:17,18

    It is a good thing that we have traffic laws and that they must be kept.  If each one could drive on whatever side of the road he wanted, and at the speed he preferred, the death rate would far exceed what it is today. There is something good about laws.

    There, is something even more wonderful that the psalmist tells us in Psalm 119:17, 18 about God's law; and he prays that God will enable him to see those wonderful things in that law. He writes, "Deal bountifully with Thy servant, that I may live, and keep Thy word. Open Thou my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law."

    What is so wonderful about that law is first of all that it teaches us why we were created, namely to love God and live for His glory. Another wonderful thing is that we learn why the curse is upon this earth. It shows us why the death penalty rests upon the human race, and how we must behave, if we are going to live, It shows the folly of thinking that medicine, chemotherapy, and the like are going to remove the curse from mankind. It teaches us the need for the cross of Christ, if we are going to be delivered from God's holy wrath.

    That is why the psalmist prays that God will deal bountifully with him so that he may be weaned away from breaking God's law. That our versification  states in these words:

    Thy servant, blest by Thee,
    Shall live and keep Thy law with awe;
    Lord, open Thou my eyes to see
    The wonders of Thy law.

    By nature we do not see that in God's law. It does not look wonderful to us, but looks horrible, When we see that law fulfilled by Christ for us, we see the wonder of wonders. We see that the God against Whom we sinned has in His Son suffered our punishment. And now we live for Him in a love unto Him that enables us and moves us to keep His law with awe and gladness.

Read: Psalm 119:17-32
Psalter versification: 323:1

Daily  Meditations
  on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 264
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 18:5-30
I Samuel 19
John 8:31-59
Psalm 112
Proverbs 15:12-14

Quote for Reflection:

“It must also be observed, that the power and office of illuminating is not confined to the personal presence of Christ; for though he is far removed from us with respect to his body, yet he daily sheds his light upon us, by the doctrine of the Gospel, and by the secret power of his Spirit.  Yet we have not a full definition of this light, unless we learn that we are illuminated by the Gospel and by the Spirit of Christ, that we may know that the fountain of all knowledge and wisdom is hidden in him."  John Calvin on John 8:12

May 17

Psalm 119:19,20

    Travel to a foreign land whose language you do not understand, and whose people do not understand one word of your language, and you will find yourself in great difficulty. Try to order a meal in a restaurant whose menu you cannot read, and whose waiter or waitress cannot understand one word you say.  Leave your hotel to go sightseeing and get lost on a cloudy day, when you cannot tell what is east or west, north and south, because there are no shadows. All the signs say nothing to you, and not a person can tell you your way back to the hotel. You are a stranger to the natives of that land.

    Well we who are born again and thus have our citizenship in heaven are strangers here below to the unbelievers among whom we live. Their philosophers, educators, psychiatrists cannot understand and help us. They cannot understand why we are so eager to know God's law and judgments. To them the psalmist is silly, when in Psalm 119:19,20 he writes, ''I am a stranger in the earth: hide not Thy commandments from me. My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto Thy judgments at all times."  Never, no never, would they sing:

    A pilgrim on the earth am I,
    Thy will to me reveal;
    To know Thy truth my spirit yearns,
    Consumed with ardent zeal.

    But God, Who in Christ is our King, can set us straight. That is why the psalmist had prayed in verse 19, "Hide not Thy commandments from me,'' and in verse 18, ''Open mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law."  And if your soul "breaketh for the longing that it hath'' unto God's judgments, you will be a stranger and make that your prayer.

    Come, let us examine ourselves and ask whether our unbelieving neighbor and fellow worker see us as strangers. Let us pray for more of that enthusiasm to know what pleases God and what He judges to be good.  Let us pray for ''ardent zeal" to serve Him as our glorious King.

Read: Hebrews 11:1-16
Psalter versification 323:2

Daily  Meditations
 on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 161
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 20
I Samuel 21:1-15
John 9
Psalm 113
Psalm 114
Proverbs 15:15-17

Quote for Reflection:

John Calvin on Amos 9:11-15: "Here the Prophet describes the felicity which shall be under the reign of Christ: and we know that whenever the Prophets set forth promises of a happy and prosperous state to God’s people, they adopt metaphorical expressions, and say, that abundance of all good things shall flow, that there shall be the most fruitful produce, that provisions shall be bountifully supplied; for they accommodated their mode of speaking to the notions of that ancient people; it is therefore no wonder, if they sometimes speak to them as to children. At the same time, the Spirit under these figurative expressions declares, that the kingdom of Christ shall in every way be happy and blessed, or that the Church of God, which means the same things, shall be blessed, when Christ shall begin to reign."

May 18

Psalm 119:21,22

    Since spiritually we belong to another kingdom than the unbelievers do, they reproach us and show contempt. We will be despised and scorned. Upon that we can depend.  In the measure that we reveal our citizenship to be in heaven, the unbelievers will hate us, despise us, and in the days of the antichrist persecute us sorely.

    As citizens of a nation that conquered another laud are despised and held in contempt by those conquered, so we are by those who belong to the kingdom over whose prince, Satan, Christ triumphed. That is why the psalmist writes in Psalm 119:21, 22, "Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from Thy commandments.  Remove from me reproach and contempt; for I have kept Thy testimonies.''  He is not speaking of reproach and contempt that God hurls at him. In the next verse he says, ''Princes also did sit and speak against me.''  He means rulers besides the citizens that reproached and showed contempt. Those under Satan hate those who are citizens of Christ's kingdom. Even those who should protect them, the princes, however, sit in judgment against them, and speak against them though their calling is to defend them.

    This gives us a warning of what is ahead as we approach the end of time. Already we begin to see the world defending as well as protecting those who break God's law. Cursing and swearing are now considered cultured and refined language. Murder, adultery, Sabbath desecration are lauded and defended by authorities! Satan uses churches to ridicule and write scornfully of those that hold to the truth.

    But note that God rebukes the proud; and in due time He will punish them. Sing then and get your children to sing:

    Thou dost rebuke the proud, O Lord,
    Who hate Thy holy Name;
    But since I keep Thy righteous law,
    Deliver me from shame.

Read: Matthew 24:1-22
Psalter versification: 323:3

Daily  Meditations
 on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 266
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 22
I Samuel 23
John 10:1-21
Psalm 115
Proverbs 15:18-19

Quote for Reflection:

"… if we dislike our calling, because the labor which we undertake appears to be unproductive, yet, when the Lord exhorts us to steadiness and perseverance, we ought to take courage; in the end we shall obtain a happy result, but it will be at the proper time..." --John Calvin

May 19

Psalm 119:23,24

    To listen to what one has to say, and to do as you are told, is one thing,  It is quite another thing to meditate on what someone else said. To meditate is to give serious thought. It is to turn over in your mind, seriously to strive to understand as fully as possible, the implications.

    Of this the psalmist speaks, when in Psalm 119:23, 24 he states,  "Princes also did sit and speak against me: but Thy servant did meditate in Thy statutes. Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counselors.''  Here he tells us that the fruit of meditating in God's statutes is to find delight in them as God's testimony to us, and to listen to them as good counselors. We may be sure that through serious study, delving into God's testimonies, we are not going to hate those laws but let them counsel us as to how we can walk as citizens of Christ's kingdom. We will find delight in those statutes. As he said before, we will behold wondrous things out of His law.

    All this is true because when a born-again child of God meditates in God's statutes, he meets God. These statutes are not merely His testimony that He is the sovereign God to whom all creation belongs, and Who dwells in majestic holiness. If that is all, your old nature will make you hate Him and His law. But no, meditating as a believer, you by God's grace behold wondrous things out of His law and what His Son has done for you. You will see that He did not come to destroy that law but to fulfill it as our Head and Redeemer. You will see a law fulfilled, and your soul will sing:

    I on Thy statutes meditate,
    Though evil men deride,
    Thy faithful word is my delight,
     My counselor and guide.

    Do not let the derision of men and their ridicule make you despise that law. Let it show you what a holy, righteous God we have, and what a loving, powerful Savior He gave us, Who blotted out all our sins and makes us desire to walk in love before God, and delivers us from all lawlessness, to walk as God counsels us.

Read: Psalm 19
Psalter versification: 323:4

Daily  Meditations
  on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 156
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 24
I Samuel 25
John 10:22-42
Psalm 116:1-19
Proverbs 15:20-21

Quote for Reflection:

   … our life is framed aright, when this sacrifice is so made as to be pleasing to God: he brings to us at the same time no common consolation; for he teaches us, that our work is pleasing and acceptable to God when we devote ourselves to purity and holiness.        John Calvin

May 20

Psalm 119:25,26

    Quite plainly the psalmist who wrote Psalm 119 had a rough life. Because he kept God's law he, according to verses 22, 23, was reproached and held in contempt. In verses 25, 26 he writes "My soul cleaveth unto the dust. Quicken me according to Thy word. I have declared my ways, and Thou heardest me; teach me Thy statues."   Now that his soul cleaveth to the dust means that he lies prostrate in the dust so full of grief is he. Our versification expresses it thus:

    My grieving soul revive, O Lord,
    According to Thy word;
    To Thee my ways I have declared,
    And Thou my prayer hast heard.

    Therefore he prays that God will quicken, that is, revive him. But we are so apt at once to call down God's wrath upon the enemy, and it takes a long time before we pray that God will teach us His statutes, so that we have peace and comfort.

    How spiritual then is the psalmist! He had gone with his troubles to the right Person and with the request for that which would help him. He wanted to know God's statutes more fully, and does not want to hide his love for God in order to have a pleasant life for his flesh. He wants to serve God more fully. God comes first, not his flesh.

    Looking to the future, when the antichrist is here, and we cannot buy or sell, when things will really get rough for us, shall we withdraw and hide our love to God? Or shall we, as the psalmist does, pray for a clearer insight as to what pleases God? Shall we seek to please our flesh, or our God Who is our Creator and Savior?

    The answer is plain in these verses.  Ridicule, contempt, persecution must never slow us down in works of love to God. They should spur us on to walk more fully as those redeemed by the blood of Christ and born with His life. Anti-christian ridicule and persecution should move us to a more Christian witness, not to more fleshly comfort.

Read: Psalm 119:25-40
Psalter versification: 324:1

Daily  Meditations
  on the
Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter number 320
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:
I Samuel 26
I Samuel 27
I Samuel 28
John 11:1-54
Psalm 117
Proverbs 15:22-23

Quote for Reflection:

   … We are at the same time reminded that we ought to undertake the care of our brethren; for it would be a shame for any one to be content with his own salvation, and so to neglect his brethren. It is then necessary to join together these two things, - To stir up ourselves to repentance, - and then to try to lead others with us.       John Calvin

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Last modified, 05-May-2009