Church Government

Report on March 5 Meeting of Classis West

HeritagePRCClassis West met this week Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. in Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD.

Rev. Allen Brummel, (Heritage PRC) as the previous president, provided opening devotions. By rotation, Rev.Cory Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA) presided as chairman.

The stated clerk of Classis West, Rev.Doug Kuiper has completed his public report for this meeting. It is attached here in pdf form. A few highlights are as follows:

Voting for various officers and functionaries is always part of the agenda of the spring meeting. Classis appointed Rev. C. Griess to a three year term on the classical committee, reappointed Rev. D.Kuiper and Rev. J. Marcus to three year terms as classical stated clerk and assistant stated clerk, and appointed Revs. A. Brummel, S. Key, R. Kleyn, and D. Kuiper to be church visitors for the next year. Assisting these church visitors, if needed, will be Revs. J. Laning and J. Marcus.

Rev. S. Key was appointed to a three year term as primus synodical deputy, and Rev. N. Langerak to a three year terms as secundus synodical deputy. The work of the synodical deputies is to attend meetings of Classis East, when Classis East treats matters requiring synodical approval.

Delegated to synod were the following ministers: Revs. A. Brummel, S. Key, D. Kuiper, J. Laning, and C. Spronk. Alternate minister delegates are Revs. C. Griess, R. Kleyn, N. Langerak, D. Lee, and J.
Marcus. Elder delegates are Alvin Bylsma (Calvary), Jack Lenting (Crete), Jim Regnerus (Doon), and Don Terpstra (Peace), and Leon Uittenbogaard (Calvary). Their alternates are elders Jim Andringa (Hull), Lou Regnerus (Randolph), Dewey VanDerNoord (Crete), Steve VanDrunen (Crete), and Bob Vermeer (Peace).

May the Lord of the church richly bless all the proceedings for the good of the churches.

Last modified on 06 March 2014
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