
Extremely Rich And Endless Praise

Psalm 106:2

In this season when our thoughts are directed in a special way to the suffering and death of our Savior, we ought to listen to the psalmist in Psalm 106:2. There the psalmist states, "Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord, and who can show forth His praise?"

And undoubtedly the greatest wonder, the mighty deed of God behind all that which His Son did for us, and causes His glory to shine forth most beautifully, as well as calls for praise, is the fact that God Himself came into our flesh to become one of us. Indeed, His virgin birth was an amazing miracle, a mighty wonder that calls for endless praise. It was a miracle that man cannot begin to duplicate; and there is just nothing like it in all the history of mankind. But more wonderful, more amazing is the fact that through this wonder of the virgin birth God Himself became flesh and tabernacled with us so that we could see Him and touch Him. The infinite One became finite. The Creator of all became a creature so that He might be our covenant Head and represent us.

Truly our salvation is a wonder, and as we consider for a few days what God's Son did for our salvation, our wonder ought to grow, and our praise to God ought to increase. The implications and significance of that incarnation of the Son of God are so great that God Himself prepared an everlasting life, so that His people might utter His mighty acts and never come to an end of doing so, nor ever lose the implication and significance of it. Not one of the elect in that new Jerusalem will ever run out of words, or think that he sees less reason for praising God.

Do you not see the truth the psalmist declares here in this Psalm? Do you not agree with him that, as we have it in our Psalter versification:

    What tongue can tell His mighty deeds,
    His wondrous works and ways?
    O who can show His glory forth,
    Or utter all His praise?

It takes an innumerable host to do that, and an everlasting life. But we should begin that praise today, and by a wonder of His grace we will do so.

Read: Psalm 106 
Psalter versification: 290:2

Daily  Meditations
on the Heidelberg Catechism

Song for Meditation: Psalter #400
Why not sing along??

Through the Bible in One Year
Read today:

Numbers 26:52-65Numbers 27Numbers 28:1-15 
Luke 3:1-22 
Psalm 61:1-8 
Proverbs 11:16-17 

Quote for Reflection:

      Baptism Vows:  “Every professing Christian is the soldier of Christ. He is bound by his baptism to fight Christ's battle against sin, the world, and the devil. The man that does not do this, breaks his vow: he is a spiritual defaulter; he does not fulfill the engagement made for him. The man that does not do this, is practically renouncing his Christianity. The very fact that he belongs to a Church, attends a Christian place of worship, and calls himself a Christian, is a public declaration that he desires to be reckoned a soldier of Jesus Christ.”  -J. Ryle

Last modified on 16 March 2014

Additional Info

  • Date: 18-March
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