

Ibe Family and Berean PRC Newsletter

VernonIbe-1Pastor Vernon Ibe, serving in the Berean PRC in Manila, the Philippines, has published a new family and church family newsletter. Read the attached newsletter, or visit the Missions page for the latest news. Besides learning about the activities and events of the last few months, you won't want to miss the wonderful pictures!

Here's the note which Pastor Ibe sent with the newsletter:

Dear All,

Greetings in the name of Jehovah, our faithful covenant keeping God!

We're sending you our newsletter for the months of May to August. 

I think the last one was sent four or five months ago. We're trying our best to keep in touch and to keep you all informed as to what's new and what's life and the ministry had been for us since we came back to the Philippines. 

...We're making progress here as always by the grace of God! 

Since we arrived, we moved four times already and it is possible that we will move again in two or three months time from now (D.V.). 

The ministry is going strong despite many problems we encounter each day as our journey continues in this life, Yes. This is normal and it ought to be that way...this is God's way of making us stronger each day as He makes us realize that apart from Him we cannot do anything! 

For that reason, we solicit your prayers as Jehovah God reminds you all of us! 

May God shower you all with His constant care and love in Christ our Lord! 

Sincerely in Christ, 

Ptr. Vernon and family


September Messages on the Reformed Witness Hour


For the month of September Rev.Carl Haak, pastor of Georgetown PRC, will continue his messages on the Reformed Witness Hour, sponsored by the First Protestant Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, MI. The topics and texts for these messages are as follows (You will also find the September flyer in pdf form attached here for posting use):

Sept. 1, 2013: Youth, Remember! Ecclesiastes 12:1

Sept. 8. 2013: Keeping The Lord’s Day Holy; Hebrews 10: 24-25

Sept. 15, 2013: Not Weary in Well Doing; Gal. 6: 9

Sept. 22, 2013: Spiritual Lethargy, Song of Sol. 5: 1-8

Sept. 29, 2013:Grace For Today, Matthew 6: 34

You are cordially invited and encouraged to listen to this solid Reformed radio and internet broadcast!



Cand. Erik Guichelaar Accepts Call to Randolph PRC

ErikGCherithKennedyOn Sunday, August 25, 2013, Candidate Erik Guichelaar announced that he was led to accept the call from Randolph (WI) PRC to enter the ministry of the Word and sacraments and become their next pastor. This also meant that he declined the call from Doon (IA) PRC. The plan is for him to be examined at the meeting of Classis West, now to be held Wednesday, October 9, in Loveland, CO, with his ordination and installation to follow shortly thereafter, D.V. We rejoice with Erik and Cherith, and pray that God continues to bless their preparations for the gospel ministry in our churches.

UPDATE from Randolph's Council: "Having accepted our call to serve as our next pastor, the council has requested of the classical committee that Pastor Elect Erik Guichelaar be examined at the meeting of Classis West on October 9 in Loveland, CO. The Lord willing, Pastor Elect Guichelaar will be ordained and installed as Pastor of Randolph PRC, in our sanctuary, during the morning service of October 13. Professor Ron Cammenga will lead us in worship that day and will officiate the installation. Pastor Elect Guichelaar and his wife plan to move to Randolph near the end of September."


Monthly Update from the Philippines

PhilippinesThe combined consistories of the First Reformed Church, Bulacan and the Berean PRC will be meeting this Wednesday (August 21) at 9:00 a.m. at the Kleyn’s house in Antipolo in order to continue their work toward establishing a federation of Protestant Reformed Churches here in the Philippines.

Rev. Smit and Rev. Kleyn will be travelling to southern Negros Occidental this week in order to teach Reformed doctrine and Reformed church government to a group of 8 pastors there.


CERCYPsVisit-1Also, have you been following Rev.Kleyn's reports on the visits of the young people from the CERC of Singapore? Several groups have been visiting the Berean PRC and FRCB this summer, so as to fellowship with her young people. While this friendship has started slowly, it is growing rapidly and has served to bring the three churches together. Read more starting with this post on the Kleyn's blog. And here is a picture of the group after their second visit


New "Salt Shakers" Issue Published!

SaltShakersLogoDearest Salt Shakers' Readers,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
We thankful to God once again for yet another release of Salt Shakers!
Salt Shakers takes on an army theme this issue, with an article title "Serving God through National Service" as well as testimonies from members in our church who have already gone through National Service (2 years of mandatory military service) in Singapore. The purpose of these articles is two fold. First, we hope that through these articles, the young man who are currently serving or are about to be enlisted in National Service would be build up by the biblical principles and good testimonies and shine for our Lord. Second, in light of Singapore's Ministry of Defense celebrating the 45th anniversary of National Service this year and with many news reports on the perspective Singaporeans should take towards NS, these 2 articles hopes to shed some light how we and soldiers of Christ should view national service, through the lens of infallible scripture.
Other interesting articles in this month's issue are "Our Father's Handiwork: Lightning", "Are the Psalms Adequate for the Worship of God?". "Parents' Role in Teaching the Catechism", "A Brief Report of Synod 2013" as well as a book review on "The Covenant of God and the Children of Believers".
We pray that these articles will be spiritually edifying to your souls.
Hope you enjoy this issue!
For the King,
On behalf of the Salt Shakers Committee
2 Timothy 2:3  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
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