
First PRC Grand Rapids, MI

First PRC Grand Rapids, MI

Pastor: Rev. Joe Holstege

Assoc. minister: Prof. C. Griess


2800 Michigan N.E. 

Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 

Services: 9:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M

Reformed Witness Hour - July 2023

RWH Logo 2019


July 2023

July 2

A Wife's Submission to Her Husband

Ephesians 5:22-24

Rev. C. Haak

July 9

A Beautiful Example of Fearless Submission

1 Peter 3:5,6

Rev. C. Haak

July 16

Watching for Christ's Return

I Thessalonians 5:1-6

Rev. W. Bruinsma

July 23

The Beginning of Birth Pains

Matthew 24:7,8

Rev. W. Bruinsma

July 30

Nation Against Nation

Matthew 24:5,6

Rev. W. Bruinsma

WBruinsma 2017

In July we will finish the last two installments of Rev. Carl Haak’s series on marriage and begin a new series on Christ’s return by Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma.


Sign Up for Our Email Newsletter!

Visit our website or go to to sign up for our monthly email.  You’ll receive one email each month with RWH news, statistics, interviews, message excerpts, and other great content.


PO Box 1230, Grand Rapids MI, 49501 | | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Reformed Witness Hour - June 2023

RWH Logo 2019


June 2023

June 4

Husbands, Love Your Wives

Ephesians 5:25-27

Rev. C. Haak

June 11

Husbands, Love with Purpose

Ephesians 5:27

Rev. C. Haak

June 18

The Husband Is the Head
of the Wife

Ephesians 5:23

Rev. C. Haak

June 25

To Provide and Protect

Ephesians 5:23

Rev. C. Haak



In June, we will continue the series on marriage by Rev. C. Haak. Rev. Haak is a retired minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches.


Sign Up for Our Email Newsletter!

Visit our website or go to to sign up for our monthly email.  You’ll receive one email each month with RWH news, statistics, interviews, message excerpts, and other great content.


PO Box 1230, Grand Rapids MI, 49501 | | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Reformed Witness Hour - May 2023

RWH Logo 2019


May 2023

May 7

Marriage is Given by God

Genesis 2:18-24

Rev. C. Haak

May 14

God’s Design for Marriage

Genesis 2:24

Rev. C. Haak

Mary 21

The Rule of Conduct for Marriage

Colossians 3:12-13

Rev. C. Haak

May 28

The Dress Code for Marriage

Colossians 3:12-13

Rev. C. Haak



In May, we will begin a series on marriage by Rev. C. Haak. Rev. Haak is a retired minister in the Protestant Reformed Churches.


Sign Up for Our Email Newsletter!

Visit our website or go to to sign up for our monthly email.  You’ll receive one email each month with RWH news, statistics, interviews, message excerpts, and other great content.


PO Box 1230, Grand Rapids MI, 49501 | | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Reformed Witness Hour Newsletter - April 2023

RWH Logo 2019

News from the Reformed Witness Hour

April 2023


Help Us Get the Word Out!

This month we have five Christ-centered, Gospel-themed messages to share!


In April, we will continue with the Calvinism series by Prof. Cory Griess. Prof. Griess is a Professor at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary.

April 2
Irresistible Grace (1) 
John 6:37

April 9
Irresistible Grace (2)
John 6:44, 65-66

April 16
Preservation of the Saints (1)
John 10: 27-29

April 23
Whosoever Will (Rev. Hoeksema)
Revelation 22:19

April 30
Preservation of the Saints (2)
John 10:27-29



New Radio Stations

We have exciting news! In March, we aired our program on two new radio stations. Both of our new stations are with Salem Radio. One is on WGTK 94.5 FM in Greenville, South Carolina and the other is WLQV 92.7 FM/1500 AM in Detroit. These stations have been selected in collaboration with the Domestic Mission Committee. Our goal is that these stations will be mission field–focused and that we will create interaction with the listeners for the purpose of measuring our outreach in these areas. Join us in praying that our program will be used through these stations to share the Gospel!

Sermon Audio Featured Messages

So far in 2023, there have been over 4,000 downloads of our messages through Sermon Audio, podcasts, and the web. We continue to be encouraged by increased site traffic and message downloads when we feature one of our messages on the Sermon Audio website.

On average, over the past year, each featured message receives about 200 downloads the month in which it is featured.


When you support the Reformed Witness Hour, you are supporting…

Top 5 countries reached February 2023


Top 5 states reached in February 2023


United States








South Africa


South Carolina


United Kingdom









Listen on Your Favorite Platform  * * Your favorite Podcast App


Reformed Witness Hour Messages - March 2023

News from the Reformed Witness Hour

March 2023

CGriess 2019

In March, we will continue with messages from Prof. Cory Griess’ Calvinism series. Prof. Griess is a professor at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary.

March 5
Limited Atonement (1) 
John 10:15

March 12
Limited Atonement (2)
1 John 4:10; Gal.3:13; Rom.5:10

March 19
Total depravity (1)
John 6:44, 65-66

March 26
Total Depravity (2)
John 6:44, 65-66


Sign Up for Our Email Newsletter! Visit our website or go to to sign up for our monthly email. You’ll receive one email each month with RWH news, statistics, interviews, message excerpts, and other great content.

PO Box 1230, Grand Rapids MI, 49501 | | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Reformed Witness Hour Newsletter - February 2023

News from the Reformed Witness Hour

February 2023


Help Us Get the Word Out!

This month we have four Christ-centered, Gospel-themed messages to share!

CGriess 2019

In February, we will hear four messages from Prof. Cory Griess. Prof. Griess is a Professor at the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary

February 5
Religion Defended (1) 
Isaiah 48:11

February 12
Religion Defended (2)
Isaiah 48:11

February 19
Unconditional Election (1)
John 6:37-40

February 26
Unconditional Election (2)
John 6:37-40


In Case You Missed It!

If you missed it, take the time to listen to Rev. Bruinsma’s New Year’s Day message called Making a Stand. As we start this new year, this sermon gives a wonderful reminder about taking a stand and having confidence in our faith. Rev. Bruinsma expounds on the story of David and Golliath and we are reminded to be steadfast and unmovable in our faith, always abounding in the work of the Lord. We are exhorted to do this in four ways:

  1. Do not join the world in its unbelief.
  2. Do not lay down your weapons and surrender to the wicked.
  3. Do not cower before the wicked even when they slander or abuse us.
  4. Do make a stand! Be steadfast and unmovable, God will give us the victory, we can be assured!

Believe! Victory is ours! We can go forth this year with boldness and confidence that God will give us what is necessary to stand in this world, in faith. Listen to this message on by searching key words: Making a Stand.

When you support the Reformed Witness Hour, you are supporting…

Top 5 countries reached December 2022


Top 5 states reached in December 2022


United States








New Zealand


South Carolina


United Kingdom









Sponsor a Month of Reformed Witness Hour

When a church sponsors the Reformed Witness Hour, we air a promo before or after the week’s radio message that features the church. We can deliver a standard announcement that promotes your church, or your pastor or someone from your church can write and voice the clip. If your church has a special conference or lecture coming up, consider using this sponsorship to advertise the event to local listeners who might have an interest in the topic. If your church or evangelism committee would like to learn more about sponsoring the RWH, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Listen on Your Favorite Platform  * * Your favorite Podcast App

Listen on Your Local Radio Station

Carlisle, PA:                The Bridge                             FM 91.3                       Sundays 8am

Chicago, IL:                 Hope For Your Life                 AM 1160                     Sundays 4pm

Denver, CO:                KLTT                                     AM 670                       Sundays 10:30pm

Fond du Lac, WI:        WFDL                                    AM 1170                      Saturday 8am

Grand Rapids, MI:      WFUR                                    AM 1570                      Sun 4pm, Wed 8pm

FM 92.9                       Sun 4pm, Wed 8pm

Lynden, WA:               KARI                                    AM 550                        Sundays 5:30pm

Pipestone, MN:           KLOH                                    AM 1050                      Sundays 8am

Pittsburgh, PA:            WORD                                  FM 101.5                     Sundays 10am

Reedsburg, WI:           Classically Christian                FM 89.5                      Sundays 1pm

San Bernardino, CA:   The Answer                            AM 590                       Sun 6am, 7:30am

Spokane, WA:             American Christian Network    FM 106.5                     Sundays 5pm

                                    KTW and KTW FM              AM 630/ FM 96.5          Sundays 9:30am

Wingham, ON:            CKNX                                   AM 920                       Sundays 8am

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Classical Officers

Classis East
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