
Ministerial Calls Extended on Sunday, October 9, 2016

Gospel to all nationsOn Sunday, October 9, 2016 three PRC congregations voted to extend calls. In alphabetical order they are as follows:

BYRON CENTER PRC - To Rev. C Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), for home missionary.

FIRST PRC-HOLLAND - To Rev. N. Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI), for pastor.

SW PRC - To Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), for pastor.

Let us remember these men and these congregations in prayer as they seek to discover God's will for them.

We also continue to remember Rev. N. Decker in prayer as he considers the call to serve as third missionary in the Philippines.



A Solid Tool for Spiritual Growth: The Standard Bearer - Are YOU a Subscriber?

SB Oct15 2014 AugustineWhat tools are you using to grow spiritually in your Christian faith and walk with the Lord?

The Reformed magazine, the Standard Bearer, now in its ninety-third year of publication, is a solid means of spiritual growth. With a variety of articles in each issue (24 pp.), ranging from meditations and Bible study helps to church history and Reformed doctrine features, there is something for every serious Christain to read and benefit from.

The Reformed Free Publishing Association, publishers of the magazine, have a special promotional goal they are advertising to increase readership (see the flyer below for details).

Are YOU a subscriber? If not, now is a good time to add a solid means of spiritual growth to your personal life or family life.

RFPA SB Flyer2 Final 1024x1024


Reformed News Asia - September 2016 (Issue 33)

Issue 33 - September 2016
We print pamphlets written by our members and those from other Reformed churches of like-minded faith. They include a wide range of topics from doctrines to church history and practical Christian living. These pamphlets serve to promote knowledge of the true God as expressed in the Reformed faith.
FEATURED Pamphlet!
Leaving Bethlehem for Moab
By Rev Angus Stewart

This pamphlet  describes the book of Ruth as "a romantic book, for it begins with several tragedies and it contains a courtship (of a sort) which issues in a marriage (between Ruth and Boaz) and the birth of their son (Obed). A very happy ending!"

This book is significant firstly because it concerns our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ruth was the great-grandmother of King David, part of the very lineage of Christ! Secondly, as Ruth was a Moabitess, this story instructs us about the Universal church which includes Gentiles.

These are some of the important truths that are explained in this pamphlet. Read it to find out more!

Click hereto view our catalogue of pamphlets.

Click here to make an order.

All pamphlets are free. CERC reserves some discretion regarding large orders and/or orders from those outside Singapore.

Featured Book
For local orders (S'pore), please contact Ms Daisy Lim at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For international orders, you may purchase directly from the Reformed Free Publishing Association (RFPA;
Christianizing the World by Prof David Engelsma
From the RFPA website:

This book is a critique of Abraham Kuyper’s cultural theory of a common grace of God and of the grandiose mission of this grace, and of those who confess the theory and evidently intend to promote it so that it accomplishes the end Kuyper claimed. The book exposes Kuyper’s biblical basis for his theory and its practical mission.

The first and main part of the book is a much-expanded version of the public lecture given in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 2014 under the auspices of the evangelism society of Southwest Protestant Reformed Church in Wyoming, Michigan. The second part of the book consists of questions raised by the audience at the conclusion of the lecture and of the answers by the speaker at the lecture. 

Audio Recordings

While Rev Lanning was on furlough, Prof Dykstra preached a series of sermons on the OT book of Ezra in CERC, under the theme "That My House May Be Built". Access the recordings here

  1. Cyrus, Jehovah’s Servant
  2. A Remnant Returned
  3. A Return To The Worship Of Jehovah
  4. The Foundation Is Laid
  5. Rejecting False Church Unity
  6. A Lesson In Priorities
  7. Only By Jehovah's Spirit
  8. The Work Prospered ByThe Lord
  9. Ezra’s Heart For The Lord’s House
  10. A Safe Journey To Jerusalem
  11. Facing The Question: Shall We Sin Again?
  12. Putting Away Strange Wives
Click here to access all our audio recordings.
Upcoming Events!
Reformation Day Conference 2016
Come join us in commemorating the 16th century reformation this November!

Details in the poster below:

CKCKS Camp 2016
Our annual youth camp is here again!

Theme: Ask for the Old Paths (Jer 6:16)
Dates: 14-17 Dec 2016
Location: Aloha Changi, FP Chalet 7
Speaker: Rev Andy Lanning

Visit for more details and to register!
Save these dates!

22 Oct Gospel Meeting (in Chinese)
29 Oct Examination of Emmanuel Singh

4-5 Nov Reformation Day Conference 2016
12 Nov Youth Reformation Day Conference 2016

Dec (date TBC) Vacation Bible School
14-17 Dec CK/CKS Youth Camp
24 Dec Carolling/ Gospel Meeting

Past Events...
CERC Olympics 2016
On 12 Sep (public holiday in Singapore), CERC held her annual Sports Day at Bishan Active Park. Attendees listened to a word of exhortation and subsequently participated in a spread of sports such as Basketball, Football, Captain's Ball, Volleyball and even Kickball!  This event saw young and old spending precious time interacting over fun and games and concluded with with fellowship over lunch.
Male-dominated Basketball!
All-time favourite Captain's Ball!
Various groups of winners posing with creatively-designed prizes
CERC 29th Anniversary
On 18 Sep, CERC celebrated her 29th Anniversary. Elder Leong gave a word of exhortation on 2 Pet 3:18, then there were 2 song presentations, reading of letters from our sister churches and finally, the cake-cutting.

We thank the Lord for His preserving Hand upon us and pray for continued blessings upon His church.

"But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen."

Children presenting 2 song items: Ps 403 and Amazing Grace
Youths presenting Rejoice in the Lord
Click on the respective pictures to watch the recording of the presentations!
Session (consistory) members cutting the gigantic and fabulously yummy 3-layer anniversary cake
New Salt Shakers Issue!
The latest Salt Shaker's issues is out! Subscribe to their e-copy for free - simply drop them an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

From the SS website:

"In this edition, we continue our consideration of the theme of “A Pilgrim’s Path”. As Peter writes, we are strangers to the world, elect according to the foreknowledge of God our father (1 Peter 1:1-2). Yet, we are in the world. How shall we walk in it? This is an important question for us to ask in the days of our youth."

New Salt Shakers Website!
Salt Shakers is a bi-monthly magazine published by the youth in CERC. Included in each issue are writings pertaining to both Reformed doctrine and practical theology. Articles are contributed by the Session, youth and members of CERC, as well as pastors and professors from the Protestant Reformed Churches in the USA and Northern Ireland. Salt Shakers also features articles from other Reformed publications, notably the Standard Bearer and Beacon Lights. Click here to access!
Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
We are a Reformed Church that holds to the doctrines of the Reformation as they are expressed in the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dordt.

Lord’s Day services on Sunday at 930 am & 2 pm • 11 Jalan Mesin, #04-00, Standard Industrial Building, Singapore 368813 • Pastor: Rev Andy Lanning  • 

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Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church
11, Jalan Mesin #04-00
Singapore 368813

Byron Center PRC Forms Trio for New Home Missionary

byroncentrePRCThe PRC Synod of 2016, with the recommendation of the Domestic Mission Committee, approved the calling of a new home missionary and appointed Byron Center PRC to be the calling church.

The Council of Byron Center PRC has been preparing for this work and now announces its first trio for calling a new home missionary. It consists of Rev. Cory Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), Rev. Brian Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), and Rev. Clay Spronk (Faith PRC, Jenison, MI).

The Council has set October 9 for the congregational meeting after the evening worship service.


Reformed Witness Hour Messages for October 2016

First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for October 2016 on the RWH radio program.

WBruinsma 2Rev. Wilbur (Bill) Bruinsma (Pittsburgh PRC) begins his four-month service for the RWH program. He will open with a special series on the godly woman.

You are encouraged to listen to these important messages and to let others know about them too. Help spread the word about the Reformed Witness Hour, celebrating in 2016 its 75th year of broadcasting the truths of God's sovereign particular grace!

To find a station in your area, visit the RWH website.  Or visit the RWH Sermonaudio channel.

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find below in flyer form and attached in pdf form.

October 2 - Proverbs 31:30: “The Woman That Fears Jehovah”
October 9 - I Corinthians 7:34: “Unmarried and Devoted to God”
October 16 - I Timothy 2: 9, 10: “The Adornment of a Godly Woman”
October 23 - Proverbs 18:22: “Finding a God-Fearing Wife”
October 30 - Proverbs 31:11, 12: “She Does her Husband Good”

October 2016 flyer Page 1

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