

Reformed Reading in "The Standard Bearer" - April 15, 2015 Issue

SB April15 2015The April 15, 2015 issue of The Standard Bearer is now available, containing a fine variety of edifying articles once again (*see the cover image here).

Do you benefit from meditation-type articles? Read Rev.J.Slopsema's meditation on "Treasures of Wickedness", based on Proverbs 10:2.

Do you want to know what it means to be Reformed? You will want to read Prof.B.Gritters latest editorial on "Calvinism's Solas."

Are you interested in what is happening "all around us" in the church world? Then, you will want to read Rev.C.Spronk's notices about some Reformed congregations that have joined the Presbyterian Church in America.

Do you enjoy brief word studies from the Bible? You will want to add Rev.W.Langerak's most recent "word fitly spoken" article to your reading list. This one is on "Rise(n); Raise(d)."

Are you aware of how missions are conducted in a foreign country such as the Philippines? Be sure to read Missionary-pastor D.Kleyn's "Philippine Mission Field FAQ (frequently asked questions)"!

And there is more - book reviews, PRC church and school news - check the cover image here for all the details!

If you are not familiar with this Reformed magazine and would be interested in subscribing, the publisher - the Reformed Free Publishing Association ( has this special advertisement in its latest catalog (promoting the book ministry but also calling attention to the "SB"). Contact them at their website to get started with some solid Reformed reading material!

RFPA SB Promo pg 2015


Conference on Elders' Supervision of Preaching - Audio/Visual Recordings Now Available

EldersSupervisionPreachingConf 2015

In late February and early March the Consistory of Grace PRC sponsored a three-part conference/seminar on Elders' supervision of preaching. The presentations were led by Prof.R.Cammenga of the PRC Seminary and were recorded in both audio and video.

Grace PRC has now made these recordings available on her website, but the video are also included here (by clicking on the "Read More" tab below).

It is Grace PRC's and Prof.R.Cammenga's hope that these classes may be of help and encouragement to elders and pastors alike, and that the churches may be further strengthened and the saints further edified as a fruit of this supervision.

For more materials for officebearers, visit the officebearer resource page on the PRC website.


Newly Reprinted Books From the RFPA - Solid Reading and Gift Opportunities!

The Reformed Free Publishing Association, publisher of the Standard Bearer and sound Reformed books for adults and children, is busy issuing fresh reprints of some classic titles this year. Three of them may be highlighted here.

Triple Knowledge 10vols 2015The first is a reprint Herman Hoeksema's commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism - The Triple Knowledge - in its original 10 volume format. They have a special offers available for Book Club members (consider joining!) as well as for non-members. Here is the publisher's information from their website; check out the website for the details on pricing:

We present the Triple Knowledge series by Herman Hoeksema,produced in a ten-volume set, as originally published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company beginning in 1943. Putting this series back into the 10 volumes—the way Rev. Hoeksema divided them—will bring the reader closer to the themes represented in the Heidelberg Catechism.

Found in these ten volumes is the most extensive commentary on the fifty-two Lord's Days of the Heidelberg Catechism in English. This fine exposition on man's misery, deliverance, and thankfulness clearly sets forth the distinctive truths of the Reformed faith in a warm, personal way.

Coming May 2015 (first five volumes pictured):
Volume 1 - In the Midst of Death (240 pages)
Volume 2 - God's Way Out (256 pages)
Volume 3 - The Death of the Son of God (304 pages)
Volume 4 - The Lord of Glory (192 pages)
Volume 5 - Abundant Mercy (240 pages)
Coming August 2015:
Volume 6 - Baptized into Christ
Volume 7 - Eating and Drinking Christ
Volume 8 - Love the Lord Thy God
Volume 9 - Love Thy Neighbor for God's Sake
Volume 10 - The Perfect Prayer

In the Beg God HCH 2015The second reprint (2nd edition) is the most recent - In the Beginning God by Homer C. Hoeksema, first published in 1966. This title addresses matters of grave concern to the church in the 1960s - the nature and authority of Scripture especially as these relate to God's record of His creative work in the beginning of time and history - still serious matters of concern to God's people in our day. Below is the RFPA's description of this reissue:

The 1960s were years of challenges to the infallibility and inspiration of scripture. These attacks were precipitated by the increasingly popular theory of evolution, which was making inroads into Reformed churches and schools. In contradiction to this creeping heresy and in unequivocal defense of the doctrine of scripture, the Reformed Free Publishing Association publishedIn the Beginning God.

Since then the conflict between creation and evolution as the explanation of the origin of the world has intensified, and the doctrine of scripture is increasingly compromised, even in historically Reformed churches and schools.

God’s people must be knowledgeable regarding the doctrines of scripture and of creation so that they are able staunchly to defend these truths. To this end the Reformed Free Publishing Association is pleased to republish this explanation and defense of these timeless truths.

Marriage Mystery DJE 2015The third significant title is David J. Engelsma's Marriage, The Mystery of Christ and the Church (3rd ed.). This is what you will find by way of information on this book on the publisher's website:

Although this book’s controversial contention that marriage is an unbreakable bond for life gets the most attention today…the book is a mainly positive explanation and application of the Bible’s teaching about marriage in all of marriage’s aspects…Marriage…is a Reformed pastor’s instruction and exhortation to married couples, especially young married couples, with the purpose that they glorify God in their marriages and enjoy the bliss of this blessed communion of life.

The timeliness of the book is evident simply from the rate of divorce, not alone in North America in the early twenty-first century, but also in Reformed churches throughout the world…

The second section is a history of the church’s doctrine and practice of marriage from Augustine and the early church through Calvin and the Reformation to the contemporary chaos.

With engagement and wedding season here, this would make a fine gift to a young couple preparing to enter the holy covenant of marriage. Find ordering information on this book too at the RFPA's website and the links provided here.


Rev. N.Decker Receives Call to the Philippines

NathanDeckerAt her congregational meeting on Good Friday evening, April 3, 2015, the congregation of Doon PRC voted to extend a call to Rev.Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI) to serve as second missionary to the Philippines.

Let us remember in prayer this young pastor and his family as he considers this call, that the Lord of the harvest may make His will clear to him and give him grace to heed that will, whatever it may be.

May we also continue to bring to the King of heaven the needs of Rev.D.Kleyn and his wife Sharon, along with those of the churches and mission groups in the Philippines.


Reformed Book Outlet - April 2015 Newsletter - Annual Music Sale!

ReformedBookOutletThe Reformed Book Outlet in Hudsonville, MI has published its April 2015 Newsletter, which advertises their annual music sale. See below for the details!

Of course, at the "RBO" you will also find plenty of sound Reformed books and other good Christian resources to satisfy your need to grow spiritually and to help others do so through gift-giving.

Read the RBO newsletter below (also attached in pdf form), check out their website (also to check on business hours), visit the bookstore, and benefit from the good Reformed literature, music, cards, and other resources available.

RBO Newsletter April 2015 Page 1


Reformed Witness Hour Messages for April 2015

First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for April 2015 on the RWH radio program.

revrkleynRev.Rodney Kleyn, pastor of the Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA will begin the month with a special Easter message and then will do a brief series on the importance of public worship from the viewpoint of the end of Hebrews 10.

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find attached in pdf form.

We may also report that the RWH is returning to the airwaves in New York City - Long Island to be exact! Starting Easter Sunday, April 5, we will be broadcasting our program on HOPE Radio on Long Island, New York – reaching up to three million people through six FM frequencies each Sunday morning! Here are the details:

"The Reformed Witness Hour" airing Sun.@ 8:30AM/ *6* frequencies:
  1. 101.5FM (Nassau & West Suffolk County, NY)
  2. 94.9FM (West/Central Suffolk County, NY)
  3. 104.5FM (Central Suffolk County, NY)
  4. 96.5FM (Central/East Suffolk County, NY)
  5. 96.9 FM (Central/East Suffolk County, NY)
  6. 107.1FM (Central/East Suffolk County, NY)

For the rest of our stations and times for listening to the RWH program, visit the RWH website. Be sure to listen each Sunday on a station near you - or anytime through our website!

April 2015 Flyer Page 1


Reformed News Asia - April 2015 Issue

The sixteenth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry (CLM) of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church. Once again you will find an issue filled with informative and profitable content (for information on the previous issue, #15, visit this page)!

One of the special resources made available in this issue is the daily devotions, which continue a series covering the Heidelberg Catechism (LDs 14-18). Written by Rev.A.Brummel and Rev.J.Kortering, these devotions on the "HC" take you through the month of April and into May (April 2 - May 6). You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions day by day (By the way, you may also find these same HC devotionals on the PRC website.).

Significant too in this issue are reports on the recent trip of Rev.A.Lanning and Elder Leong to Kolkata, India, as well as the visit of the church visitors on behalf of the PRC - Rev.S.Key and G.Eriks along with their wives (see pictures below). Plus there is a special advertisement of the annual Good Friday Gospel Meeting, the purpose of which is to "invite your friends and family to hear the good news of salvation which Christ accomplished on the cross".

For more information on events and activities in the CERC (including the latest visitors from the U.S.), as well as on life in Singapore, with lots of great pictures and descriptions, visit the "Stories from Singapore" blog of the Lannings.

To subscribe to "Reformed News Asia", visit this link.


March 2015 Newsletter from Covenant PRC, N.Ireland

Our sister church in Northern Ireland, Covenant PRC, Ballymena, has just released her latest newsletter. In this March 2015 issue Rev.Angus Stewart reports on the latest activities inside and outside the congregation, with special mention of their biennial trip to the States this summer and the 2016 British Reformed Fellowship Conference at a lovely castle in N.Ireland.

Rev.Stewart also reports on his busy activities in the congregation and the work of spreading the Reformed faith through the CPRC website - especially the many translations, including a first pamphlet in Polish!

Be sure to read this newsletter below to be better informed of what our "sister" and her pastor are doing in the British Isles. This newsletter is also attached here in pdf form (see below).

CPRCNI Newsletter March2015 Page 1CPRCNI Newsletter March2015 Page 2

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