Preached in Calvary PRC, Hull IA, by her pastor, on the occasion of Christian baptism. The message has these parts:
I. Do the Lord's Work
II. Provoke Them Not
III. Bring Them Up
Preached in Grace PRC by her pastor on the occasion of Christian baptism. The message has these parts:
1. The Nature of the Gift
2. To Whom the Gift is Given
3. The Responsibility We Have
Proverbs 14:1 & Proverbs 31
Preached in Hope PRC, Redlands CA, by her pastor on the occasion of Christian baptism. The message has these parts:
I. Her Building
II. Her Wisdom
III. Her House
Exodus 1:1-2:10 & Hebrews 11:23
Preached in Faith PRC by guest minister Prof.R.Dykstra on the occasion of Christian baptism (infant). The sermon has these parts:
1. The Dangerous Activity
2. The Lively Faith
3. The Divine Confirmation
Preached in Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI, by her pastor on the ocassion of infant baptism.
The message has these parts:
I. The Worst of Times
II. Broken Hearted Parents
III. Unshaken Hope
Preached in Hudsonville (MI) PRC by her pastor on the occasion of infant baptism and as part of a series on Romans 9.
The message has these parts:
1. The Beautiful Truth
2. The Biblical Examples
3. The Great Comfort
Preached in First PRC, Edmonton, AB by her pastor on the occasion of holy baptism.
Preached in Byron Center PRC by her pastor on the occasion of the administration of holy baptism.
Preached in Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN by her pastor.
Baptism sermon outlined in 3 parts: What we want. What God Makes. What We pray for.