Preached in Southwest PRC, Wyoming, MI, by her pastor, as a Communion sermon.
Preached in SouthWest PRC, Wyoming MI, by her pastor as a preparatory sermon with a view to the celebration of the Lord's Supper the following Sunday.
Preached in Hope PRC, Redlands CA, by guest minister, Rev.A.den Hartog (SW PRC, Wyoming, MI). The message has these parts:
I. Its Glorious Appearance
II. The Blessedness of Its Inhabitants
III. The Certainty It's Coming
Preached in SW PRC, Wyoming, MI, by her pastor on Father's Day.
Preached in SW PRC by her pastor for Pentecost Sunday.
Preached in SW PRC, Grand Rapids MI, by her pastor, as part of a series on the apostolic period of the church.
Preached in SW PRC, Wyoming MI, by her pastor for Ascension Day service.
Preached in SW PRC, Grand Rapids, MI, by her pastor as part of a series on the Apostolic Age of the church.
Preached in SW PRC, Grand Rapids, MI, by her pastor as part of a series on the Apostolic Age of the church.
Preached in Southwest PRC by her pastor, as part of a series on the apostolic age of the church.
1. The Wonder of This Appearance
2. Paul's Amazing Conversion
3. The Purpose