
149. Confession of Trust



1. On God alone my soul relies,
And He will soon relieve;
The Lord will hear my plaintive cries
At morning, noon, and eve.

2. He has redeemed my soul in peace,
From conflict set me free;
My many foes are made to cease,
And strive no more with me.

3. The living God in righteousness
Will recompense with shame
The men who, hardened with success,
Forget to fear His Name.

4. All treacherous friends who overreach
And break their plighted troth,
Who hide their hate with honeyed speech
With such the Lord is wroth

5. Upon the Lord thy burden cast,
To Him bring all thy care;
He will sustain and hold thee fast,
And give thee strength to bear.

6. God will not let His saints be moved;
Protected, they shall see
Their foes cut off and sin reproved;
O God, I trust in Thee.



Last modified on 21 March 2013

Additional Info

  • Psalter #: 149
  • # Stanzas: 6
  • Metre: C.M.
  • Video: No
  • Psalm: 55
  • Type: Normal
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