
PR Churches (USA & Canada)

Rev.J. Mahtani Declines Call to the Philippines

JonMahtaniRev. J. Mahtani, pastor of Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN), declined the call from Doon (Iowa) PRC to serve as a second foreign missionary to the Philippines. 

May God bless Rev. Mahtani and his family as they continue to serve the saints in Cornerstone. 

And may He also continue to uphold Rev. Daniel and Sharon Kleyn as they press on in their labors in the Philippines - waiting on the Lord for another missionary to provide assistance.


Rev.J. Mahtani Receives Missionary Call to the Philippines

JonMahtaniOn Sunday, January 3, 2016, the congregation of Doon PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. Jon Mahtani, currently pastor of Cornerstone PRC in Dyer, IN. The trio from which they called consisted also of Revs. C.Griess (Calvary PRC) and B.Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA).

The call is to serve as second missionary in the Philippines alongside Missionary-pastor D. Kleyn.

May the Lord give wisdom and understanding to this brother as he weighs this call. He plans to answer it by Sunday, January 31.


Reformed Witness Hour Messages for January 2016

WBruinsma 2First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for January 2016 on the RWH radio program.

Rev. W.Bruinsma, missionary-pastor of the Pittsburgh (PA) PR Fellowship has some special messages for the new year and will also conclude his series on the book of Jude.

You are encouraged to take in these timely messages and to let others know about them too. Help spread the word about the Reformed Witness Hour!

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find attached in pdf form. For stations and time of broadcast, visit the RWH website, where you may also listen to and download past messages from the archive section.
















January 3, 2016 – Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma - Watching for Christ’s Return - 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6


January 10, 2016 - Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma - Keep Yourselves in Love - Jude 20-23


January 17, 2016 - Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma - Praise to God Our Savior - Jude 24,25


January 24, 2016 - Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma - Children of Truth - 3 John 4


January 31, 2016 - Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma - Healing the Nobleman’s Son - John 4:46-54


The Reformed Witness Hour | PO Box 1230, Grand Rapids MI, 49505

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New Trio for Calling Second Missionary to the Philippines - Dec.27, 2015

Mark1615 1The Council of Doon PRC has announced a new trio for calling a second missionary to labor in the Philippines with Rev. D. Kleyn.

It consists of Rev.C. Griess (Calvary, Hull, IA.), Rev.B. Huizinga (Redlands, CA), and Rev.J. Mahtani (Cornerstone, St.John,IN.)

A congregational meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 3, after the morning service to call from this trio.


Pittsburgh Mission Updates - December-January 2015

Pitts website header

Once again our Pittsburgh Mission "reporter", Mandy Tolsma, has put together an update on activities and visitors there, this time for December and January 2015. Be sure to check out her news items below - and perhaps plan your own trip to this mission station of the PRC.

  • Our Bible studies met every other Wednesday throughout November and December.  We are discussing I Peter 2 and our duty to submit to our government and show kindness to all men.  We ended the year with a ham dinner and Christmas caroling at our last meeting on December 16.  We will break for a couple weeks.

  • We had a Neighborhood Outreach committee meeting the second week of November and the second week of December.  We are working hard to update our website and our witnessing through the means of social media.

  • The highlight of the month was our Christmas Program after the evening service of December 20.  We had a beautiful narrative written by Monica Nystrom and read by several of the ladies from church which emphasized Christ being born from the line of Isaac and David.  We were treated to a beautiful duet by Titus and Peter Mahtani.  They sang “Oh, Holy Night!”    Corrine Bauman and Monica Nystrom sang “Silent Night” and harmonized very well!  There was an organ and piano duet by Joe Petron and Peter Mahtani.  The Bruinsma family sang “Angels We Have Heard on High.”  These were in addition to the beautiful job our children did.  The school children sang and recited verses telling what the angels announced to Joseph, Mary, and in Luke 2.  The preschool children sang and gave the welcome and ending speeches.  Everyone gave a beautiful testimony that because of the birth and death of Christ, we know He fills our hearts with His Spirit and gives us the ability to sing and quote scripture from the heart.

Dec 2015 1pitts Dec 2015 2

Pitts dec 2015 3Pitts dec 2015 4

Church Activities for January:

  • Bible Studies and Catechism will begin again the week of January 4.

  • NOC (Neighborhood Outreach Committee) will meet the second week of January.  We will begin planning our Spring Lecture.

  • The children will begin practicing for a spring program tentatively scheduled for April. 

Local Events for January:

  • Penguins on Parade will be featured at the Pittsburgh Zoo.  Saturday mornings the penguins are outside of their pen and walking around the zoo!  But only if the temperature at 11:00 is 45 degrees or below. .

  • Go ice-skating downtown Pittsburgh! .

  • Check out the Carnegie Science Museum.

  • Check out the National Aviary, the largest in the country!

  • There is still time to check out the Nationality Rooms at the University of Pittsburgh!  Open until January 16. .

Our Visitors:

  • Rev. Jim and Joan Slopsema from First PRC.

  • Dave and Bonnie Moelker from Hope PRC.

  • Bruce and Sherri Jabaay from Georgetown PRC.

  • John and Pat Pols from Grandville, PRC.

  • Bern and Linda Zandstra from Southwest PRC

  • Tom VanderWoude from Southwest PRC


Rev.J. Laning Declines Call to the Phillippines

On Sunday, Dec.13, 2015, it was annnounced in Doon PRC (IA) that Rev. James Laning (Hull, IA PRC) had declined her call to serve as second missionary to the Philippines (Nov.23).

May the Lord grant contentment and peace to the Lanings, to Doon PRC, and to the Kleyns in the Philippines. Let us remember this important cause in our daily prayers, now too as Doon's Council seeks to form a new trio from which to call once again.

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