
PRC Theological Seminary

Theological School of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America

4949 Ivanrest Ave SW
Wyoming, MI 49418

Phone: 616-531-1490 ~ Fax: 616-531-3033

Prof. Ronald Cammenga, Rector (cammengaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Charles Terpstra, Registrar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Valerie Kleyn, Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Judi Doezema, Denominational Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

sem front May 2022
Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses,
the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:1,2

Other Special Information and quick links:

Special Summer 2023 Class on Church Discipline: The Seminary sponsored another special course for the public last summer.  Prof. Gritters taught regarding the important topic of Christian Discipline.  Because all members participate in discipline, the course is important to officebearers as well as members of the church.  Classes were held in Hudsonville PRC on Wednesday evenings from July 12 through August 9. For a detailed outline of the subjects to be taught, click on this link.  

The video links for each class are posted here. You may also find a convenient link to all the videos and outlines on Hudsonville PRC's website.

First Class - July 12, 2023 - The Church Order on Discipline (Outline)

 Second Class - July 19, 2023 - The Proper Objects of Discipline (Outline)

Third Class - July 26, 2023 - The Act of Discipline According to Matthew 18 (Outline)

Fourth Class - August 2, 2023 - The Act of Discipline, from the Elders' Bench (Outline)

Fifth Class - August 9, 2023 - Sufficient Evidence of Repentance (Outline)

Answers to remaining questions (Prof. Gritters's written responses to some questions that were not answered in the classes)

PRTJ cover Nov 2023 3

The Fall 2023 issue of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal is now available - both in print and in digital forms! Digital editions are available on the PRTJ webpage and print copies were mailed today to those on our mailing list. If you want to be added to our mailing list (either print or digital) or wish to pick up a copy at the seminary, contact Sharon, the seminary secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The seminary's special conference on preaching was held on Oct.28-29, 2021 at Trinity PRC. If you were unable to attend and would like to listen to the speeches, they are available here and hereThe videos have also now been posted to the seminary YouTube channel.



A Blessed Conference!

The PRC Seminary's 2019 Dordt400 Conference is now history. Held Thursday, April 25 - Saturday, April 27 at Trinity PRC in Hudsonville, MI, the conference had edifying speeches, blessed fellowship with believers from all over the country and world, and plenty of Dordt resources to browse.

The videos are posted on the seminary's YouTube channel and the audio on Trinity PRC's Sermonaudio channel.

For pictures taken at the conference, visit the main PRC website or the blog on this website.



*A new seminary website has been developed and published! There are many new features and updates, including a blog. Visit the site and check out the various pages - and sign up to receive seminary news by email!

PRTS Faculty/Staff

PRTS Catalog

PR Theological Journal (most recent and archived)


PRTS YouTube channel

PRC Seminary's Google calendar

PRC Seminary Update: Classes Begin August 29; Convocation Sept.7

 Sem front May 2016 1

With a new season of instruction set to begin soon at the PRC Seminary, the following updates may be given:

Our first semester schedule for the 2016-17 school year has now been approved by the faculty and the Theological School Committee. It is attached here as a pdf download, but the schedule may also be found on the Seminary calendar on the Seminary's homepage. Classes will begin on Monday, August 29, D.V. On that day we will be following the FRIDAY schedule of classes (see the schedule for details).


Once again the Seminary is inviting those who are interested to attend selected classes this coming school year.  The first semester begins Monday, August 29 and three classes are open to auditors:  Dogmatics –Ecclesiology (doctrine of the church, including the essence, attributes, and marks of the church, as well as the government of the church and the sacraments), by Prof. R. Cammenga; Hermeneutics (interpretation of Scripture), and Reformation Church History by Prof. R. Dykstra. If you are interested in attending any of these classes, please call the Seminary at 616-531-1490 to find what times they meet (or check the class schedule below).  Please register for these classes by this Thursday, August 25.


RDykstra1The annual Seminary Convocation will be held Sept.7, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Grandville PRC. Prof. R. Dykstra will be speaking on "The Ezra Model: Having a Heart for the Lord’s House." All PRC members and friends of the Seminary are cordially invited to join us as we mark the beginning of the new school year.


Lest we forget, the seven senior seminarians are now in place for their internships, which run from July 1 through Dec.31, D.V. These are the churches in which they are currently serving:

  • Matt DeBoer in Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI), under Rev.C. Haak
  • Brian Feenstra to Loveland PRC (Colorado), under Rev.S. Key
  • Joe Holstege to Calvary PRC (Hull, IA), under Rev.C. Griess
  • Jonathan Langerak to Edgerton PRC (Minnesota), under Rev.D. Kuiper
  • David Noorman to Hope PRC (Redlands, CA), under Rev.B. Huizinga
  • Justin Smidstra to Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) under Rev.C. Spronk
  • Stephan Regnerus to SE PRC (Grand Rapids, MI), under Rev.W. Langerak


Also of significance for our members and especially our young men is this statement approved by this year's PRC Synod for publication in the PR churches concerning the ongoing need for ministers of the Word:

The 2016 Synod of the PRC is conveying to the congregations through its Stated Clerk the future, urgent need for seminary students.  Although we currently have ten students (7 seniors; 3 sophomores), 13 of our pastors are over the age of 60, we have one vacant congregation, Doon PRC is authorized to call a third man to the Philippines, and Byron Center PRC is authorized to call a home missionary. This represents 16 present and future openings, without factoring in the possibility of larger churches having daughter congregations. Let us pray that the Lord of the harvest send forth sufficient, qualified laborers into His harvest, and incline their hearts now to that work.






PRC Seminary Updates - April/May 2016

Sem front May2014 1

As the PRC Seminary enters its closing weeks of the 2015-16 school year, a few updates are in order.

1. March and April were busy "visitation" months for the Seminary with visits from the fourth-grade classes at Heritage Christian School (March 30 & April 13), from the fifth-grade class of Adams Christian School (April 20), and from the church history students of Heritage Christian High in Dyer, IN (April 22). And the faculty and the students attended conferences at Calvin College (Junius Institute Colloquium on April 1) and First CRC of Byron Center (Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology on April 15-16).

HCS 4th 3
Heritage Christian 4th graders visiting the PRC archives room

AdamsCS 5
Adams Christian 5th graders enjoying fellowship with Seminary faculty and students.

HCHS April16 1
Heritage CHS students prepare to sit in on a class with Prof.B. Gritters.

2. On April 28 and 29 (this Thursday and Friday afternoons) the Seminary will host two lectures by Dr. Tom Reid (Reformed Presbyterian Seminary in Pittsburgh) on the Reformation in France and the French Reformed churches. These lectures will be given to the student body, faculty, and area ministers, but will also be live-streamed on the Seminary YouTube channel. Visit the link at the time of the lecture to watch and listen to these informative lectures (cf. also the attached media link to the full recorded video of the first lecture).

TReid lecture April
Prof.T.Reid lecturing on the French Reformed tradition.

3.The latest issue of the PR Theological Journal is now available. The April 2016 issue (v.49 #2) features articles by Prof.R. Dykstra, Rev. Josh Engelsma, Prof.R. Cammenga, and a variety of excellent book reviews (see cover image below). Check the Seminary Journal page for all the digital versions of this issue now also available.

PRTJ April 2016 cover

4. Remember the faculty and students in prayer as they now in the final weeks of the second semester, with only one week of classes left after this week (end May 6) and then a week of exams (May 9-13).

5. The students are eagerly anticipating their summer internships (July 1 - December 31), as noted here before. Once again, those are scheduled as follows:

  • Matt DeBoer in Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI), under Rev.C. Haak
  • Brian Feenstra to Loveland PRC (Colorado), under Rev.S. Key
  • Joe Holstege to Calvary PRC (Hull, IA), under Rev.C. Griess
  • Jonathan Langerak to Edgerton PRC (Minnesota), under Rev.D. Kuiper
  • David Noorman to Hope PRC (Redlands, CA), under Rev.B. Huizinga
  • Justin Smidstra to Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) under Rev.C. Spronk
  • Stephan Regnerus to SE PRC (Grand Rapids, MI), under Rev.W. Langerak

PRC Seminary Updates - January 2016

Sem sign winter 2016

After the completion of first semester exams and the two-week Christmas/New Year break, the PRC Seminary is once again full of activity. Below are a few updates that can be given at the beginning of January 2016:

  • The Seminary Interim is now in session (8 days, from Jan.4-13). Prof.B. Gritters is teaching a new course this year - Reformed Covenantal Ethics (see picture below). At the conclusion of the Interim class, Prof.R. Cammenga and all of the students will be traveling to Southern California to attend the Westminster Seminary conference. They will also be staying the weekend in Redlands, CA and fellowshiping with the members of our Hope PRC there. Second semester classes will begin on Wednesday, Jan.20, D.V.

Interim 2016

  • Once again the Seminary is inviting those who are interested to attend selected classes this coming semester (starts Wed., Jan.20).  The classes that are open to auditors the second semester are the following:  Medieval Church History and Reformed Symbols (a study of the nature of confessions and the HC and BC) by Prof. R.Dykstra; Dogmatics (Soteriology - study of doctrine of salvation), and New Testament History (Passion Week through the missionary journeys of Paul) by Prof. R.Cammenga.  If you are interested in attending any of these classes, please call the Seminary at (616) 531-1490 to find what times they meet (or check the class schedule below).  “Registration” by January 19 is important. (The 2nd semester schedule is attached in pdf here.)
  • Plans are being made for the soon-to-be senior seminarian internships, which begin this summer (July 1-Dec.31, 2016). At this time, the following internships have been proposed by the faculty, approved by PRC Councils, and made public:
    • Matt DeBoer in Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI), under Rev.C. Haak
    • Brian Feenstra to Loveland PRC (Colorado), under Rev.S. Key
    • Joe Holstege to Calvary PRC (Hull, IA), under Rev.C. Griess
    • Jonathan Langerak to Edgerton PRC (Minnesota), under Rev.D. Kuiper
    • Aaron Lim to CERC (Singapore), under Rev.A.Lanning
    • David Noorman to Hope PRC (Redlands, CA), under Rev.B. Huizinga
    • Justin Smidstra to Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) under Rev.C. Spronk
    • Stephan Regnerus to SE PRC (Grand Rapids, MI), under Rev.W. Langerak

Let us continue to remember the professors, students, and staff in prayer as they finish the Interim this week and prepare for second semester classes.

November 2015 PRC Seminary Journal Now Available!

PRTJ Nov 2015 coverThe faculty of the PRC Seminary have just published the next PRC Seminary Journal. The November 2015 issue (Vol.49, #1) contains an interesting variety of articles and book reviews, which make for profitable reading for pastors, officebearers, and Reformed believers (see the cover image here and the editor's notes below).

The following are Prof. R. Cammenga's "Editor's Notes" for this issue:

     Welcome to the pages of the frst issue of volume 49 of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal.  The frst article in this issue is the transcript of the speech that Dr. John Bolt gave to the student body and faculty of the Protestant Reformed Seminary, as well as area ministers this past Spring.  Dr. Bolt is familiar to the constituency of the Protestant Reformed Churches as an outspoken critic of the treatment of Herman Hoeksema by the 1924 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church.  Besides critical of the treatment of Hoeksema, he also fnds fault with the doctrinal formulations of the 1924 Synod defining and defending common grace.  In his article, Dr. Bolt points out what he believes to be the inadequacies of the “Three Points” and offers alternative formulations.  Even though the very worthwhile question-and-answer session that followed Dr. Bolt’s speech cannot be reproduced here, we trust our readers will proft from the transcription of the speech.

     Our readers are once again favored with an article by a familiar contributor to PRTJ, Dr. Jürgen Burkhard Klautke, professor in the Academy for Reformed Theology in Marburg, Germany.  This article is the transcription of a speech by Dr. Klautke at a conference sponsored by the PRCA denominational Committee for Contact with Other [Foreign] Churches. The speech is a stirring defense of the truth of God’s covenant of grace, according to which elect believers are “in Christ,” as is the language of our Lord in His High Priestly prayer. Along the way, Dr. Klautke engages in necessary polemic against those who have perverted the truth of God’s Word that believers are “in Christ.

     This issue contains the frst three parts of an eighteen part “John Calvin Research Bibliography” by the undersigned.  This bibliography was constructed over the course of a number of years and copies of it were distributed to students who took a newly developed interim course on “The Theology of John Calvin.”  It was thought that publishing this bibliography would make available a valuable resource for any who are interested in doing research on the great Reformer John Calvin.  Each section of the bibliography corresponds to a class session devoted to that main topic, with the related sub-topics that were covered in the class listed beneath each main topic. 

     Prof. David Engelsma, emeritus Professor of Dogmatics and Old Testament in the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary, contributes a review article of Reformed Thought on Freedom: The Concept of Free Choice in Early Modern Reformed Thought, edited by Willem J. van Asselt, J. Martin Bac, and Roelf T. te Velde.  The book examines the teaching of leading Reformed theologians of the sixteenth through the early eighteenth centuries on the freedom of the will.  It demonstrates that the Reformed tradition has consistently rejected the
error of “free will,” while at the same time upholding genuine human freedom.  Be sure to read this very worthwhile extended review—and then perhaps get the book and read it for yourself.

      As always, this issue of PRTJ contains a number of excellent book reviews.  This is a much appreciated feature of any theological journal, and that certainly is the case with our journal.  We take this opportunity to express our thanks to the men who regularly contribute book reviews.  Hopefully they know how much our readers anticipate their regular contributions in each new issue and beneft from them.

      We remind our readers that our journal is made available free of charge.  The cost of its production and mailing are covered by the seminary.  Your gifts, therefore, are appreciated.  And many of you do send gifts periodically.  We are grateful for your support.

      Now read and enjoy. Soli Deo Gloria!

You may find this issue in digital form at the Seminary's Journal page (pdf for now - also attached here; Mobi and ePub coming soon). If you would like to subscribe to this Journal, kindly call or write the Seminary at the information provided on its website homepage.

2015 Seminary Convocation and Open House - Updated!

The Seminary enjoyed a wonderful night on Wednesday, Sept.16 at her annual Convocation. We had a good crowd of people in attendance and a good turnout for the Open House at the Semimary afterward. Below are a few pictures taken of the night.

2015 09 16 08.22.48
Prof.R. Cammenga delivering the Convocation address.

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Introduction of the 3rd-year Seminary students by Prof.R. Dykstra (rector).

2015 09 16 08.57.24

Introduction of the 1st-year students by Prof.R. Dykstra.

 2015 09 16 09.18.21
Vistors at the Seminary open house.

2015 09 16 09.39.46

2015 09 16 09.45.40

Note: Below is the original announcement of the event.

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Wednesday, September 16 is the evening for the PR Seminary Convocation at 7:30 PM in Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI).

Prof. R. Cammenga will be speaking on: “The Calling of the Protestant Reformed Seminary: The Training of Shepherds.” The "Voices of Victory" (male quartet) will provide special music. And Prof.R. Dykstra (rector) will introduce the twelve students.

Also, be sure to join faculty, students, and staff at the Seminary afterwards (just up the hill from SWPRC!), as there will be an Open House at the building (enter the new driveway off Ivanrest and Scenic River, just south of the old driveway). Come and tour the facilities, talk with the professors and students, and take in special displays of items from the PRC archives, including Seminary.

All are invited to attend. Your presence and support are a great encouragement to the Seminary. We hope to see you there!

SemFaculty students Fall 2015

Introducing the 2015-16 PRC Seminary Faculty and Student Body

In deep thanksgiving to God, this past Monday, August 31, the PRC Seminary opened its doors for its ninety-first year of preparing men for the gospel ministry, with a special chapel and orientation. On Tuesday, Sept.1, regular classes began in earnest for the nine junior and three freshman seminarians.

We can now introduce the entire faculty and student body by means of a photo taken today, Sept.2 (see below).

Once again, the faculty, students, and staff covet your prayers, that God would equip us to carry out our callings in conscious dependence on Him, and use our efforts to prepare His servants for His work in the churches.

Also, do not forget the annual Seminary Convocation set for Wednesday night, September 16, 2015. Here's the notice as it was sent to the churches:

September 16 is the evening for the PR Seminary Convocation at 7:30 in Southwest PRC. Prof. Cammenga will be speaking on: “The Calling of the Protestant Reformed Seminary: The Training of Shepherds.” The Voices of Victory (male quartet) will provide special music. There will be an Open House afterwards at the seminary. All are invited to attend.

SemFaculty students Fall 2015

Key to picture:

Front row (l-r): Profs.R.Cammenga, B.Gritters, R.Dykstra

Second row (l-r): Sems. Brian Feenstra (Hope PRC, Grand Rapids), Nathan Price (SW PRC), Aaron Lim (Covenant ERC, Singapore)

Third row: (l-r) Sems. Matt Kortus (Faith PRC), Joe Holstege (SE PRC), Jacob Maatman (SW PRC), Jon Langerak (SW PRC), David Noorman (Faith PRC)

Back row: (l-r) Sems. Matt DeBoer (Hudsonville PRC), Darren Vink (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI), Stephan Regnerus (Doon IA PRC/Grace PRC), Justin Smidstra (Hudsonville PRC)

For more information on the PRC Seminary, visit the Seminary's homepage.

Spring and Summer Report from the PRC Seminary - June 2015

Sem front May2014 1The PRC Seminary is now on recess for the summer, but that does not mean that there is not a lot of Seminary-related activity taking place. There is, and Prof.R.Dykstra's most recent Rector's report published in the June 2015 Standard Bearer proves it. Here is his summary of the past semester and what the summer holds for faculty and students.

This past semester might be called the semester of doctors. It started with a laparoscopic appendectomy gone awry, resulting in an appendix that disintegrated before removal. That put one student in the hospital and produced complications for weeks that slowed his recovery. Then our fourth-year student was diagnosed with mono, bronchitis, and infected sinuses, so we did not see him around for a while. After that it was wave after wave of colds, flu, and one case of pneumonia that took out various students from week to week. A visiting student informed us that he had been diagnosed with tuberculosis, with the result that all who were in that class were instructed to be tested (no positive results, happy to say). And now at the very end of the semester, one student is hobbling around on crutches with a badly injured knee, wondering what the surgeon will recommend.

Other than that, we are well, thanks.

From every other point of view, this was an exciting semester. Abilities developed through ten weeks straight of practice preaching. Students started teaching catechism in the churches. Reams and reams of paper were devoured for exegesis, church history, dogmatics, and church polity assignments/papers. And, very important, the instruction was well received by the diligent students one and all.

Exciting news is found elsewhere in this issue of the SB, namely, that five of the students have been licensed to speak a word of edification in the churches. As most readers know, a large class just finished its second year of seminary. To all the seminarians the Lord gives gifts in differing amounts, and causes them to develop at varying rates. Thus one cannot expect that the entire class would be ready for licensing at the same time. We thank God that these five have developed to this point, and that the others are working diligently toward this goal.

For some of the students, instruction will continue into the summer, though it will be of a different kind. Five students will have a mini-internship focusing on missions. This has been done twice in the past eight years. Many years ago bequest money was set aside (according to the designation of the giver) to be used specifically for training in missions. That money enables us to offer second-year students the opportunity to live on a mission field for a time in order to get hands-on experience. Five students responded with enthusiasm. Accordingly, two will go to Pittsburgh, one to the Philippines, and two to Spokane (a small, young congregation with extensive outreach activity).

Last, and surely not least, seminarian Ryan Barnhill has completed his fourth year of seminary training. The faculty wholeheartedly recommend him for examination at the synod of 2015. Another minister will soon take his place in the ranks. How good our God is to us.

We thank God for His grace abundantly bestowed to the students and the professors alike. And we thank God for the continued support of the churches.

Prof. Russell Dykstra, Rector

In addition. the professors will keep busy this summer, preparing for the next semester and carrying out special speaking engagements. Prof.R.Dykstra is teaching the PR Teacher's Institite seminar in NW Iowa in May and June. Prof.B.Gritters will be travelling to Singapore in June to speak at the the Covenant ERC's annual church camp. And Prof.R.Cammenga will be heading to the Philippines in August to teach his course on the Theology of John Calvin.

Summer is also a time for maintenance and upgrade work to be done at the Seminary. A new driveway is being constructed to the south of the building and the parking lot is being expanded and repaved. According to an adopted schedule, old and tired furnaces and AC units are being replaced with more efficient and effective ones. And there is always an assortment of other little projects that are more easily handled during the "off-season."

And, of course, plenty of library work is also being done, as Prof.D.Engelsma's books are being sorted and processed. More time for denominational archive work is also found during these months, so that continues as well.

We encourage you to stop by and visit us this summer, whether you come from far away or are nearby. You will receive a warm welcome by all who are here.

PRC Seminary News - April 2015 Journal Now Available!

The faculty of the PRC Seminary have just published the next PRC Seminary Journal. The April 2015 issue (Vol.48, #2) contains the speeches given last Fall (September 2014) at the Classis West officebearers' Conference hosted by Peace PRC, Lansing, IL.

The theme of this conference was preaching, and as you will see from the cover of this Journal (below), the topics covered were broad and significant - for ministers of the Word, for elders and deacons, but also for all of God's people who hear the gospel each Lord's Day.

In addition, there are a good number of book reviews in this issue, including two lengthy review articles. The April 2015 issue makes for profitable reading for pastors, officebearers, and people "in the pew."

PRTJ April 2015 cover Page 1

Prof.R.Cammenga, editor of the PRTJ, introduces it with these words:

Preaching is fundamental to what the church is called to be and is called to do. It is at the heart of worship. It is the chief means of grace. It is the means for the salvation of the elect, both in the generations of believers and from the nations through missions. It is the means to work faith, to strengthen faith, and to preserve in faith. It is the means for the establishment of the kingdom of heaven and the gathering of her citizens.

Preachers are what we aim to train for the church of Jesus Christ in the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary. We aim to produce pastors who are preachers—chiefly preachers. As preaching is the chief, from a certain point of view the only task of the minister, so does all the instruction in PRTS have as its goal the development of sound, capable preachers of the gospel.

Classis West of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America sponsored an officebearers’ conference prior to its September 2014 meeting. The speeches presented at this conference make up the main contents of this issue of the Protestant Reformed Theological Journal. Domestic missionary of the PRCA, the Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma, gave the keynote address: “The Minister’s Development of His Preaching after Seminary.” In his speech Rev. Bruinsma not only emphasized the need for the minister’s development as a preacher after graduation from seminary and once in the active ministry, but also gave a number of concrete suggestions with a view to this development. The remaining speeches were given by the faculty of PRTS: “The Elders’ Supervision of the Preaching,” “Developing God-Honoring, Faithful, and Effective Preaching,” and “Application in Preaching.” We hope that our readers, especially ministers and seminary students, will find these articles to be worthwhile.

Besides the conference speeches that have been put into print, readers should take note of the two review articles that are included in this issue. Past issues of PRTJ have contained reviews of the individual volumes of Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries in English Translation, edited by James T. Dennison, Jr., as they were published. Recently the fourth and last volume of this very worthwhile set was released. With the completion of the set, Rev. Angus Stewart, minister in the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church in Ballymena, Northern Ireland has submitted a review article. You will definitely want to read what he has to say. Another significant book that has recently been published by B & H Publishing Group (formerly Broadman and Holman Publishers) is entitled Perspectives on the Extent of the Atonement: 3 Views. Emeritus Professor of Dogmatics at PRTS, Prof. David Engelsma, offers readers an insightful analysis of this new book. At the same time, his review article is a passionate call to Reformed churches and officebearers to defend the biblical and confessional truth concerning the redemption of the cross of Christ. That cross, an offense and stumbling block to so many today—also in the church—is “the power of God, and the wisdom of God” (1 Corinthians 1:24).

And then there are the book reviews. Notable among recently published books is the publication of The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible. This new study Bible is the first of its kind—a Reformed King James Version study Bible. Up until now Arminians and Dispensationalists have held the field among KJV study Bibles. At long last a King James Version study Bible whose notes and articles are written from a distinctively Reformed perspective. Reformed believers who treasure the King James Version of the Bible—among them the members of the PRCA and her sister churches—should welcome this new study Bible.

Now read and enjoy.

Soli Deo Gloria! —RLC

You may find this issue in digital form at the Seminary's Journal page (pdf for now; Mobi and ePub coming soon). If you would like to subscribe to this Journal, kindly call or write the Seminary at the information provided on its website homepage.

For more Seminary news and pictures, visit the Seminary's homepage.

Seminary News - January 2015

Semsign Dec2013As we begin the new year, the PRC Seminary gives you a few updates "from the hill."

1st, Senior Ryan Barnhill, his wife Miranda, and daughter Mya have now safely returned from Edgerton, MN where Ryan completed his internship in the PRC congregation there. He was able to perform a variety of pastoral labors (preaching, teaching, pastoral care, etc.) under the mentorship of Edgerton's pastor, Rev.Doug Kuiper. We pray that the Lord uses this experience to confirm his call to and preparation for the gospel ministry.

2nd, the January Interim course is now in session. Prof.R.Cammenga, professor of Dogmatics and OT Studies, is teaching a special course on "The Theology of John Calvin." All the students are taking this course, including one by "Google Hangout" - our Singaporean student, Aaron Lim, who is still in his homeland for the semester break. In addition, we have a good number of visitors sitting in on the class, including two foreign students enrolled in Calvin Seminary's Th.M program (one from Nepal and the other from S.Korea).

Interim 2015 1

Also, you will be interested to know that this course is being video-taped on a new HD recording system and will be made available (on Vimeo) when they have been edited and uploaded. Look for notice of this here and on the Seminary's site.

3rd, second semester classes will begin on Tuesday, January 20. The schedule has been posted on the Seminary's website and is also attached here as a pdf. In that connection the faculty gives this special notice for auditors:

Two classes are offered that may interest auditors. Prof. R.Cammenga, Dogmatics, on Anthropology (the study of man, including creation, providence, the original state of man, and the fall of man into sin), meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:10 – 12:05. Prof. R. Dykstra, Church History From Dordt to Today, meeting Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:10-11:05. Those interested in attending should call the seminary (616-531-1490) this week.

Finally, if you missed the December notice about the latest issue of the Seminary's Journal (November 2014), you are invited to visit the Journal page to see its contents and download it as a pdf (other digital forms will be available soon.)

The faculty, students, and staff continue to covet your prayers for the vital labors of the Seminary on behalf of and for the good of our denomination. "Pray for us" (2 Thess.3:1).

Update: Sem.Stephan Regernus underwent an emergency appendectomy Sunday night, January 11 at Spectrum Hospital in Grand Rapids. He is doing well, but will miss the rest of this week's Interim and activities. Remember him in a special way in prayer as he recovers.

December News from the PRC Seminary

SignWith December at its mid-point, it is a good time to update you with news from "Seminary hill."

This past week was the final week of classes for the professors and students. Next week they face exams according to the schedule posted on the Seminary website. Pray for the students as they take their finals, that they may prepare well and give a good account of themselves to the Lord of their talents and studies.

Following exams the Seminary will be on a two week Christmas/New Year break (Dec.22- Jan.2). Seminary will still be open during that time and staff will be available to assist you with any needs. Please call ahead if you have any special needs (616-531-1490).

On January 5, 2015, the Seminary Interim course will begin, running from 9-11:30 a.m. daily until Jan.14. Prof.R.Cammenga will be teaching a special class on "The Theology of John Calvin." Visitors are welcome but must call the Seminary by Jan.2.

Senior Ryan Barnhill is completing his internship in Edgerton PRC, and he and his family will be returning to Grand Rapids the week of December 29. He will take his final courses during the second semester and begin peparing for his synodical exam at the PRC Synod 2015, to be held at Faith PRC, Jenison, MI June 9.

Second semester classes are set to begin, D.V., on Tuesday, Jan.20, 2015. The schedule of classes is attached here for your interest and information. Look for a notice soon about classes that may be audited.

Though the busy Fall Reformation lecture season has ended, our professors continue to be active in the churches preaching and leading special societies. They count it a great blessing to be involved in the churches in this way.

Finally, the next Seminary Journal (Vol.48, No.1 - November 2014) is set to arrive from the printers on Tuesday, Dec.16, and will be mailed out that week. This issue will contain the speeches given this past summer at a theological conference on the covenant between the PRCA and the EPCA (Evangelical Presbyterian Churches of Australia).

If you are not currently a subscriber and wish to add this Journal to your reading material, contact the Seminary office. This issue will also be posted on the Seminary website next week.

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