
The 2014 PR Young People's Convention

PRYPs2014logoThe PR Young People's Convention, hosted by Hope PRC of Redlands, CA is taking place this week, August 4-8 at Idyllwild Pines Camp and Conference Center in Idyllwild, Califormia. The theme is "Living in the Last Days", based on 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8.

Speakers this year are Rev.Gary Eriks (Husdonville PRC), Rev.Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC), and Rev.Brian Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands). For the topics of the speeches, visit this page.

Visit the Convention website for any updates. For pictures and more (including pictures from a drone!), visit Nick Kleyn's Facebook page on the convention here. In addition, Shaun Karsemeyer has posted more convention pictures here. A couple of photos from Sunday's worship services and singspiration are posted below.

Let us remember to pray for our young people and all involved in this special week, that they may be kept safe, that they may bond together in true Christian friendship, and that they may grow spiritually through the Word of God and godly fellowship.

Postscript (This notice to the Hope PRC, Redlands congregation was placed in their bulletin of August 10, 2014):

The Lord graciously answered our many prayers for His blessing upon our Young People's Convention of this past week. A safe, exciting, and spiritually enriching week was enjoyed by all. All of the congregation's work in planning, organizing, and hosting the convention was noticed and appreciated by many. A hearty thanks to all those who faithfully served in so many different ways to make this convention a wonderful event for all who attended. May God be pleased to use the instruction that was given on "Living in the Last Days" for the glory of His name and the strengthening of all our young people in their faith and walk.

From all that we heard about this YP's Convention, we may certainly echo these sentiments. Thank you, Hope PRC!

Sunday worship-1
Special number


Reformed News Asia: Issue 8 - August 2014

Aug2014-BC MeditationsThe eighth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and it is another issue filled with informative and edifying content (for information on the previous issue, #7, click on this link)!

One of the special features of this issue is once again the devotions on the Belgic Confession, covering Articles 24-25 (see pdf attachment) on the topics of man's sanctification and good works, and the abolishing of the ceremonial law. Written by Missionary-pastor M.MeGeown (Limerick Reformed Fellowship, Ireland), these devotions on the BC take you through the month of August (August 13-Sept.3 - for the beginning of August, see issue 7). You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions day by day.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC, including some of the special events revolving around the visits of Prof.R.Dykstra and Rev.N.Decker (see picture below).

For more information on how to subscribe to this newsletter, visit this page on the CERC website.

NDecker with YP-July 2014


August Messages on the Reformed Witness Hour

First PRC of Grand Rapids, MI and the Reformed Witness Hour Committee announce the messages scheduled for August 2014 on the RWH program. Rev.Carl Haak, pastor of the Georgetown PRC in Hudsonville, MI, will continue his series on the OT prophecy of Jonah and give a special Christian education message as school will soon begin once again.

Below is the schedule of messages, which you will also find attached in pdf form.

For stations and times for listening to the RWH program, visit the RWH website.

August 2014 Flyer -CH-Jonah Page 1


British Reformed Fellowship Conference This Week

Gartmore House ScotlandThe British Reformed Fellowship has its conference in Scotland this week (Saturday to Saturday, July 26 - August 2).  Prof David Engelsma and Prof. Herman Hanko (both emeritus professsors of the PRC Seminary) are the speakers, giving three speeches each on the topic “Be Ye Holy, The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification.” 

The venue is the beautiful and historic Gartmore House in Gartmore, Stirling and a variety of attendees are once again present.

The conference is sponsored by our sister church in Northern Ireland, the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church of Ballymena.

For pictures of the conference so far, visit this site of Mr.John Van Baren. He will continue uploading them to this site, so check in on it daily.

You may also enjoy the video he took of the conference farewell psalm-sing from the Scottish Psalter.


Additional Resources on PRC Synod 2014

Acts of Synod 2014-coverThough the PRC Synod of 2014 completed its work over a month ago (June 10-13), two new resources are available on its work and decisions.

First, the 2014 Acts of Synod & Yearbook has been published and distributed to the churches for our members. This publication is the official, public record of the decisions of this year's Synod, as well as the annual, updated directory of churches, ministers, committees, and officers of the PRC.

If you have not yet received it, you should be shortly. If you did not receive a copy and are interested in receiving one, contact our Stated Clerk, Don Doezema, at the PRC Seminary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 


Second, the July 2014 issue of The Standard Bearer is the annual "Synod" issue, with a report on Synod's actions by Prof.B.Gritters in the editorial ("Synod 2014: The PRC Working Together") and many pictures featured in the center as well as on the cover of this Reformed magazine (see image below).

If you would like to receive a copy of this issue, or subscribe to this periodical, contact the "SB" through its website.

SB cover-July 2014-Synod

Special Notices for the Upcoming 2014 PRYP's Convention

huntington pier

PRYPs2014logoThe 2014 Young people’s convention hosted by Hope PRC of Redlands, CA and scheduled for the week of August 4-9 is rapidly approaching. Hope PRC has some special announcements related to this event and we publish them here to help get the word out. Look for more of these notices in the days ahead.

Here is one related to a change of venue for her worship services on Sunday, August 3.

Due to the large number of people who will be worshiping with us the Sunday before the convention, the August 3 services for Hope PRC Redlands will be held at the Campus on the Hill SDA church in Loma Linda.  The church is located at 11057 Hill Dr, Loma Linda, CA 92354.  Worship services will take place at their regularly scheduled times of 10 AM and 6 PM.  For more information, visit our web site at

As an additional note, no smoking is allowed anywhere on the premises.

Don't forget to attend the special pre-Convention Singspiration here in Michigan at Fair Haven Ministries in Jenison (28th Ave & Baldwin), Sunday night, August 3, at 8:15 p.m. Join the young people in praising God through singing and send them off to their Convention in California with prayers for blessing!

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