

Reformed News Asia: Issue 9 - September 2014

BC Meditations - Sept2014 coverThe ninth issue of "Reformed News Asia" has been released by the Christian Literature Ministry of our sister church in Singapore, the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church, and it is another issue filled with informative and edifying content (for information on the previous issue, #, visit this page)!

One of the special features of this issue is once again the devotions on the Belgic Confession, covering Articles 26-27 (see pdf attachment) on the topics of Christ's intercession and the holy catholic church. Written by Missionary-pastors M.MeGeown (Limerick Reformed Fellowship, Ireland) and D.Kleyn (the Philippines), these devotions on the BC take you through the month of September (Sept.4 - October 1) for the beginning of Sept., see issue 8). You will find great spiritual profit in using these devotions day by day.

In addition, the newsletter also contains information about the CLM's pamphlet and book ministries and about activities going on in the CERC, including some recent weddings and a special note of thanks to Prof.R.Dykstra and his wife Carol for their extended stay there this summer while Rev.A.Lanning was on furlough. (see picture below).

Dykstras Visit-Summer 2014

For more information on how to subscribe to this newsletter, visit this page on the CERC website.


Covenant Reformed News - August Issue

CR News head

Covenant PRC, our sister church in Ballymena, N.Ireland has recently published her August issue of "Covenant Reformed News". This issues contains edifying articles on "Hating Your Own Life" and "Is Grace Resistible", written by Rev.Angus Stewart, pastor of Covenant PRC, and emeritus Professor H.Hanko respectively.

You are encouraged to make these part of your regular reading, so that you may grow spiritually in the truths of God's Word and the Reformed faith.

The articles are posted separately on our website and are listed here along with the link to it:

"Hating Your Own Life" (1) - Rev.A.Stewart

"Is Grace Resistible? (2) - Prof.H.Hanko

This issue of the "CR News" is also attached here in pdf form.

In addition, below you will find information on obtaining and watching (videos) the speeches given at the recent British Reformed Fellowship Conference on the subject of sanctification.

2014 BRF Family Conference Box Set
“Be Ye Holy: The Reformed Doctrine of Sanctification”

9  lectures and 2 sermons plus a bonus disk
on 12 CDs or DVDs in an attractive box set
(1) Zealous of Good Works - Rev. McGeown
(2) The Calling to Work Out Our Own Salvation - Prof. Hanko
(3) Only the Holy Shall Inherit the Kingdom - Prof. Engelsma
(4) John Knox: Scotland’s Reformer - Rev. Stewart
(5) The Divine Work of Sanctification - Prof. Engelsma
(6) Sanctification and Justification: Relation and Difference - Prof. Hanko
(7) The Role of the Law in Sanctification - Prof. Engelsma
(8) A Scottish Classic on Sanctification: James Fraser of Alness’
“Explication” of Romans 6:1-8:4 - Rev. Stewart
(9) The Imperfection of Sanctification in This Life - Prof. Hanko
(10) “A Faire and Easie Way to Heaven:” The Threat to
Sanctification of Antinomianism - Prof. Engelsma
(11) The Victorious Christian Life - Prof. Hanko
Bonus Disk: Author Interviews with Profs. Hanko and Engelsma
£12/set (inc. P&P)

Watch free on YouTube or
Send orders to:  CPRC Bookstore, c/o Mary Stewart,
7 Lislunnan Road, Kells, Ballymena, BT42 3NR
Phone: (028) 25891851 ~ E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Make cheques payable to “Covenant Protestant Reformed Church” (not just “CPRC”). Thank you!


A New Seminary Year Begins

Back row (L-R): Profs.R.Dykstra, R.Cammenga, B.Gritters; Sems. David Noorman, Justin Smidstra, Jon Langerak, and Matt DeBoer
Front row (L-R): Sems.Aaron Lim, Brian Feenstra, Joe Holstege, Nathan Price, and Stephan Regnerus

This past Monday, August 25, 2014 the PRC Seminary opened its doors anew for another year of instruction of young men for the ministry of the Word. Our three professors, Seminary students, and pre-Seminarians (not all could be here for "registration") gathered in the assembly room for devotions and initial instructions. Following that, the students began the search for course materials and commenced their studies.

Classes began on Tuesday morning, August 25, for both pre-Seminarians (five for Greek and Hebrew) and Seminarians (nine Sophomores). Senior Ryan Barnhill is taking his internship in Edgerton MN PRC until the end of this year.

This semester marks the beginning of the 90th year of instruction by our Seminary (1925-2014). The Seminary faculty, staff, and students covet your prayers as they take up their work anew this year.

May God grant us all His rich grace to carry out our callings in faithfulness to Him, so that our churches and sister churches may continue to have men to proclaim the glorious gospel of sovereign grace into all the world.

Cand. Joshua Engelsma Accepts Doon PRC's Call

Josh E-Sermon-Synod 2014On Sunday morning, August 24, 2014, Cand. Joshua Engelsma announced that he was led by the Lord of the church to accept the call to Doon (IA) PRC. This also means that he was led to decline the calls from Faith PRC of Jenison, MI and First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI.

We rejoice with Josh and Courtney and family and with Doon PRC in God's provision, and pray that God will bless their plans as they prepare for his examination at Classis West on Sept.24 in Peace PRC, Lansing, IL.

Additional notes from Doon PRC's August 31 bulletin re Classis West and ordination/installetion: 

The sermon he preaches as part of his examination is planned for the evening of September 23 at Peace.  The oral examination is scheduled for the following day, September 24, while Classis is in regular session. Upon his successful completion of the examination, Doon will be instructed by Classis West to proceed with his ordination and installation. In anticipation of such, the consistory hereby issues a call to worship to the congregation for the anticipated ordination and installation of Pastor-elect Joshua Engelsma into the office of Minister of God’s Word for the evening of Friday, October 3, 2014, at 7:00 pm. Prof. David Engelsma will conduct the service. Prof. Engelsma has also graciously agreed to preach for us the morning service of October 5. Pastor-elect Engelsma plans to preach his inaugural service for us the evening service of October 5.

Let us also remember to pray for Faith and First PRCs as they await their own undershepherd from the chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ.


Bible Study Materials from the RFPA and the Reformed Book Outlet


As Bible study society season begins, consider using study guides and commentaries from the Reformed Free Publishing Association and Bibles and many other Bible study resources from the Reformed Book Outlet (a retail store in Hudsonville PLaza in Hudsonville, MI).

A new commentary, The Coming of Zion's Redeemer: The Prophecies of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi by Ronald Hanko, is now available. Some study guides have been revised and reprinted: 1 and 2 Thessalonians and James by Cornelius Hanko and Ruth and Malachi by Carl Haak.

Visit for a complete list of study guides and commentaries. Orders can be placed by calling 616-457-5970 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (book club members will automatically receive theirs in early September).


Or you may visit the Reformed Book Outlet in downtown Hudsonville, MI for all your Bible study needs.


New Salt Shakers Magazine - Issue 27!

"Covenant Keepers", the youth ministry of the Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore (our sister church), has just published issue #27 of "Salt Shakers"their youth magazine.

This is another issue packed with interesting and edifying articles. This is the note that came with this issue introducing it to the reader:

Dearest Salt Shakers readers,
Attached is the 27th issue of the Salt Shakers magazine! We are very thankful to God for yet another release. Some of the topics covered are...
- Dealing with sexual temptations
- Korean Pop Music
- Is this Home? Truly Home? (A National Day special)
- Work stress
- The history of the ERCS

May God bless you through this magazine! Thank you!
For the King,
Josiah Tan
On behalf of the Salt Shakers committee

Below you will find the first two pages of the magazine, including its table of contents. You are encouraged to visit the"Salt Shakers" webpage where you will find a downloadable e-copy for your reading and spiritual growth. Or you may find the full copy attached here in pdf form.

SS 27 web Page 1

SS 27 web Page 2


The 2014 PR Young People's Convention

PRYPs2014logoThe PR Young People's Convention, hosted by Hope PRC of Redlands, CA is taking place this week, August 4-8 at Idyllwild Pines Camp and Conference Center in Idyllwild, Califormia. The theme is "Living in the Last Days", based on 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8.

Speakers this year are Rev.Gary Eriks (Husdonville PRC), Rev.Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC), and Rev.Brian Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands). For the topics of the speeches, visit this page.

Visit the Convention website for any updates. For pictures and more (including pictures from a drone!), visit Nick Kleyn's Facebook page on the convention here. In addition, Shaun Karsemeyer has posted more convention pictures here. A couple of photos from Sunday's worship services and singspiration are posted below.

Let us remember to pray for our young people and all involved in this special week, that they may be kept safe, that they may bond together in true Christian friendship, and that they may grow spiritually through the Word of God and godly fellowship.

Postscript (This notice to the Hope PRC, Redlands congregation was placed in their bulletin of August 10, 2014):

The Lord graciously answered our many prayers for His blessing upon our Young People's Convention of this past week. A safe, exciting, and spiritually enriching week was enjoyed by all. All of the congregation's work in planning, organizing, and hosting the convention was noticed and appreciated by many. A hearty thanks to all those who faithfully served in so many different ways to make this convention a wonderful event for all who attended. May God be pleased to use the instruction that was given on "Living in the Last Days" for the glory of His name and the strengthening of all our young people in their faith and walk.

From all that we heard about this YP's Convention, we may certainly echo these sentiments. Thank you, Hope PRC!

Sunday worship-1
Special number

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