
PRC Congregational and Mission News - February 12, 2017

 Ps119 37For this Lord's Day of February 12, 2017 the following news items from the PRC congregations and her mission fields may be noted:

Congregational news:

  • Rev. A. Lanning (CERC-Singapore) announced today his decline of the call from First PRC, Holland MI to serve as her next pastor.
  • Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) announced today his decline of the call from SW PRC, Wyoming MI to serve as her next pastor.

May the Bridegroom of His church assure these manifestations of His bride of His presence with them and of His provision for them in His time and way.

Mission News:

  • Rev. J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN) announced today his decline of the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines.
  • Rev. Allen and Crysta Brummel and Elder Alan De Boer, who are representing the FMC and Doon consistory, are visiting the missionaries and churches in the Philippines as part of the annual delegation.  The Kleyns posted some pictures this week of the visit to that point (see below).  The visitors plan to return this Tuesday, February 14.  We pray for God's blessings on this visit and for traveling mercies for the delegation on their way home.

EDeBoer greetings Feb
Elder DeBoer extending Christian greetings from Doon PRCA

meeting Bulacan PRC Feb
Meeting with the consistory of the PRC in Bulacan

Last modified on 13 February 2017

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