
The PRC Weekly Congregational and Mission News - April 23, 2017 *(Updated)

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The following is the latest news and information from PRC congregations and mission fields for this Lord's Day of April 23, 2017.

Congregational news:

  • Last Sunday Rev. S. Key (Loveland, CO PRC) announced his DECLINE of the call from First PRC of Holland, MI.
  • Last Sunday evening, April 16, the congregation of Southwest PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA).
  • The Council of Zion PRC- Jenison, MI announced a new trio of Rev. N Decker (Trinity- Hudsonville, MI), Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI) and Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace- Spokane, WA). The congregation will vote today. UPDATE: At her congregational meeting Zion PRC voted to extend a call to Rev. G. Eriks to become her first pastor.

Mission news:

  • Last Sunday, April 16, Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) annnounced his DECLINE of the call from Doon PRC to serve as third missionary to the Philippines.
  • This past Wednesday, the Council of Byron Center PRC formed a new trio of ministers from which to call a home missionary. It consists of Rev. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC), Rev. S. Key (Loveland PRC), and Rev. C. Spronk (Faith PRC). The congregation will vote to extend a call at the congregational meeting on May 22.
  • From Hope PRC, Grand Rapids, MI we receive this special notice: UPCOMING HOPE PRC COUNCIL DELEGATE TRIP TO MYANMAR

 Hope PRC’s Council has made plans for another trip to our brothers and sisters of the PRC of Myanmar. The delegates will consist of Elder John VanBaren and Rev. James Laning (pastor of Hull PRC and former pastor of Hope PRC). Both of these men have made at least four prior trips to Myanmar and through long hours of study and work together along with many speeches, lectures, and sermons have developed close relationships with Rev Titus and the congregation there. They are definitely looking forward to seeing Rev Titus and his flock again.

The trip is planned, Lord willing, for May 2-15th. The delegate’s wives will accompany them at their own expense. Tentative topics for seminars are Reformed Eschatology (presented not to refute errors but more so to positively teach the amillennial position) and the Necessity of Reformed History (setting forth church history from the Reformation and the necessity of the reformed church in that history).

We will post more information on Hope's Myanmar page as it becomes available and will be posting a delegate report upon their return. Elder Van Baren will be posting daily reports on a special bulletin set up on the Missions bulletin page on the PRC website (for registered bulletin users). The bulletin is titled "Myanmar Memoirs 2017."

Please pray for their safety in travel and that their labors there will be mutually profitable for both the delegates and our brethren in Myanmar.

  • Remember in prayer the delegation from the Covenant ERC of Singapore currently in Kolkata, India. The following note was also posted last week:

This Wednesday night, 19 April, a delegation from CERC will travel to Kolkata in order to join the saints there for a Church Camp. The topic of the camp is the church, which will prepare the saints for their organization as a church in the future. Although we do not have a definite date for organization, this is the next goal in our work in Kolkata. The coming months/years will be a time of instruction and preparation toward this goal as we wait upon the Lord to accomplish His will. The delegation is composed of Elder Leong and Pastor Lanning. Brothers Ishu and Suan Kiat will be accompanying the delegation. The delegation will be returning early on Wednesday, 26 April. Pray for God’s guidance for the delegation and for the saints in Kolkata.

  • From the Provident Christian Church bulletin for today:

Rev. Holstege will preach in both services today at PCC. Rev. Kleyn will be at Maranatha PRC today. Next Sunday, Lord willing, Rev. Holstege will preach both services for the PRC in Bulacan. Rev. Kleyn will preach for us at PCC.

Today at 1:30, Rev. Holstege will begin a Youth Fellowship and Bible Study. We will discuss the subject of the second sermon today: the Sabbath. All the young people are welcome to attend.

  • For pictures and information on the Phiilppine mission labors, visit the Kleyn's blog and the Holstege's blog. Below are a few from the PRCP youth camp held April 12-14 in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan.

PRCP Youth 2017 1

PRCP Youth 197

PRCP Youth 2017 3
Rev.D. Holstege leading morning devotions.

PRCP Youth 2017 4
Discussion time around the campfire.



Last modified on 24 April 2017

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