
PRC and Sister-Church News for the Week of June 24, 2018

Matt5 6On this twenty-fifth Lord's Day of 2018, June 24, we note the following news and information concerning PRC congregations, the Seminary, mission fields, and sister churches.


  • From Calvary PRC's (Hull, IA) bulletin today we learn to these two items:
    • We welcome Prof. R. Cammenga to our pulpit today. Following the evening service, Prof. Cammenga will give a presentation regarding his recent trip to South Korea. The presentation will begin at 7:45 PM. The area Protestant Reformed churches are also invited to attend. Refreshments will be served after the presentation. All are welcome to attend.
    • Rev. D. Holstege will be giving a presentation on the work in the Philippines while he is in the area on furlough. The presentation will be held at Calvary PRC on July 1 at 7:45 p.m. Plan on attending!

  • From Pittsburgh PRC's bulletin today we find this little note: "Pastor and Mary Bruinsma will be traveling to Redlands, CA this week Wednesday for the Young Adults Retreat. Seminarian Matthew Kortus will fill our pulpit next Sunday."

  • And from Loveland PRC's bulletin we learn the following about Sem. Kortus' activity today: "Given the length of the meetings at synod which prevented our pastor’s return until yesterday [Rev. S. Key], Seminarian Matt Kortus agreed to stay and supply our pulpit today. We pray for God’s continued blessings upon him as he brings the Word today, and as he leaves here to begin his internship at Trinity PRC on July 1.

  • On May 13 Candidate J. Langerak announced his acceptance of the call he had received from Heritage PRC (Sioux Falls, SD) on April 29. His examination will now take place at the meeting of Classis West on August 29 at Peace PRC (cf. note below under "Denominational News). In that conection, SW PRC's bulletin (where J. Langerak is a member) contains this note today: "Pastor-Elect Jonathan Langerak is currently filling the pulpits in five churches of the NW Iowa area for most of the summer. His examination before Classis West is scheduled for August 29 at Peace Protestant Reformed Church."

  • From Lynden's June 17 bulletin we find this update on the upcoming Young People's Retreat: " Western Young People’s Retreat: The Western Young People’s Retreat is scheduled to take place July 2-5, at Camp Sanders, located in Sanders, Idaho. The theme of the retreat is “Communion With God”, from Psalm 63. Speeches and devotions will focus on improving personal devotions. Registration will take place Monday afternoon. An outing at Silverwood Theme Park is scheduled for Tuesday. Games and activities are planned for Wednesday. Check-out time will be after breakfast on Thursday. Pray for safety in travels and a good time of fellowship for our Young People!"

  • From First PRC's (Edmonton, AB) bulletin for today we find this interesting announcement concerning her upcoming family conference: "Thank you for the great turnout at yesterday's Family Conference Preparation Event!  Delicious food was enjoyed, many bottles were collected, volunteer positions were filled and delightful fellowship was had by all.  We raised $671.50 at this combined event for the 2018 Family Conference.  If you didn't take the opportunity to sign up for a volunteer position the volunteer sheets are available in the basement."

  • Reminder from 1st PRC in Edmonton, AB: The dates for the 2018 Family Conference are coming up quickly. We plan to host the conference July 20-22, 2018 D.V. Hear from our speakers: Rev. B. Huizinga, N. Langerak and J. Marcus on the topic of 'Seeking The Lord'. Mark your calendars and finalize your plans to attend what promises to be an edifying time of growth and fellowship with saints from Canada and abroad, as well as an opportunity to see some of the beauty that God has created here in Canada. For more information or to register, please visit our website, or contact Scott Ferguson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., For those that prefer the phone, you can call (780)489-6470.

  • Southeast PRC in Grand Rapids has made a special announcement and request concerning a significant event in her history: "Southeast Protestant Reformed Church (formerly Fourth PRC) will be celebrating 75 years of existence in March of 2019.  A book is being developed to commemorate this event.  If you have memorabilia, pictures, anecdotes, etc. relating to this history and are willing to share, please contact Tim Pipe Sr at 616-890-2545 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.."

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  • Synod 2018: The PRC Synod completed its work for now on Thursday of this past week (June 21 - it will reconvene on August 28 for a special examination). Summary reports on the decisions reached may be found under the News section of the PRC website.

  • Classis West meeting (note date and place changes): At the request of Heritage PRC (and Doon PRC), the Classical Committee of Classis West has changed the date for the next meeting of Classis West to August 29. It had previously been scheduled for September 26. Also, at the request of Heritage PRC, the location also has been changed. Peace PRC will host the August 29 meeting of Classis where Pastor-elect Jonathan Langerak will be examined, while Heritage PRC will host Classis on March 6, 2019, the Lord willing.

PRTJ Spring 2018 cover

  • PRC Seminary News:

    • The Spring 2018 issue of the PRT Journal is now back from the printers and has been mailed out. If you would like to receive a print copy and are not on our mailing list, contact the seminary. The pdf version is also still available for free download. Visit this page to find out the contents and begin reading.

    • The seminary will be open daily during the summer months, including the library and archives. Staff will be available for assistance with any needs you may have.

    • Two of our professors have special trips planned this summer: Prof. R. Dykstra will labor in our sister church in Singapore (Covenant ERC) for six weeks and Prof. R. Cammenga will be part of an exploratory mission trip to Mexico with Rev. C. Griess (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI) and Doner Bartolon, one of our pre-seminary students who comes from the area to be visited.

    • The upcoming internships of Seminarians Matt Kortus and Jacob Maatman will soon begin. Sem. Kortus will be interning at Trinity PRC under Rev. N. Decker and his Council and Sem. Maatman will intern at Hudsonville PRC under Rev. G. Eriks and his Council. The internship program runs from July 1 to December 31.

    • The Seminary faculty along with Trinity PRC Evangelism Committee is working on plans for a Spring 2019 conference to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the great Synod of Dordt, 1618-19-2018-19. Look for details on this in the future.

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  • The PRC now has an official sister-church relationship with the PRC in the Philippines, confirmed at this year's synod! We rejoice in this evidence of the Lord's blessing on the work in the Philippines and of the unity of Christ's church, which He gathers from all nations, tribes, and tongues. May the Lord grant us a mutually edifying and God-honoring relationship.

  • Concerning our sister church in Ballymena, N. Ireland, Covenant PRC, we call attention to the following:
    • From the Limerick Reformed Fellowship bulletin (mission of the CPRC) from this Sunday we learn the following about a common "pulpit exchange": We welcome Rev. Angus and Mary Stewart to our services today. Pastor and Larisa are in the CPRC this Sunday; they will return to Limerick on Sunday evening.
    • Covenant PRC's latest newsletter was received and posted recently (April 2018). And don't forget her other publication - Covenant Reformed News! That latest issue received last week (May 2018) may be found here.

    • It's not too late to join Reformed believers from around the world at the 2018 British Reformed Fellowship family conference at Hebron Hall in South Wales from Saturday, July 21, to Saturday, July 28. Our speakers, Prof. David Engelsma and Rev. Andy Lanning, will lecture on "The Reformed Family—According to the Word of God." Booking forms are due June 13 and are available at or contact Briana Prins (616-214-2779; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

  • Concerning our sister church in Singapore, Covenant ERC, we note the following:

    • Synod approved the calling of a minister-on-loan to provide a pastor for our sister church in Singapore. Grandville PRC was again appointed the calling church for the calling of the MOL.

    • Rev. A. den Hartog and his wife Sherry continue to serve the CERC until at least June of this year. Read the "Pastor's Voice" part of her bulletin to learn more.

    • Her latest newsletter (APRIL 2018) - Reformed News Asia - was recently posted and may be found on this page. Watch for the next issue soon!

    • The latest young peoples' magazine, Salt Shakers, was received and posted recently (May 2018 - cf. image above). Check that out on this page.
  • The PRC also has a "corresponding relationship" with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) of Australia. We remember these brothers and sisters in our prayers and labors too.

good news afflicted
One of the many pamphlets available free on the PRC website - this one a small treasure of comfort for those who suffer.


  • The PRC Denominational Directory is now for sale for just $15.00. To order please fill out an order form or by emailing Laura Huizinga @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Directories will be delivered to your church 1-2 weeks after payment is received.

  • *The Psalter App is now available for Android as well as for IOS (Apple) devices. For more info visit:

  • Looking for Reformed literature and a solid Reformed and biblical magazine to read, including perhaps some graduation gift ideas? Visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association's website (, where you will find information on books in all major Christian categories, as well as on the bi-monthly periodical, the Standard Bearer. You will also want to read the RFPA's Spring Newsletter!

  • Are you searching for spiritually edifying music as well as for Bibles and other Reformed literature? Visit the Reformed Book Outlet in downtown Hudsonville, MI or visit their website.

  • *Considering some pamphlets published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Visit the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

PRYP Convention logo 2018

  • The 2018 PRYP's Convention will be held August 13-17, 2018 at Lake Geneva Christian Center in Alexandria, MN. The hosting churches of the Midwest are excited to have you join us for an upbuilding week of fellowship and fun!
    • *NEW NOTE! URGENT NEED OF MALE CHAPERONES for 2018 Young People’s Convention.  The convention is planned for August 13-17 at Lake Geneva Christian Center in Alexandria, MN.  To register, go to, and follow the instructions under the Chaperone tab.  If you have any questions, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    • Registration for the 2018 PRYP Convention is now closed! All registrants are reminded to mail their paperwork and payment by May 31. Any paperwork postmarked after May 31 must include the $25 late fee.

RWH logo 1

Don't forget to listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday! Today Rev. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI) continues his series on Jesus' Beatitudes. The title of today's message is "Blessed Are They That Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness," based on Matt.5:6.

  • From the Reformed Witness Hour (RWH) Committee: the RWH has a new, updated website! Please visit to watch our introduction video, view pictures and audio from our history, and read and listen to almost 20 years of past radio broadcasts! If you haven’t visited the RWH website recently, now is an excellent time to familiarize yourself with this important radio-internet ministry of the Reformed faith.

  • NEW RWH Station - The Cornerstone PRC Word and Deed committee has partnered with the Reformed Witness Hour to air their messages on the radio in the Chicago area. Beginning today, September 10, the broadcast can be heard every Sunday at 4:00PM on WYLL 1160AM or on the internet at Please tune in and encourage others to do so as opportunity arises in your personal witnessing.

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Delegate picture from the recent (June 12) meeting of the PRCP Classis.


  • Remember in prayer our home missionary, Rev. A. Spriensma, who continues to labor in the West Michigan area and beyond.

  • The February/March 2018 newsletter of the Limerick Reformed Fellowship mission station is now posted on this page.

  • Have you read Rev. Titus' most recent report on the work going on in Myanmar (May 2018)? Find that on this page.

  • The latest Philippines mission newsletter was received and recently posted (April 2018) and may be found on this PRC webpage.

  • Don't forget to follow the Kleyn's blog on life and activities in the Philippines. And that also includes the Holstege's one! And the Smits once again too!

  • From this Sunday's bulletins of the Provident Christian Church in Marikina, the Philippines and the Maranatha PRC in Valenzuela we find the following notes concerning their pastors as well as concerning our missionaries and their labors today and in this coming week:

    • Provident CC:
    • Rev. R. Smit will lead us in worship and preach today.
    • Rev. D. Holstege and his family are visiting in Randolph, Wisconsin, USA, today.  Mrs. Leah Holstege grew up in the Randolph PRC, and her parents are members in the church and live there.   Rev. Holstege plans to preach in Randolph for both worship services, and then give a presentation of his labors here in the evening.  Next week, the family plans to visit and worship in the Doon PRC (Doon, IA), the calling church of our PRCA missionaries.
    • Rev. Leovy Trinidad returned home safely on Friday, June 22, from his visit to the PRCA Synod 2018 as representative of the PRCP with our sister-church, the PRCA.

    • Maranatha PRC:
      • Our Missionary, Rev. D. Kleyn will lead our first service and our second service. After the second service, He will continue the Belgic Confession l,esson 8 and 9.
      • We welcome back home again Rev. L. Trinidad for his safe travel. We are thankful for his sacrifice in representing the PRCP at the Synod of 2018 of the PRCA. We are now officially Sister-Church relationship the PRCA.

Let us continue in prayer to the Lord for the fulfillment of the needs of these busy pastors and missionaries in the Philippines. May the Lord of the harvest give them grace to be faithful and encouraged in all their labors.







Last modified on 25 June 2018

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