
PRC and Sister-Church News Highlights for February 14, 2021 (Updated)

The following are special highlights of PRC and sister-church news for this Sunday, February 14, the seventh Lord's Day of this year 2021.

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  • Today we are privileged and called to enter into our Lord's rest by faith and worship the gracious God of our salvation. In doing so we also hear the gospel of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that the preaching of Christ crucified and raised is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe (Rom.1:16).
    If you are visiting this website and are interested in the PRC, we invite you to join us at any of our services (morning and evening). For congregations and locations, visit this page.

[I, Paul] cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power... Eph.1:16-19.

  • Rev. E.Guichelaar (Randolph, WI) is considering the call to Kalamazoo PRC (received Jan.31).  May the King of the church show him plainly what His will is.

  • Rev. J.Smidstra (1st PRC, Holland, MI) is considering the call to Hudsonville PRC (received Jan.24). May the Lord guide him plainly as he considers this call. UPDATE: Rev. Smidstra has declined this call.

  • The Consistory of Wingham PRC has formed a new trio consisting of Revs. J.Smidstra (First PRC, Holland, MI), S.Regnerus (Lynden, WA), and N. Langerak (Crete, IL PRC). As for a congregational meeting, her bulletin states this: Lord Willing, we will be able to meet as a congregation to vote from the trio. However, if this is not an option due to government restrictions, the consistory will notify the congregation of how we are going to proceed.
  • Classical appointments and pulpit supply for today in the vacant PRCs: Prof. D.Kuiper and Rev. D.Noorman in Byron Center PRC; Prof. R.Cammenga and Rev. C.Griess in Hudsonville PRC; Prof. B.Huizinga and Rev. J.Maatman in Kalamazoo PRC; Prof. B.Gritters and Rev. C.Spronk in Providence PRC. We thank the Lord for this blessing of our church federation to help one another in this need.

    Let us also continue to pray for all the needs of these vacant congregations, including Wingham PRC, which cannot receive pulpit supply from the U.S. at this time (pandemic travel restrictions). At present, because of the new COVID-19 lockdown orders in Ontario, the Wingham Consistory has suspended services until the congregation can gather again. But they are investigating ways to be allowed to resume public worship. Let's remember them in prayer with regard to this too.

  • Missionary-pastor D.Holstege will be giving a presentation on the mission work in the Philippines over the last two years next Sunday (Feb.21) after the evening service at Grace PRC (Standale, MI) at approximately 7:15 pm.  All in the area are invited!

  • For those who may still be limited to house worship, whether completely or partially, we invite you to visit the PR churches page and follow the links to the websites where the churches' livestream may be found. Or you may visit the selected audio sermon page and listen to one of your choice there.

  • Did you know that...
    • there was a large number of confessions of faith in the English-speaking church in Vellore (India) today? Rev.C. Haak sent this note out to the Georgetown PRC today: 
      We rejoice today with our brothers and sisters in India in 10 confessions of faith and additions as members to the church. They are all from the English-speaking congregation which regularly holds Bible Study on Thursday evening and to whom Pastor Raj preaches in English every Sunday morning after the worship of the Tamil congregation. “ And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24:14). ...As Paul Raj is fond of saying, "To God be the glory!"
    • The Reformed Witness Hour radio messages are not only posted in the audio section of the PRC website but also in the printed sermon section? For the audio files, visit this page; for the printed version, go here.

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  • Special notice for Classis West meeting: March 3, 2021: Due to strict Covid regulations in California, the Classis that was originally scheduled for Hope PRC (Redlands) has been moved to Peace PRC, so our church will once again be hosting the spring session of Classis West this year, starting on March 3. (from Peace's bulletin)

  • Re the work in Myanmar: This note came from Hope PRC's (Grand Rapids, MI) special Myanmar Committee this week:

On the morning of Sunday, January 31 in Myanmar, the military party that has a long history of being openly hostile to the Christian faith staged a coup against the elected government claiming election fraud, arresting many of the legitimate party leaders of government. The military has shut down much of the country, censored much of journalism, and periodically shuts down the internet. The citizens have protested the coup in the streets, and the military is starting to respond with violence. These events put the Hope PRCM and the saints across Myanmar under duress. The Myanmar Committee of Hope PRC (GR) have been in contact with Rev. Titus as the internet in Myanmar allows in order to encourage him. We do not anticipate Rev. Titus and the Hope PRCM to be in danger in the short term. We wait patiently on Lord’s perfect plan as He directs all events for the glory of His name and for the good of His beloved people. Please keep Rev. Titus and the saints in Myanmar before the throne of His almighty grace in prayer.

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Special PRC Seminary Notices:

  • The seminary has now completed four weeks of its second semester. The schedule and calendar have been posted on the seminary's website here. Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, we are not allowing auditors this semester either. Continue to remember the seminary's faculty, students, and staff in your prayers.
  • Prof. B.Huizinga continues to work toward his ThM degree, while also continuing his Dutch studies. In addition, he is sitting in on several of Prof. R. Cammenga's classes that he will be taking over gradually in the years to come.
  • Rev. J. Holstege led chapel this past Wednesday
  • Internship news found in Faith PRC's bulletin last week: The Consistory has joyfully accepted the request of the Seminary to host the internship of Seminarian Marcus Wee.Mr. Wee, along with his wife, Tze Yan, have two sons, Asaph and Silas, and are expecting a third child this summer. They are members of Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church in Singapore, and are currently attending Zion PRC.They will attend Faith during the interim of the internship, which will begin on July 1, and run through the end of December. We pray that God will bless the Wee family and our congregation during our time together.
  • The Fall 2020 issue of the PRTS Journal was sent to the printer last week. The digital copy (pdf) has now been posted on the seminary website.
  • For the latest seminary news and information, visit the seminary's website.

CPRC NI building
Covenant PRC in Ballymena, N.Ireland


  • Covenant ERC, Singapore: 
    • From the "Pastoral Voice" in her bulletin today: How do we love Christ? Firstly, we are often found in His presence, daily reading His Word, communing with Him in prayer, worshipping Him twice on the Lord’s Day, keeping this day as holy unto Him, and avoiding doing our own pleasure. Secondly, we love His church. The church is the body of Christ, whom Christ came to give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). We pray for the Church, support her in all her ministries/activities, whether in the BibleStudies, public lectures and classes, the coming gospel meetings and Annual General Meetings. And take an interest in the life of the church!
    • The December 2020 "Reformed News Asia" is the most recent issue published (#63). Read that issue here.
    • The last published issue of Salt Shakers magazine (for young people) is December 2020; read it at this link.
  • Covenant PRC, N. Ireland and her Limerick, Ireland mission:
    • Rev. A. Stewart continues to minister the Word to the saints in Ballymena as they gather again in person.
    • Read the latest issue of the "Covenant Reformed News" - January 2021!
    • While Ireland is under lockdown at present, Rev. M.McGeown once again is ministering the Word online.
    • Sadly, because of COVID uncertainty, the British Reformed Fellowship Family Conference has been rescheduled from this summer (2021) to July 9-16, 2022. Profs. David Engelsma and Brian Huizinga will develop the glorious truth of "Union With Christ" at Castlewellan Castle, N. Ireland. More details are online (
  • PRC in the Philippines and her mission work:
    • From Berean PRC in Manila: Rev. V. Ibe is leading her in-person services today. The saints in All of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship (AGPRF), Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija will join us in our worship services today via live streaming at Facebook live.
    • From Maranatha PRC bulletin today: Rev. R.Smit is leading the online services today (via Facebook Live). And this special note: It is with great joy and love to the Lord to submit our selves to the will of Christ, the King of the Church. First, the Consistory is officially informing our members that the Classis of the PRCP has approved the Emeritation of Rev. L. Trinidad effective February 28, 2021 due to his advancing age. Second, it is with great sadness to officially announce the disbanding of our church effective March 1, 2021. The Lord has led us and our congregation because of the lack of eligible men to serve in the special offices of our church at this time. As a result, we are transferring our membership to Provident PRC. ...Although our congregation is disbanding, we by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ to continue clinging to His precious Word of mercy and kindness. Please continue to pray for us.
    • Provident PRC bulletin: Rev. John Flores (as a Classical appointment) will lead both of our worship services and preach for us today. We welcome him to our pulpit and fellowship.

    • PRCP Seminary News: The PRCP Seminary has begun second semester classes, which are being taught via the Internet.
    • The Classis of the PRCP is convening on February 25, 2021 at the Berean PRC.

RWH Logo 2019
Listen to the Reformed Witness Hour each Sunday - on a radio station near you, on Sermonaudio, or on your favorite podcast - wherever you are!

RKleyn RWH

  • Rev. R.Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA) returns to the program today (for the next four months) and begins a series on the Gospel According to Mark. Today's message is based on Mark 1:2-8 and titled "The Voice Crying in the Wilderness."
  • Listen to the broadcast on the station near you, on your favorite podcast (Google Music, Spotify, and iTunes), or visit the links provided here to listen to this program. Have you listened lately?
  • The Reformed Witness Hour publishes each month's messages in an attractive booklet. These printed sermons are a great blessing to many and are distributed all over the world, including to many prisoners in the U.S. If you or your Evangelism Commitee would like to receive these, let the RWHC know and they will add you to the mailing list (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).



Speaking of LOVE, have you studied the sovereign, saving love of GOD? Go here to read this important pamphlet.

  • Want to learn more about the doctrines and practices of the PRC? Or, are you in need of some pamphlets and/or articles published by the PRC for use in evangelism and/or witnessing? Or are you simply interested in growing in your faith and walk with the Lord? Visit the Resources pages of this website and the PRCA Evangelism page for a complete list of materials available in digital format or by order from the publishing church.

  • For sound, distinctively Reformed literature on a variety of subjects and for all ages - including church history and Bible study materials - visit the Reformed Free Publishing Association website or stop in at their Jenison (Michigan) location.

  • Be sure to check out the Reformed Book Outlet in downtown Hudsonville, MI and online! As a reminder, their hours of business are currently Tuesday 10-1, Wednesday 1-5, and Saturday 10-1, or send your order to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This Week's Thought for Contemplation:

We believe that, to attain the true knowledge of this great mystery, the Holy Ghost kindleth in our hearts an upright faith, which embraces Jesus Christ, with all His merits, appropriates Him, and seeks nothing more besides Him. For it must needs follow, either that all things, which are requisite to our salvation, are not in Jesus Christ, or if all things are in Him, that then those who possess Jesus Christ through faith, have complete salvation in Him. Therefore, for any to assert, that Christ is not sufficient, but that something more is required besides Him, would be too gross a blasphemy: for hence it would follow, that Christ was but half a Savior. Therefore we justly say with Paul, that we are justified by faith alone, or by faith without works. However, to speak more clearly, we do not mean, that faith itself justifies us, for it is only an instrument with which we embrace Christ our Righteousness. But Jesus Christ, imputing to us all His merits and so many holy works which He has done for us, and in our stead, is our Righteousness. And faith is an instrument that keeps us in communion with Him in all His benefits, which, when become ours, are more than sufficient to acquit us of our sins.

Article 22 of the Belgic Confession (1561), one of the PRC's "Three Forms of Unity"

Last modified on 15 February 2021

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