saving work of Jesus

  • Communion sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor, Rev. G. Eriks. The main points are: 1. The meaning 2. The way 3. The everlasting blessing

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  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by guest minister Prof. C. Griess (PRC Seminary). The main points are: 1. The curse 2. The redemption 3. The participation

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  • Communion sermon preached in Peace PRC by her pastor, Rev. R. Barnhill. The main points are: I. Redeemed: What? II. Redeemed: From What? III. Redeemed: Knowing This

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  • Sermon preached in Randolph PRC (WI) by her pastor, rev. E. Guichelaar, part of a series on Ephesians. The main points are: I. The Precious Redemption II. The Fundamental Blessing III. The Only Explanation

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  • Advent sermon preached in Loveland PRC by her pastor, Rev. S. Key. The message has these parts: 1. An Apparent Reception 2. A Bitter Disappointment 3. A Definite Rejection
  • Lenten sermon preached in Crete PRC by guest minister, Rev. M. DeVries. The main points are: I. The Shameful Nomination II. The Trying Question III. The Self-Condemning Answer

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  • Lenten sermon preached in First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI by guest preacher, Rev. M.DeVries (Kalamazoo PRC).
  • Lenten sermon preached in Pittsburgh PRC by her pastor, Rev. W. Bruinsma. The main points are: I. No Form or Beauty II. Despised and Rejected III. Jehovah's Arm Revealed

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  • Sermon preached in First PRC by her pastor, Rev. C. Griess, part of a series on the five points of Calvinism. The main points are: 1. Effective Atonement 2. Particular Blessing 3. Wonderful Effects

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  • Easter sermon preached in the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship by missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma. The message has these parts: I. Perplexed Believers II. Amazing Message III. Joyful Remembrance
  • Lenten sermon preached in Georgetown PRC (Hudsonville, MI) by her pastor, Rev. C. Haak. The main points are: I. Awful Reproach II. Two-fold Reason III. Savior's Response

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  • Lenten sermon preached in Loveland PRC by her pastor, Rev. S. Key, part of a series on Psalm 69. The message has these parts: 1. The Meaning 2. The Form 3. The Reason

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  • Sermon delivered online to Hudsonville PRC (MI) by her pastor, Rev. G. Eriks, during COVID-19 restrictions. It is an exposition of the 4th commandment as set forth by Q&A 103 (LD 38) of the Heidelberg Catechism. The main points are: 1. The idea 2. The practice 3. The hope

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  • Preached in Calvary PRC by guest minister, Rev.J. Laning (Hull PRC). The sermon has these parts: I. The Rest II. The Yoke III. The Calling
  • Sermon preached in Doon PRC by her pastor, Rev. J. Engelsma. The main points are: I. The Weary II The Rest III. The Call

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  • Sermon preached in Cornerstone PRC by her pastor, Rev. A. Spriensma. The main points are: 1. Jesus' Three-Fold Interrogation 2. Peter's Three-Fold Confession 3. Jesus' Three Fold Charge

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  • Easter sermon preached in the Pittsburgh PR Fellowship by missionary-pastor W.Bruinsma. The message has these parts: I. Partakers of Righteousness II. Partakers of a New Life III. Partakers of the Resurrection
  • Sermon preached in Unity PRC by her pastor, Rev. G. Eriks. The main points are: Righteous Before God Confessing Our Sins I. The Declaration II. The Imputation III. The Instrument IV. The Blessing

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  • Sermon preached in Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN) by her pastor, Rev. A. Spriensma, for Reformation Sunday. The main points are: 1. The Righteousness of God 2. Received By Faith 3. Revealed By the Gospel

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  • Sermon preached in Pittsburgh PRC by her pastor, Rev. W. Bruinsma. The sermon is based on Romans 5:1 and the Heidelberg Catechism, LD 23, Q&As 59-61 It has these main parts: I. A Perfect Righteousness II. An Acceptable Ground III. An Abiding Peace

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