total depravity

  • Preached in Calvary PRC, Hull IA, by her pastor, on the occasion of Christian baptism. The message has these parts: I. Do the Lord's Work II. Provoke Them Not III. Bring Them Up
  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor, Rev.G. Eriks, part of a series on the book of Romans. The message has these parts: 1. The character 2. The conduct 3. The conclussion
  • Preached in First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI, by guest preacher, Prof.D.Engelsma, as a Heidelberg Catechism sermon, based on Lord's Day 3, Q&As 6-8. The message has these parts: 1) The Cause of our Depravity 2) The Grievousness of our Depravity 3) The Extent of our Depravity
  • Good Friday sermon preached in First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI by Prof.Ronald Cammenga.
  • Sermon preached in Peace PRC by her pastor, Rev. R. Barnhill, on the occasion of the celebration of the Lord's Supper. This is part of a series on the 5 points of Calvinism, or the doctrines of grace.

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  • Sermon preached in Covenant of Grace PRC by guest minister (emeritus), Rev. R. Hanko.

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  • Sermon preached in Covenant of Grace PRC in Spokane, WA by her pastor, Rev.R. Kleyn. The occasion was a public profession of faith in this congregation.
  • Sermon preached in Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN) by her pastor, Rev. A. Spriensma. The main points are: 1. The Truth of Human Depravity 2. The Source of Our Depravity 3. The Extent of Our Depravity 4. Implications of This Teaching

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  • Sermon preached in Hope PRC (Redlands, CA) by her pastor, Rev. B. Huizinga, part of a series on the NT book of Romans. The main points are: I. The Meaning II. The Reason III. The Result

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  • Message delivered on the Reformed Witness Hour by radio pastor Rev. C. Griess (First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI), part of a series on the five points of Calvinism.

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  • Preached in Southwest PRC, Wyoming, MI, by guest preacher, H.Hanko, emeritus professor in the PRC Seminary.
  • Sermon preached in Doon PRC by her pastor, Rev. J. Engelsma, part of a series on the doctrines of grace - Praise to the Sovereign God of Salvation.

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  • Heidelberg Catechism sermon preached in Loveland PRC by her pastor, Rev.S.Key. This message covers Q&A 8 of Lord's Day 3 of the catechism.
  • Preached in Hope PRC, Redlands CA, by her pastor on the occasion of Christian (infant) baptism. The message has these parts: I. The Birth II. The Source III. The Life
  • Sermon preached in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI) by her pastor, Rev. C. Griess, part of a series on the five points of Calvinism in connection with the 400th anniversary of the Canons of Dordt. The main points are: 1. The Meaning 2. The Denial 3. The Glory to God

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  • Sermon preached in Trinity PRC (Hudsonville, MI) by Rev. W. Langerak.

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  • Sermon preached in Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) by her pastor, Rev.R. Kleyn.
  • Sermon preached in Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) by her pastor, Rev. C. Spronk, part of a new series on the doctrines of grace. The main points are: 1. The Fact 2. The Explanation 3. The Calling

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  • Sermon preached in Hudsonville PRC by her pastor, Rev. G. Eriks. The message is divided this way: 1. The reprobate mind 2. The just judgment 3. The disgusting delight
  • Preached in First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI, by guest preacher, Prof.D.Engelsma.

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